
Catherine's Pleasure

Catherine, rejected by her own parents, betrayed by her own sister. Catherine was never considered family and all she wanted was to be accepted. She was always treated as a house help and as laughing stuck in school. But after the betrayal of her sister that very moment changed her. From a pushover nerd to a rebel who didn't care what the world taught of her. Her only goal in life now is just to relive the moment she spent making other people happy but this time make herself happy. The drama from her past really opened her eyes now she does whatever she wants not caring about people's feelings, emotions or thoughts but what satisfies her pleasure.

Megan_Nobis · Teen
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23 Chs


"Be here by 3pm" I told Mr Lucas before leaving car.

He just gave me a straight look then nodded.

I got out of the car, today I don't why but I was quite early to school, maybe because I slept well or maybe.....

"Hey Katty, wait up" Matilda called out.

I stopped walking and waited for her to come meet me.

"You're here early so how are you, hope you're doing well, I mean your parents must be really proud of you since you came 1st" she said putting on a smile but I could tell it was fake.

"My parents, like they care, forget about that how was it".

"How was what" she sounded utterly confused.

"Don't act like you don't know, your result with your parents".

She bowed her head before giving me a response. "Well it was the usual, my parents shouted at me once again and compared me to my brother and also gave a punishment".

"What was the punishment" I asked then started walking again.

"It's the usual, just forget about it" she said but her expression says it all, it wasn't the usual.

"And your brother, what about him he didn't stand up for you".

"Him like he cares, he's just so arrogance he like my parents, he doesn't care about me only himself. Ahhh.... I just wish that he could be more caring and stand up for me like those attached big brothers, that's honestly my only wish" tears rolled from her eyes as she said that.

"Whoa! calm down, his a jerk for not doing those things".

"Like he could show a little concern for me but no it's too much to ask" Matilda said angrily.

"Well just leave him don't expect anything from him" I said then suddenly I started choking.

"Are you okay" Matilda said with concern.

"Yeah, yeah, let me just get myself a little bit" then the student council president walked passed us no wonder I was choking.

Before I knew it we reached the entrance class as walked in I saw the person I wanted to see, Jackson.

He was on his seat busy on his phone so I went directly to him.

"Our bet" I said dropping my phone on his table.

"Oh, sure your account number then" he responded.

"Okay, it's 55..." I gave him the number.

After some time ...

"There you go I've sent it" he said as he did some things on his phone.

"Hope you're not angry cause I beat you".

"I'm not, you know what I would like to make a request" he said as he dropped his phone.

"Yeah what is it".

"I would like for you to continue with it" he said.

"You're not serious at all, like so I should stress myself for your satisfaction then you must be joking" I said as I went to my seat.

"Why can't you do it" he asked.

"Because I have a friend that if I continue with this she'll be facing problems at home" I turned my head over to Matilda.

"You know it's okay, I would even like for you to be someone I could compete with" she said soft voice.

"Well, I will think about it".

Some time later.....

"That will be all for today" Mrs Kendrix said.

Finally school was over, thank God, time to go home. It was already 3:02, my driver must be here.

Ring ring...

My phone started ringing I picked up the call...

"Hello, ma'am I'm here already".

"Okay Mr Lucas, I'm coming" I hanged up

"Oh..... Catherine and Jackson, I was in principal office before I came here, she wants to see you guys in her office immediately after school which is now" Mrs Kendrix said as she left the class.

Oh my God when I thought I would be leaving here, something just stops me from leaving. And now I have to call Mr Lucas to tell him to wait a little bit.

"Hello, Mr Lucas please wait a little bit I might be late".

"Okay ma'am".

I off my phone then put it in my bag, God knows what I did this time.

"Ooh first the student council office now the principal office and Jackson too" Axel said as he chuckled.

"Ha ha ha, very funny" I said sarcastically.

"Why do you think she's calling the both of you to her office" Matilda said.

"I don't know, do I look like her assistant that would know" I responded.

"Well let's go then" Jackson said.

I stood up took my bag and left for her office, I and Jackson got there and stood outside the door and I was about to knock but the door slides open and the demon incarnate himself stood with Brianna there and stared at me for while before the both of them left, I mean he didn't even greet me, dumb ass.

"Catherine, Jackson, please come in" the principal said

"Yes ma'am, we were called here" Jackson said.

"Both of you have a seat please" she offered. 

"Well you must be assuming why I called the both of you here" she said.

"Yes ma'am" Jackson replied while I sat there saying nothing.

"Yes, the T.I.Q.C.O.B.M is coming up" she said.

"What!" I exclaimed loudly not knowing what it was.

"Hmm... The International Quiz Competition Of Brilliant Minds, It's a competition which includes school with brilliant students to compete against one another and giving them the chance to call themselves T.I.Q.C.O.B.M Champions, this competition includes two students from each school to partake in the competition" she explained.

"So are we going to be taking part" I asked.

"That is if you pass the principal exam" she said.

"What's the principal exam" I asked curiously.

"The principal exam is like a test preparing you for the real exam for the T.I.Q.C.O.B.M. The exam will consist of subjects that will be involved in the actual quiz which are History, English, Math, Science. The first and second positions of each class will partake in the principal exam and the two students with the highest scores will be the ones representing us in the quiz. Do you guys understand".

"Sorry when is this principal exam" Jackson asked.

"In two days from today, so I called the both of you here for you to go prepare well for the principal exam" she replied.

"Just two students, right what if I don't want to partake" I deliberately asked.

"It's a must, there is no turning back" she replied.

"Sure ma'am".

"Make sure you both prepare well, okay you may both leave now" she said.

I immediately left the principal office and was heading out but....

"Katty, wait up" Jackson called out.

"Yeah, what is it" I asked.

"The principal exam, are you taking it seriously" he asked.

"Depends but I think NO because passing one exam got me into this mess why would I want to pass another" I replied.

"Oh bummer I honestly thought that you would take it seriously, and I wanted to see your potential" he said.

"Well too bad so sad I guess" I said as I was about to leave.

"Wait, what if I pay you to try and pass me, 3 million this time" he said.

"What if I pass the principal exam and get chosen for the quiz" I asked him.

"That wouldn't happen, besides there is Jordan, Brianna, Mia, Asher and so many others, there's no way you'll pass those ones, to be honest this exam is between them" he replied.

"Are you still underestimating me, cause you sound like I wouldn't be able to pass those ones".

"They are really intelligent like hyper intelligent" he replied.

"So you're doubting yourself too".

"No, it's just a fact, but I'm sure that with time I'll pass them but as for now I know my limits, so are you up for the bet".

"Sure, but make sure you don't chosen for the quiz so that I don't follow you".

He just chuckled and turned his back and left.