
Cats Of The Beyond

Cats on a wild adventure.

JayDeeR · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

The cat felt bad for the man. After all, the only reason the man had done those things was that the man was too poor and needed money to survive. It was the only option for him. The cat had felt a connection as it was too once alone and needed help. 

    The cat limped forward, toward the dog. The cat got over the pain and started running, the cat had released its claws and slashed at the dog's throat. The dog had started dripping blood and ran away from the house in pain.

The cat wandered toward the man and started licking the man's wounds and had gnawed at the ropes freeing them. As soon as the man was free, the man shed a few tears as it petted the friendly cat. The cat curled up and sat in the lap of the man. The cat felt warm and wasn't alone for once and soon after fell asleep.

    The next morning the cat had woken up, still in the man's lap. The cat had sat up and stretched. The cat had licked the man's hand that was near the cat to wake him up.

The cat found the man's hand to be cold, and the man didn't wake up. The cat looked up at the face of the man, unaware that the man sitting there was lifeless. The man had looked happy to have finally found a friend and wore a smile upon his pale, white face. The cat sat at the cold fireplace, as it had gone out last night when they were sleeping. The cat stared into where the fire would be. Waiting for the man to wake up or for his family to return. 

    After a while, the cat felt hungry and tried to stand up. However, the cat's injury was too swollen and the cat was unable to stand up. The cat stopped trying to stand up. The cat had listened for any sign of his family, for the breath of the man, anything. The cat heard nothing, it was dead silent. There were no crickets, no creaking of the wood, nothing. The cat felt at peace and decided to take another nap. The cat closed its eyes, fell asleep. 

    A day later, the cat lay there, still yet happy in its last moments. The family never returned, nor could they. They had unluckily died in a car crash. The neighborhood was quiet once more.

-The End... or is it?