
Cathulhu Online, MUNYA!

Video Games
Ongoing · 2M Views
  • 464 Chs
  • 4.7
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  • NO.200+

What is Cathulhu Online, MUNYA!

Read ‘Cathulhu Online, MUNYA!’ Online for Free, written by the author DamnPlotArmor, This book is a Video Games Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, ADVENTURE Light Novel, R18 Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: [WPC#270 - Silver Place Winner] In the age of superheroes, Miao Xiaomao was one of the mediocre commoners, who had no su...


[WPC#270 - Silver Place Winner] In the age of superheroes, Miao Xiaomao was one of the mediocre commoners, who had no superpower. Xiaomao and his senior cat died in an accident. But when he came back to his sense again, Miao Xiaomao found himself regressing to the past. Using his knowledge from the future, Xiaomao invested in the VRMMO game early to prepare for the new age - The Age of Superhuman and Cultivators. He would soon find himself integrating with his in-game character to awaken his superpower and become one of the superhumans. What about his character's choice? A cat dad like him couldn't possibly play a normal game character! "I'M A SUPERHERO, MUNYA!" ...... Q&A because synopsis is too mainstream. Question: What should you know before you read? Answer: This novel shares the same universe as my previous work [Villain Cultivator]. You may find people, names, places, and backstory of things from the other story, and some readers may comment on the things you don't know. Question: Should I be concerned about this? Answer: No. Even if you don't know the background, you can still enjoy the novel as the story will eventually reveal everything to the readers. Question: What should I expect from this novel? Answer: I'll list it for you. - Human MC's story in the real world. - Fluffy, naughty, and obnoxious non-humanoid MC's story in the VRMMO game world. - Weak OP Protagonist to OMGWTFLMAO-OP Protagonist - Munya munya munya munya munya! - Cryptocurrency, NFT technologies, and crypto investment. - Game Character Integration - Superpower and Super Heroes in the real world. - Cultivators, spirit stones. - Memes, parodies, stereotypes, comedy - Plot Twists... MANY Plot Twists.

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I'm sorry ,,but I love you

Aku adalah seorng anak yang masih keturunan kerajaan namun ayahku tdk pernah mengiginkan itu Karna dia ingin kami menjalankan hidup sama seperti dengan orang yang lain pada umumnya.... dan selama ini yang menjadi anak yang disembunyikan adalah aku..... karna ayahku tidak ingin kejadian yang menimpah kakak cwekku berulang lagi padaku... dan aku tdk pernah berinterkasi dengan cowok kecuali ayahku dan kakaku reynal...dan sepupuku yang cowok.... kisahnya bermula.... PERTAMA kalinya aku diberikan ijin kuliah dimana saja yang ku mau.... karena selama ini aku sekolah mengikuti semua(termasuk sekolah)keinginan orang tuaku... .... dan akupun memilih sekolah yang sama dengan kakaku reynal... dikampus terbaik di kota X....dan ayahpun menyetujuinya.... namun tetap dalam pengawasannya... ketika sampai dikampus akupun terkejut dengan smua orang yang menatapku seperti orang yang tdk tdk memakai baju... dan aku menyadari itu karna dismpingku ada 6 *bodyguard(cewek) yang memakai baju serba hitam dari atas sampe bawah yang ada belakang ku... akupun merasa risih namun apa daya... aku hanya bisa mengikuti smua ini karna keinginan ayahku.... Ayah......"aku akan mengijinkan kamu kuliah di Sana dengan catatan akan ada bodyguard yang selalu ada disampingmu.... demi keamananmu...." akupun mengiyakan... dan ketika sampe di kampus aku dengan tdk sengaja bertabrakan dengan seorang gadis cantik..dia terjatuh. dan aku segera membantunya untuk berdiri .... "maaf aku tdk sengaja" dia menjawab" ohhh... aku juga minta maaf aku tdk melihat kedepan tadi" disaat yang bersamaan ketika kuingin berkenalan dengannya/ada seorang cowok ,tinggi, postur badannya seperti atlet,datang menghampiri kami.... " adik kecilku kenapa tdk hati-hati,kau tahukan kalo kamu sampe terluka ayah akan memarahiku " dia berkata dengan senyum... aku melihat senyumnya yang begitu menawan... dan dalam pikiranku berkata" ganteng sekali cowok ini" namun aku membuyarkan pikiranku dengan menjahui tanganku yang daritdi memegang tangan gadis ini... dan diapun berbalik menjawab cowok itu " Ka lee,,,, maaf tadi jesika tdk hati- hati tdk melihat kedepan... maafnya kk???" dan dia langsung memberikan tangannya lagi untuk berkenalan denganku "hai... namaku Jesika Alexandra dren... dan ini kakaku alexandro lee dren... dan namamu siapa" dia bertanya padaku dengan senyumnya yang menurutku kalo aku cowok aku mungkin langsung jatuh cinta padanya... dan ketika ingin menjawab bodyguard ku langsung berkata" maaf nona tidak boleh mengungkapkan identitas nona" dia membisikkan itu diteligaku dan akupun menjawabnya...." ayah tdk pernah melarangku untuk berinterkasi dengan siapapun... jadi tolong jangan melarangku" jawab bodyguard "tapi nona"??? dengan muka cemas " aku tahu batasanku sampai mana" jawabku dan diapun mundur selangkah dan ketika dia mundur akupun memperkenalkan diri " namaku Valeria Xaventa joiz" ketika kukenalkan namaku ,muka lee berubah seketika yang tadinya tersenyum berubah menjadi sinis ketika namaku ku sebut... dan aku merasa ada yang tdk beres ada akupun mengurungkan niatku untuk bersalaman dengannya... dan diapun berpaling dariku dan pergi meniggalkanku bersama Jesika tanpa tersenyum yang sebelumnya senyumnya itulah yang membuatku merasakan hadirnya cinta disaat itu... akupun terpaku dan mulailah pikirku berkata" apa yang terjadi?? mengapa dia pergi dengan senyum seperti itu???,,, dan ketika aku masih bepikir aku dikejutkan dan sebuah tangan yang menepuk kepalaku..." my little sister .... udah datangkah??? knapa ngak bilang ke Kk biar kk jemput tdi" dan itu adalah kakaku... Reynaldo Xaverius joiz,,, cowok yang kutahu dia adalah pemain basket dikampus ini... dan dia adalah kapten sekaligus cowok yang digandrungi banyak cewek *class high....karena kecakapannya,pintar, baik hati, tdk pernah melakukan kesalahan,, tapi menurutku dia adalah seorng cowok yang berhati lembut... untukku slama ini... setelah itu akupun menyadari bahawa inilah pertemuanku bersama lee... Yang perama kali...

Maria_Saka · General
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2 Chs

Die kühne Frau des Mr. Tycoon

"Bleib bei mir, und ich werde dir alles geben, was dein Herz begehrt. Für dich, mein Liebling, würde ich die Berge spalten, das Meer teilen und die Erde in Aufruhr versetzen, nur um dich zu haben." - - - - - In jeder Liebesgeschichte gibt es immer eine rachsüchtige und bösartige Verlobte, die mit dem reichen und gut aussehenden CEO verlobt war, der sich in die arme, aber sanfte und unschuldige Hauptdarstellerin verliebt hat. In seiner Gier nach ihrer Liebe brach er seine arme Verlobte, deren Liebe sie an den Rand des Wahnsinns trieb. Niemand kümmerte sich je um die Gefühle der Verlobten. Zhao Lifei wurde ihr ganzes Leben lang darauf vorbereitet, einen Mann zu heiraten, aber plötzlich wurde sein Herz von einer anderen erobert. Sie wurde geohrfeigt, zerstört und verleugnet, weil sie Zheng Tianyi liebte. Sie war bereit, ihre Jugend, ihre Zeit und ihr Herz für diesen Mann zu opfern, aber alles, was sie bekam, war Schmerz und Verzweiflung. Es dauerte zwei harte, aber erweckende Jahre, bis Zhao Lifei die Fehler, die sie in der Vergangenheit gemacht hatte, endlich verstand. Nach ihrer Erlösung war es nun an Zhao Lifei, eine Liebe zu erleben, die größer war als die der Hauptdarstellerin. Zhao Lifei war klüger, kämpferischer und geistreicher und wusste, wie man in der grausamen, verräterischen und rauen Gesellschaft der Oberschicht überleben konnte. "Ein betrügerischer Verlobter, der mir das Herz gebrochen hat? Scheiß auf ihn, ich finde einen reicheren!" "Alle meine Freunde haben mich verlassen? Egal, ich werde bessere finden!" "Meine Eltern haben mich verstoßen? Das ist in Ordnung, mein Großvater ist reicher und mächtiger als sie beide zusammen!" Das genaue Gegenteil des schnippischen Zhao Lifei war der unglaublich reiche und mächtige, aber unbarmherzig kalte Yang Feng. Yang Feng, der König des Wirtschaftsimperiums, war ein Mann, den man fürchten musste. Ein Herz aus Eis, Augen aus Stein, unbarmherzig, aber verführerisch gut aussehend, gab es keinen einzigen Menschen auf dieser Welt, der es wagte, ihn zu beleidigen. Viele haben es versucht, aber keiner hatte es geschafft, seine Aufmerksamkeit zu erlangen. Das heißt, bis sein Weg unerwartet mit Zhao Lifei zusammenstößt. Es wird zu Herausforderungen kommen, das Chaos wird beginnen, und es wird ein Drama geben. Aber was ist schon eine Liebesgeschichte ohne Unruhe? Man sagt, Liebe ohne Konflikte sei nur eine einfache Schwärmerei, und die Geschichte von Zhao Lifei und Yang Feng war alles andere als das. - - - - - Status des Romans: Abgeschlossen. Hinweis: Dies ist eine Originalgeschichte von mir (xincerely) und keine Übersetzung :) Dieses Buch ist ausschließlich auf webnovel.com zu finden. Bitte NICHT repost es irgendwo anders. Story-Diskord: https://discord.gg/N5zzn6t Instagram der Autorin: xincerely_author Redakteure und Korrekturleser: Yserieh, ketaki, deelah, SniperGirl, dumdum007, YunRei, Blissful, ninaviews, Ocelot, Hoodwinhemmford, PantojaC0311, _pia29, dumdum007, filledelisle, myco, rosie, and littlebakergirl

Xincerely · Urban
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428 Chs
Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 1 :Cat Dad's Adventure, Munya!
Volume 3 :The Age of Cathulhu, MUNYA!
Volume 4 :Villain Cathulhu, MUNYA!


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Your weird author here. Please note - The main story of Xiaomao ends at chapter 446. Afterward, it's a side story of Mao Miaomiao, aka the main protagonist of Villain Cultivator Novel. The point of view will focus on Mao Miaomiao in Volume 4, and his personality can be quite... vulgar.


munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya


No words needed it’s plotarmor MUNYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA seriously it’s a good novel already a league above the rest when you take into consideration that most novels here have horrible grammar and Mtl’s somehow are being pushed. The world building so far is good butis being built slowly for the new readers as most people who read villain cultivator already have a general idea of how the world is which btw is great definitely give it a read. A bit slow at the start and more information being dropped but entertaining nonetheless anyways this isn’t a professional thought out review but still give it a read. I expect great things of you MUNYAAAAAAA


This will be fantastic, munya. On a serious note I am extremely excited for this novel, munya. I expect great thing DPA, great things, munya.


1. I got a dig bick 2. You that read wrong 3. You read that wrong too 4. You checked 5. You smiled 7. You are wandering why you are still reading this 8. You saw that mistake, right? (On 7) 10. But did you see that I skipped 6? 10. You checked 11. And saw you that I doubled 10 and skipped 9 12. I said "saw you" not you saw 13. I also skipped 2 14. You got tricked 15. I'm just wasting your time, but if you were entertained, leave a like and happy reading!


Munya is the true munya-nist aka protagonist of a munya cultivator aka villain cultivator munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya


what the heck? why has nobody made a review yet? ok so let me be the one,here my two words of wisdom: I've rated this novel based on author's other novel,will update in the future. This novel is set in the same universe as "villain cultivator"(one of the best novels on this site), its based on a cat diety (according to the author). now as the intro said the vrmmo isn't a game its an actual universe and players just transferred there(yes, the players can revive unlive the "NPCs"). Though the quest system and NPC favourablity works in a very different way,after they are NPC just in name. One more thing, even though it most probably won't affect this novelif you don't read it, i would recommend you to check out villain cultivator. adios


I WANT MORE!!! MUNYAAA!! Never would I have thought, a mix of a Cat and Cthulhu would be this OP, it's Awesome! Good work Author! I support you from the shadows! [img=recommend]


my favourite author's new book munya? let's give it a read munya, I know munya, it will be awesome munya. munya munya munya munya munyamunya munya munya munya munya


catopus is funny munyamunyamunyamunyamunyamunyamunyamunyamunyamunyamunyamunyamunyamunyamunyamunyamunyamunyamunyamunyamunyamunyamunya


It's so addicting huehuehuehuheuhuehuehueheueheuehuehrurhrurhrurhrhrurhrrA .MUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya


OMG the cover is so cute! From Miao miaomiao to Miao Xiaomao, I think I'm seeing a good pattern here <3 Munya! . . . . 140140140140140140140140


HumanMC, nonhumanoidMC This novel contains both thanks to MMORPG It is also munja cute, bringing in a munja deal of comedy. I believe this Novel has munja potential, munja. As of now I realy, munja, love it. Keep it up author!


was interesting but too bad its a fake op mc and possibly a harem as well


Based off of DPA's previous work, I am looking forward to reading the story of the Cat God from his other novel Villain Cultivator and how that will relate to the main character from VC. Also, Munya.


I need to give this novel my golde tick but can’t do you know how to do it anyway munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya munya


This is a great novel. It has an awesome protagonist and and good side characters. Also, can anyone tell me if it's worth reading Villain cultivator? I'm aware that the the writing quality in the beginning is bad, but do I have to brace through it? Also, can anyone tell me the Fandom or wiki for Villain cultivator I can't seem to find it.


I love this book! So unique! so fun! so cute! I love how the MC isnt going over any girls! No Romance!!!! I love this book so much!!!! My only problem is the updating speed is slow, like 2 updates per week? I mean if the speed of the release of the chapters will affect the quality of the book then it's all good. Thank you for this cute novel!


this is the best novel i have ever read munya.Also the main character is actualy big brain in this one munya.He is also the cuttest thing ever munya.


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