
Catherine's Pleasure

Catherine, rejected by her own parents, betrayed by her own sister. Catherine was never considered family and all she wanted was to be accepted. She was always treated as a house help and as laughing stuck in school. But after the betrayal of her sister that very moment changed her. From a pushover nerd to a rebel who didn't care what the world taught of her. Her only goal in life now is just to relive the moment she spent making other people happy but this time make herself happy. The drama from her past really opened her eyes now she does whatever she wants not caring about people's feelings, emotions or thoughts but what satisfies her pleasure.

Megan_Nobis · Teen
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23 Chs


"Mr Lucas don't worry today about driving me to school, I'll drive myself today".

"Okay ma'am".

I went to the garage, opened the door of my Mercedes-Maybach GLS 600, I mean it's a rich school what did you expect.

I drove all the way to school, I drove inside the parking lot, parked the car and took my bag and went down from the car.

There I saw Mrs Kendrix talking to Jackson.

Hmm... looks like he just came to school, always early, isn't he. Even me, I don't know why but I have just been coming to school super early from yesterday to today. I tried to

 walk pass them unnoticed but failed at it.

"Catherine, come here" Mr Kendrix smile at me.

"Yes ma'am, I am coming".

"Me and Jackson here we're discussing on some books you might like to read for the principal exams, are you interested".

"Emmmm..... I'm kinda in a hurry maybe later and most of the books you're with I'm pretty sure I've read of all of them".

"Really, when did you get to read all this books"she wasn't convinced at all.

"Okay, the textbooks were released by one author, Gilbert Patrick in 2020, they contain all curriculum of each school year for a particular subject, see I know all this cause I've gone through them before" I think I sounded convincing enough.

"Okay, sure, I guess you can go then".

"Thanks ma'am" I quickly left from there.

I got to class and sat on my chair thanking God I escaped from that place or before you know it I'll be in one study group like that.

"Sup Katty" Matilda greeted.

"Oh, sup Mattie, only one in class" I greeted her back.

"OMG, you just called me Mattie, like what!" she smiled so much that if she smiled more her mouth will probably fall off.

"Because I just called you Mattie isn't that your name".

"Yeah but you like almost never say Mattie you always say Matilda, I just thought that you don't like short names or nick names".

"Sometimes I like it and sometimes I don't, okay".

"Hey you" someone just shouted.

Oh it was Sandra, I don't really have time for her nonsense this morning, she came over to my table and leaned on it.

"Yes, what is it" I looked straight her.

"Didn't I warn you to stay away from Jackson, I mean it's like you want me to deal with you".

"Oh God, again with this topic, first of all I'm not interested in Jackson and mind you he's the one courting me".

"What! you mean Jackson is courting you but why would he do that and especially to you" she said in a somewhat disgusted way.

"What do you mean by that, well maybe is because I'm prettier than you or maybe because I'm smarter orr.... maybe because I'm just THICKER".

"What do you mean by THICKER" she asked confused by word play.

"THICKER, like "PACKAGED" or "SEXY", you get" Mattie added.

"I love your explanation Mattie" I gave a thumbs up to Mattie.

"Sexy my foot" she spatted.

Then to prove my point I stood up and began to turn around. "Just take a look at this I got large boobs and a thick ass what more could a guy ask for".

I sat down feeling Iike I've proved my point then Jackson suddenly walked.

"Oh Jackson, they were just talking about you now" Mattie called our attention to Jackson who just walked in.

"What were you guys saying about me" Jackson asked.

"Oh it's nothing, really" I didn't want him to know about what just happened.

"Em, babe can we go to the movies on Saturday night" Sandra held his hand and leaned on his shoulders trying to make me jealous I guess.

"Em, I'm kinda of busy on Saturday night so NO" he pushed her away from his body.

I burst into laughter the moment he denied her. I couldn't stop laughing, so Sandra stormed out of the class suddenly in anger.

"So girls can we go out on Saturday night" Jackson asked.

"Are you asking one of us or both of us" Mattie asked.

"Both of you, I'm asking the both of you".

"Both of us, pervert" I replied.

"I'm not, I just wanted to have some space from Sandra that's all".

"Hmm... well you and Mattie can enjoy yourself then".

"Catherine, can I talk to you for a minute" Mattie asked.

"Sure why not".

She pulled me to the front of the class and whispered to me there.

"Catherine you have to come, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me, just please come".

"How is it a once in a lifetime opportunity and perhaps I already got plans for Saturday night".

"Then cancel them please, you have to come no matter what".

"But...but...but what about my kiss patner, should I leave him in the club all alone". I asked her.

"What do you mean by kiss patner". 

"Yes my prince charming kiss patner, I already have plans with him should I then call him to cancel it".

"Your kiss patner can wait, but please you have to do this for me".

"Why, I mean me not going should favour you, you could get some alone time with Jackson".

"But what if he calls it off it because you're not coming, we both know that he wanted to spend time with you the most".

"Fine I'll come but I'm coming only for you and not for Jackson".

"Thank you so much, I promise I owe you a favour" she went back to her seat.

"Well good news, I managed to convince Catherine to come" she happily announced.

"Oh great then, Mattie I already know your address but CatherineI don't your house address".

I moved back to my seat and adjusted my skirt.

"Well, I guess I could give it to you it's at No.4 Greenwich Area, Block 2.

"Okay then, Mattie house is closer to my house than Greenwich so I will pick Mattie up first by 6:00 then come to your house" Jackson took his seat and brought his book.

"Sure, whatevez".

"Catherine, Mr Kendrix said that the principal exam is after school tomorrow" Jackson said.

"Okay, sure I get".

"Remember it's 3 million dollars this time" he said.

"Sure, I get".