
Caught slacking off, then taught CEO to slack off

During his college internship, Qin Xun joined a newly established marketing company and became a prestigious assistant planner. On the first day, he was introduced to the slacking-off system, where he could accumulate slacking-off points and receive rewards just by slacking off at work. Just as he enjoyed the reputation of an outstanding employee and hid in a secluded corner of the company, slacking off with gusto, a new, aloof female colleague was assigned to work with him. "Qin Xun, this is the new colleague. Please help her familiarize herself with the company environment and teach her the rules," said the HR manager. The beautiful colleague appeared noble, cold, and unapproachable. Qin Xun felt as though he was being watched, and his slacking-off master plan suffered a heavy blow.

MaxwellReed · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 01: Don't dress like this for work in the future, you look like the female CEO

A seaside city.

Inside an office building,

In an office of a company called "Oak Tree Marketing," thirty to forty people sit quietly at their desks, typing away on their keyboards, each with a serious and solemn expression, as if dealing with some international crisis.

At the last row of the office, there is only one person.

Qin Xun sits alone in the corner, like a lone wolf.

He sits upright at his computer desk, head down, looking serious, his fingers swiftly typing away.

His gaze is sharp like a hawk's.

From the Bluetooth earphone discreetly tucked into his right ear, comes a melodious voice,

"Double kill!"

"Triple kill for the win!"

"Quadruple kill, extraordinary!"

Qin Chuan smirked, seizing the opportunity for a pentakill!


He skillfully thumped his phone onto the desk, covering the game screen, and placed his hands on the keyboard, rapidly tapping away.

He entered the theme into the PPT on the computer screen.

[The Company is Our Home, Maintenance Relies on Everyone]

At this moment,

A middle-aged woman's voice sounded, somewhat cheerful,

"Xiao Qin, put your work aside for now. We have a... um... new colleague today. Could you familiarize her with the company environment?" Qin Chuan pretended to startle, quickly turning around to see the company's HR manager, Cheng Wan, walking down the hallway with a beautiful woman. 

Seeing Cheng Wan, a genuine smile appeared on his face as he stood up and greeted,

"Sister Cheng!"

But in his heart, ten thousand grass mud horses were galloping.

My pentakill!

Normally from 9 to 10 in the morning, not even a mosquito would pass by here! Cheng Wan pulled out the chair on Qin Xun's left and said to the beautiful woman, "Hmm... Xia Ning."

"Xia Ning, you'll sit here today."

After saying that, she turned to Qin Xun and instructed, "Xiao Qin, these days, you need to familiarize Xia Ning with the company environment, especially some of the company's rules. You should talk to her about it."

The word "rules" was emphasized in her tone.

Qin Chuan's smile froze on his face!

He felt a bit embarrassed and made excuses, saying, "Sister Cheng, I've been a bit busy lately..."

Clearly, just now Cheng Wan almost forgot to call out the name of this beautiful woman. She must be some new recruit, a small fry. I'm here to accomplish big things, how can I waste my energy on this small fry?

Good-looking as she may be, that's not enough!

Cheng Wan's smile grew even brighter, looking increasingly satisfied with Qin Xun.

Busy, be busy!

Busy, be busy!

If it weren't for your obedient and diligent nature, your handsome appearance, sweet talk, and strong abilities, and your focus on career rather than romantic relationships, would I have put the Lady CEO next to you? Let her see the company's positive spirit from the perspective of an ordinary employee? Cheng Wan turned and left without giving Qin Xun a chance to respond,

"Xiao Qin, take good care of her and teach her well!"

Watching Cheng Wan's relieved figure, Qin Chuan slowly turned his head, looking at the beautiful woman beside him, feeling immense pressure.

Xia Ning wore a serene smile and extended her right hand.

"Hello, I'm Xia Ning. Nice to meet you. Please take care of me in the future."

Qin Xun looked into her bright eyes, his smile forced,

"Heh heh."

I'm not very happy!

The HR manager planted someone with eyes as big as light bulbs next to me. How can I happily slack off in the future?


Having lived two lives, do I have to die from overwork in this one too?

Indeed, Qin Xun was a time traveler,

In his previous life, he was a corporate slave who embraced the 996 work culture in a big company, ultimately gloriously dying on the job.

Just when he regretted his death and unspent money.

With a blink of the eye, then another blink.


This world was similar to the previous one, but the country he was now in was called Dragon Nation.

To his delight, on Qin Chuan's first day at this company after his internship, he activated the "Happy Slacking System."

As long as he slacked off during work, he could earn points.

And these points could be used for lottery participation and product redemption.

Looking at the words "Happy" and "Slacking," Qin Xun was almost moved to tears.

Having suffered in the past life, this life was going to be all about happiness!

Leisurely slacking off, a joyful life.

With the system, he could directly reach the pinnacle of life, skipping eighty years of struggle. It was even better than clinging to a rich wife.

And the system was very generous, directly sending him a newbie gift pack, including an overclocking mode.

In overclocking mode, Qin Xun's potential was greatly tapped into. He became quick-witted, nimble, and sharp-eyed. Under overclocking mode, he had already climbed up the ranks and made a name for himself in the national server.

After half a month at the company, Qin Xun realized he had hit the jackpot.

Not only had he not seen the boss even once, but the company hadn't even received a single legitimate business deal. And as the company's planning assistant, they hadn't even hired a single planner yet.

Who was he assisting then?

He could only happily carry out the small miscellaneous tasks assigned by the HR department every day, engaging in an intellectual battle with the air, all while maintaining a serious and solemn demeanor.

Slacking off became a breeze!



Looking at the big boy in front of her who seemed lost in thought, Xia Ning felt somewhat helpless.

A while ago, she founded a marketing company called "Oak Tree," and the process was anything but smooth.

The most frustrating part was that she had gone on a beautiful country jungle adventure, only to have an accident and get delayed.

As a result... the company had been in operation for half a month, and she, as the CEO, hadn't shown up yet.

In this half-month, the company was only losing money!

Not a single business deal had been closed!

Xia Ning immediately concluded that most people in the company were slacking off.

She hurried back to the country last night and immediately instructed the HR manager, Cheng Wan, to keep her identity secret for now. She wanted to join the company as an ordinary employee.

She would observe silently for a few days.

She intended to fire a few of the top slackers as a warning to others!

But seeing Cheng Wan's hasty departure after assigning her to Qin Xun just now, Xia Ning immediately sensed that Cheng Wan had ulterior motives.

She knew that this employee named Qin Xun must be an outstanding one. Cheng Wan wanted to make it clear that she, as the HR and administrative manager, was actively working and setting standards for the employees.

That's why Cheng Wan had warned Qin Xun with that sentence. "Especially about some of the company's rules, you'd better explain them to her."

Suddenly: "Hello!" A slightly louder greeting pulled Qin Xun back from his reverie. He looked at the delicate features before him, with distinct lines on the cheeks, exuding the sophisticated aura of an international supermodel, giving off an air of aloofness that could nonetheless ignite the conqueror instinct in men.

Xia Ning smiled gracefully, yet exuded an aura of noble aloofness.

She extended her hand again.

"Hello, I'm Xia Ning."

Qin Xun shook her hand gently, feeling its smooth and soft texture, momentarily lost in thought.

"Soft as if it were jade" wasn't just an exaggeration for some people; it was a factual description.

He released her hand.

"I'm Qin Xun, the assistant marketing planner at the company."

With that, he said no more and sat down, continuing to type on the keyboard and work on the PPT.

Yes, he was the assistant marketing planner,

and fortunately, this company didn't have a marketing planner.

It's said that the planner hired by the headhunting company was electrocuted while fishing near a high-voltage line the day before joining.

Noticing his lack of enthusiasm, Xia Ning stopped talking and sat down next to Qin Xun's workstation, opening her laptop.


Qin Xun turned his head and glanced at Xia Ning, who was wearing a black professional dress, and said,

"Xia Ning, you shouldn't dress like this at work, you look like the female CEO."

"You know, a tall tree catches the wind!"

Xia Ning was taken aback for a moment, then burst into laughter.

Her smile was as bright as flowers.