
Catherine's Pleasure

Catherine, rejected by her own parents, betrayed by her own sister. Catherine was never considered family and all she wanted was to be accepted. She was always treated as a house help and as laughing stuck in school. But after the betrayal of her sister that very moment changed her. From a pushover nerd to a rebel who didn't care what the world taught of her. Her only goal in life now is just to relive the moment she spent making other people happy but this time make herself happy. The drama from her past really opened her eyes now she does whatever she wants not caring about people's feelings, emotions or thoughts but what satisfies her pleasure.

Megan_Nobis · Teen
Not enough ratings
23 Chs


"Girl where are you" Jasmine asked over the phone.

"On my way to school" I replied.

"Hmm.... and I thought we gonna have some fun today" she replied.

"Aren't you going to school" I asked her while brushing my hair in the back seat of the car.

"No, I don't feel like" she replied.


"Well let's gist tho, em... wassup with you and that bartender" she asked while giggling.

"Who, oh you mean James, em... date and dumb situation, I mean when I eventually get tired of his lips I dump him.

"So evil ain't you" she replied.

"Not really, he's not my type of guy and eventually I was going to trash him just wanted to play him small. Like for me when I get a new toy to play with I just trash the old ones same thing happeninghere, when I find a new guy I trash this one".

"Wow, so cruel of you how can you do that to people" she acted as if she doesn't toy with boys.

"What about Blaze, isn't he a date and dump situation for you" I responded while packing my hair into a bun.

"No he's not, I actually him very much" she shouted over the phone.

"Well, good luck with him, I guess but be careful with him tho" I warned her because for some reason I just didn't like that Blaze of a guy.

"I will and there's no need for it, he's super sweet and nice, oh how I wish you get a nice boyfriend" she started daydreaming.

"Well snap out of it, I am ready to enjoy life not to be tied up to some dumb relationships".

"But they are magical and nice to be in" she tried to change my mind but it wasn't working.

"Jasmine, I rather be happy and single than to let one relationship ruin my entire life".

"Don't you want to have s*x with the guy of your dreams" I fell silent after she asked that question.

" Hmm.... that's if I feel like and I can do that with any guy".

"Okay sweetheart it's your life and I won't tell you how to live it, bye" she as she hanged up the called.

"Ma'am, we've arrived at Saebom high" my driver said as he stopped the car.

"Thank you Mr. Lucas".

"You don't have to thank me ma'am it's my job".

I walked to my class feels really tired and so hungry. I didn't eat anything this morning and because I forgot to set the alarm clock. So I had to rush everything.

I sat on my chair dropping my bag down and layed my head on the table feeling so hungry and I didn't pack lunch so I have to wait till lunch time.

"Are you okay" Matilda asked.

"Oh so you're finally talking to me, aren't you still angry at me cause I stole your crush" I responded with my head on the table.

"I realized that it was stupid of me to be angry with you for such a silly thing" she replied.

"And also get this into your head, I don't like Jackson, he's not my type" me trying to make her understand.

I stared at the clock it's was almost lunch time, I wasn't even paying attention to lectures, I was already done that stupid cleaning duty so I don't have to stress my self after school.

"Student please have your seat" Mr Mark said as he entered the class.

Everyone quietly had their seats and I slowly raised my head from the table.

"Here I'm with exactly 25 report cards containing your results on how well you performed in the exam" Mr Mark announced.