
Catgirl in MHA

A catgirl's life in a world of heroes and villains. What will she do? Nyaa-! Sorry if there is any problems this is my first time writing. Point out anything that you think is wrong and I'll try to fix it Also the picture isn't mine and if the owner wants it removed ask One more thing I don't really know what I'm doing so if there is going to be any loopholes in the story just ignore them

Lunyaa · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Recommendation exam: The Exam Part

Entering the large building the sisters walked into the auditorium, where lots of children could be found crowding around looking towards the front of the room on top of the stage where a group of heroes could be found, Momo guessed that they were the teachers, getting a nod from Luna because that's what she thought as well.

After 10 minutes people stopped coming in to the room so the hero nicknamed Present Mic began to brief the participants on what to expect.

"How is everyone doing?! Are you excited for the entrance exam?!"

He shouted earning not a word of reply from everybody listening, turning the atmosphere awkward for everybody except a few that didn't care and the hero himself.

"Oh well I guess not, but it doesn't matter because I am!! WOOOH... Anyway the exam will go like this: First we will have a written exam, it will have lots of the needed hero knowledge, but also some regular stuff, like maths and science, it is an exam after all; Second were are gonna head outside for your practical test, but that's a surprise; and finally we have an interview, how boring or maybe not we will see later!"

Taking a breather and calming down the now excited room with a loud shout he begins to instruct the participants about what to do next.

"Now head into that room over there in an orderly fashion because the first part of the exam is about to commence!"

Walking into the other room slowly due to the slightly large crowd, the sisters finally make it in to find a room filled with desks and chairs with what looks to be a written exam on top, just like Present Mic had said. The girls walk around and find a pair of desks close to each other so they sit down and patiently wait for the exam to start.

A minute later Present Mic's voice can be heard throughout the room once again as he shouts


So they started their paper. The exam was quite long as they had an hour and forty five minutes to finish it, It had two sections, the first one was slightly shorter and should take around 45 minutes and it was filled with regular school stuff like science and maths, some of it was even a grade or two ahead of where they should be at in school, so that they could see who worked hard in their studies. The second part was about heroes and heroic activities, in this part there were questions that asked about what to do when you confront a villain and how to counter different types of quirks, there was also a small part on different situations that you could find yourself in and the participants had to write the best way to overcome the specified situation given.

Finishing with thirty minutes left both Momo and Luna looked through their papers once before Luna went to sleep and Momo went through her paper again to make sure that she did well.

"Times UP! put your pens down and leave your papers there! Then head out onto the training grounds and prepare yourselves for the practical part of your exam!"

After hearing Present Mic's shout Momo got up and walked towards Luna so that she could wake her up and they could head outside for the practical exam. Luna stretched before getting up and following her sister outside, where they saw what appeared to be a long course that they had to run along filled with different obstacles, parts had long straights that they had to run along as fast as they could and other parts of the tracks were densely filled with obstacles that they would have to avoid. Seeing the practical exam and guessing what they had to do the sisters were getting quite excited.

As they were waiting for their names to be called up so that they could race, the duo decided to sit under a tree, well Momo sat under the tree and Luna placed her her on her lap and fell asleep whilst being patted on the head by the delicate hands of her big sister. Everyone seeing this, involuntarily stared at them, like they were the best view in the world and though they wouldn't be wrong Momo didn't really like to be stared at constantly especially if her little sister was involved as she was hers, so she sent them deathly glares, like the ones she gave to the girls before arriving.

Hearing her name get called Momo wakes Luna up and tells her that she had to run the course now, so she should stay awake as her name may get called soon as well and so Luna stayed awake, but not just to wait for her turn no she wanted to watch Momo, especially when she was jumping around in the obstacle sections of the course. Finishing in first place in the race by quite a large margin due to the versatility of her quirk Momo was proud of herself and before she could receive a pat on the head from Luna, her name was called.

Luna was slightly aggravated, so she was more awake now than she was originally going to be and this meant that she was going to try her hardest, so what does she do when the examiner signals the start of the race. She transforms into the fastest known cat, but this one was different. During her training Luna came across something interesting and that was the fact that she could transform the cat more once she had become it, the first thing she found was the size, if she tried hard enough she could even double the size of the feline she was and that was a few years back, she of course had improved since then. Instead of just changing into a regular cheetah, Luna had made it twice its normal height at nearly 6 feet high and she had also changed the muscle density, making it much faster than the original, as she was capable of running at eighty mph almost constantly, making her the fastest land animal.

As soon as she turned the other participants felt frightened by the sheer size of the cat, it was simply terrifying, even the examiner was shaking quite a bit, but Luna just ignored them and ran through the obstacle course at record speed as she dashed through the obstacles and made her way to the finish line where she game off a loud growl as she transformed back into the cute girl they had seen before, but this time she had an annoyed look on her face as she walked back to Momo completely ignoring the scared participants, before the examiner announced that it was the highest they had received today, earning her a hug from Momo as her mood was completely turned upside down and she was now definitely happy in the embrace of her sister.

She sat there for a while before the final part of the exam began. The interview.

The interview was the same for everyone, but before that the headteacher gave a little speech about how the interview would allow them to determine the kind of characteristics that they had and it would be a major deciding factor for their entrance into UA. Luna however was not listening and was instead looking at the big mouse on the stage with drool running down the side of her mouth, which was quickly noticed by Momo as she smacked her on the head as she whispered no to Luna who only pouted in return.

They were all asked the same questions, like why they wanted to be a hero, what would they do in certain situations and even if there was a problem with heroes. The only answers that stood out from Luna's though were when she said that she wanted to be a hero because she wanted to be the best cat and plus her favourite Momo wanted to be a hero so she had to stay by her side, which wasn't something the interviewer was expecting from a person of the Yaoyorozu family and even more so from the girl that was said not to speak much, like she did with the rest of the interview that didn't concern her big sister.

And like that the recommendation exam finished and the sisters headed home but this time Luna was in her cat form and having a nice nap on Momo's lap.