
Catherine's Pleasure

Catherine, rejected by her own parents, betrayed by her own sister. Catherine was never considered family and all she wanted was to be accepted. She was always treated as a house help and as laughing stuck in school. But after the betrayal of her sister that very moment changed her. From a pushover nerd to a rebel who didn't care what the world taught of her. Her only goal in life now is just to relive the moment she spent making other people happy but this time make herself happy. The drama from her past really opened her eyes now she does whatever she wants not caring about people's feelings, emotions or thoughts but what satisfies her pleasure.

Megan_Nobis · Teen
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23 Chs


Immediately I heard my name I burst into laughter and everyone started looking at me weirdly.

"Ha ha ha ha ha..... you're joking right, it's all a joke right".

"No Catherine it's not a joke you actually qualified with Jordan" Mr Bryan replied.

I was so shocked at the news and it was getting to my head that I began talking to myself.

Mr Bryan moved front and started to share the exam scripts to everyone.

"No Catherine this can't be happening, you can't qualify with that demon, breathe in.... breathe out".

Jackson stood up and knelt infront of my seat."Catherine are you okay".

"Am I okay, what type of stupid question is that, I passed the principal exam and get to go on a quiz competition that I didn't want to go to and on top of that it's with demon there that calls himself Jordan" my voice filled the entire class that the whole class turned and looked at me even Mr Bryan.

Jordan also turned around and gave me a sharp glare.

"Whoa, Catherine there isn't any need to use abusive words" he came close and drop my exam script on my table.

Apparently I got a ninety seven and for some reason I was wondering what that demon over there got.

"Well teens, that will be all for today and em.. the T.I.Q.C.O.M.B. is in one week from today so Catherine and Jordan prepare well" Mr Bryan said then exited the class.

Out of frustration I took my bag and began to walk out of the class that is until someone pulled my arm.

"Hello" A girl with luscious brown hair and very cute eyes said in a small tone wavering her fingers are me.

It was no other than Brianna, the vice student council president.

"Well, hello there" I suddenly pulled out a fake smile, I'm sure she could tell it was fake smile"

"We've probably not met before but I'm Br...."

"Brianna, I know who you are" My smile slowly faded as I cut her off.

"Em..... well then I was just going to say that you honestly surprised me in this exam no one expected you to be the one going, but anyway what was your score".

"It was a ninety seven, I think" I replied.

"Oh, mine was a ninety five, I guess I have to watch out for you".

"Em... I don't think that would be necessary, we aren't even in the same line of class".

"That doesn't matter the school does a lot of inter class competition, I guess you'd be my competition" she let out a slight chuckle.

For some reason I think she hates me that's why she considered me to be her competition, but was it for academics or for Jordan.

An evil smirk suddenly on my face then slowly faded "You're right l guess I'll be your competition in both categories".

She put on a weird look at first but I know she knew what I meant.

"Well then, I guess I'll be taking my leave now" I put on the fakest smile imaginable.

I exited the room and went through the hallways and right there was the stairs which Jordan peacefully laid his hands on.

Before going down the stairs, I took a deep breath and prayed not to have any conversation with him.

I took my first step on the stairs hoping he'll say but to my surprise he didn't say anything. I took the second step and he still didn't say anything.

For some reason I wanted him to say something so I took up that responsibility and broke the awkward silence.

"Hey dude what did you even score" I asked hastily in.

He eye balls moved from one direction to another until they were now fixed on me.

"Ninety nine, that's what I got" he then averted his gaze from me.

Oh please, just a two marks difference and I intentionally didn't answer all the questions. I thought he was going to ask me what was my score but he stood there in silence.

"Ok then, I'll be taking my leave" expecting him to draw me back but to my luck, no avail.

I went down the stairs and then someone called out me, it was Mattie.

"Catherine wai..." she was instantly drawn back by the student council president, which was a surprise, first the glare and now this.

"Catherine, don't worry I'll speak to you another time".

Is she also scared of the president or is there something going on between the both of them but I thought she liked Jackson, wait could they be siblings, it could be possible because I think Jordan fits the description of her brother but they look nothing alike.

I'm getting a head ache thinking about all this, maybe I'll ask her personally.