
Catherine's Pleasure

Catherine, rejected by her own parents, betrayed by her own sister. Catherine was never considered family and all she wanted was to be accepted. She was always treated as a house help and as laughing stuck in school. But after the betrayal of her sister that very moment changed her. From a pushover nerd to a rebel who didn't care what the world taught of her. Her only goal in life now is just to relive the moment she spent making other people happy but this time make herself happy. The drama from her past really opened her eyes now she does whatever she wants not caring about people's feelings, emotions or thoughts but what satisfies her pleasure.

Megan_Nobis · Teen
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23 Chs


As I entered the Copious Cla... I mean my class, I was about to take my seat until I heard someone call my name really loudly and just before I knew it someone pounced on me.

"Katttttty" a familiar voice said.

Now I knew who's voice it was, the most joyful person in the entire class, Mattie.

"Hey, why did u jump on me" I asked angrily.

"I'm sorry, I was just so excited to see the most prettiest girl in the school" she said humbly

"Whatever, now can I have my seat peacefully"

I also humbly asked.

"Sure" she giggled.

As I sat down I took out my phone to go on social media until I saw a nerd staring at me only when I looked at him, he turned front.

As was going through social media I couldn't help to feel that I was being watched.

Some hours later....

Class was finally over but I felt I was watched through out.

So out of discomfort I shouted (because he was at the front of the class) "Hey dude stop looking at me like that, it's weird".

That definitely caught the whole class attention.

"Wasn't that a little bit rude" Mattie questioned me.

"What do you mean" l asked confused.

"I mean it was obvious that he liked you and you shut him down" she stated.

"How was I supposed to know" I argued.

"Of course you don't, emotionless heartless freak" she yelled.

"Emotionless heartless freak, wow you know a nerd guy I am very sorry that I broke your heart okay" I yelled ssarcastically at the top of my lungs.

Then immediately I took my bag and left the class.

"Wait Katty, don't be angry" she called out but I already left out of anger.