

CLEO SUMMERS. If there's something which needs to be told about the heroine of this book is that she will literally say the most offensive and nasty thing ever with a cute smile plastered across her innocent face and her middle fingers forever up in the air. That's just how she rolls. She's mean, sassy, mischievous, insensitive, witty, daring, has a firecracker for a mouth and a b*tch to another level. Maybe that's why she catches his attention. KADE WINSTON. Playful, sly, sarcastic, charming, confident, smart and add a heart made of gold.There now you have the hero of our story.The hero who get's under our feisty heroine's skin like no other. He lives life like treading on a railway track. Scary, risky but thrilling. Although he wouldn't mind bringing a feisty girl along to this railway track called life. That's just how he rolls. Maybe that's why he catches her attention. She pushes. He pulls. She glares. He laughs. She's cold. He's hot. She wants the last say. He'll never let anyone have the last say. Add these two in a story with a bunch of quirky characters a.k.a their friends You have pranks, arguments, teasing, lots of couples, flirting, secret smiles, special escapades, laughter, farewell camping trip, jokes, the feeling of being close... Sometimes friendship and love may both come together. And when that miracle happens hold onto it with everything you have. Because life is a thousand times more beautiful with these two elements. Please do give this book a chance.

jinalimehta62 · Teen
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13 Chs


Cleo Summers sat at her table unceremoniously, nibbling on an apple carefully speculating the scene unfolding in front of her with an amused smile dancing on her lips. Although she wished she had popcorn instead. They just taste even better with all the drama. 

"Are you seriously dumping me?!" The guy who she named Bob because why not, sputters in disbelief and shock as if what the girl said was beyond his capability of reasoning. Cleo definitely agreed with the above statement with all her heart.

"Yes! That I am. It's f*cking over" the girl narrowed her eyes before flipping her hair over her shoulder. The sound of her heel clad feet the only thing that could be heard in the now still cafeteria. That and the sound of Cleo still chewing her apple rather noisily without a single f*cking regard for Bob. Why? Oh because she can.

Suddenly a laugh trickles out of her mouth and she bangs her fist against the table repeatedly unable to hold it in least bothered about how queer she looked to the onlookers. That never bothered her. People don't scare her however they do annoy her to greatest of the lengths.

"Finding it funny, huh?" Bob edges her way and she only laughs harder thoroughly amused.

"I am laughing, right?" She mopped a tear and offered the fuming Bob a wide all teeth and Cleo Summers grin.

"I am honestly not in my bestest of the moods right now, b*tch. Try me and I will make sure this is your last day at school. Now, scram" Bob hovered dangerously close to Cleo's face with his jaw clenched and his hand gripping the back of her chair with a tight force.

She tilted her face to the side to look at him and Bob leaned in closer with narrowed eyes which dared her to retaliate. She gave a one shoulder shrug before picking up her barely eaten apple and taking a large bite out of it without any consideration for  the boy glaring holes in the side of her head. Or lack thereof. Meh. Same sh*t.

"You really wanna test me?" His upper lip curled in a sneer and Cleo almost huffed out a breath at his pitifully miserable threat. She raised her hand and shoved his face away from her. God knows where that disgusting trash he called a face had been moments ago. First thing to do after this fun little run-in with just another brain deprived f*cker is to sanitize her hand which just moments ago touched that trash.

"B*tch ever get that gross thing of an excuse you call a face anywhere near me and I swear on the river Styx that I will personally prise out your testicles and play bl*ody ping pong ball with them. And don't even get me started about how much I would absolutely adore playing paintball with your  blood if you so much as ever look at me wrong. Now, scram" Bob's mouth fell open with his eyes wide with rage.

Cleo gracefully got up from her seat and brushed her jeans off of any dust. She picks up her bag and gathers her half completed notebook and two pens which were sprawled across the cafeteria table in a messy manner. Packing her bag, she slings it over her shoulder with a peppy smile on her face.

"Oh so you are still here. I guess you really have a lot of time to spare. Sorry dude but I am very much busy coming up with plans and ways to vanquish humanity's most wanted problem-stupidity of course! Now it's nothing personal but I have to get rid of you for the betterment of the future-" Bob scoffs cutting Cleo off in her thoughtful speech. Something she absolutely detested.

"I am sorry but did my still in progress speech about your strategically planned out demolition interrupted your array of unnecessary and rather pointless self expression? If no then I advice you to keep that vexing hole in your mouth tightly locked. It won't be a pretty sight when I sucker punch it shut instead" Cleo raises a brow at Bob before crossing her arms against her chest.

"Wow you really are a piece of work, no? Wonder where your parents  found ya from" Bob mocks with a smirk and Cleo grins.

"I love it when people insult me. Because it's a clear indication that I don't have to play nice anymore. Thanks f*cker, I truly appreciate it from the bottom of my heart" she takes a step forward before grabbing Bob's jaw and stuffing the apple in his open mouth. She did warn that it won't be pretty. Well at least he got lucky because she didn't punch his mouth shut. Shame.

"Here's hopping we run into each other again. Would love a chance to humiliate you and discuss how we should disintegrate you into pieces. Oops sorry! How could I possible forget about your equally stupid friends? There should be no discrimination. Anyways it's bye for now" Cleo waves her middle fingers in Bob's face before turning on her heels and leaving the buzzing cafeteria.

This is what she purely lived for. Ah the feeling of putting someone in their face. Some might think that she went too far but those people shouldn't judge so easily. The only reason she roasted Bob so bad was because that walking breathing waste of oxygen cheated on his girlfriend not one but multiple times.

She might come off as conceited and over dramatic but when it comes to people who hurt others, her b*tchy self shows up for the world to see and fear.

As she walks away her eyes catch the girl from before smiling at her gratefully. Cleo smiles before shooting her a wink.

Now, now nobody said all heroes wear cape. Some come with a cute but devilish smile and two middle fingers forever up in someone's face.


"Cleo Summers, right?" A short chocolate brown skinned and dark haired girl turns around in her seat and regards Cleo with a gentle smile.

Cleo blinked at her in mild surprise carefully observing her warm honey coloured almond eyes and the sweet smile adorning her pretty face.

"I think you got the wrong person" Cleo ignores the girl and goes back to playing flappy birds on her phone while the teacher drones on with his long a*s lecture. Last bench had it's perks.

"Uh...I think I definitely got the right person" Her brows crease in confusion.

"Nope. I am pretty sure my name is Salmon Rice. You would think I wouldn't even know my name considering that's all I have been called all my life" Cleo rolls her eyes before digging out her earphones from her bag and stuffing them in her ears effectively stopping the girl from asking anything else. Thankfully it worked. Cleo chances a glance at the teacher to make sure he didn't catch her before shifting her long mocha coloured locks on either side of her shoulders disguising the black earphones.

After an hour or so later the bell finally rings and Cleo promptly bolts for the door with the girl from before hot on her trail.

"Woah slow down there, will ya? I..I need to talk to you" Eva Anson, the girl from earlier pants as she catches her breath.

"Of course. I mean I did run away from you only so that you and I could eventually meet up and talk about whatever the hell you wanted to" Cleo shoots her classmate an unimpressed glare before turning on her heels.

"Oh come on Cleo. I just want to talk. Why do you keep running away like this?" Eva huffs out a frustrated breath before crossing the hall to stand in front of Cleo who was rather tall as compared to her.

"I saw you today" At her words Cleo facepalms. What the f*ck was that suppose to mean?!

"Funny. I see you right now. In flesh" She muttered under her breath before running a hand through her hair.

"I saw how you shut that a son of a b*tch today. I am impressed. Just the perfect girl I was looking for to help me" Eva smiles up at her. Either the sarcasm was lost on her or she forgot her daily medication for today.

"Okay. Thank you. Anything else other than the compliment?" Cleo raises a brow before crossing her arms.

"Yes actually. I need your help. Desperately might I add" Eva bits her lip and a slight grimace crosses her face.

"I think you misunderstood something here. I am most definitely not offering any sort of services. If you need help Eva then go find someone willing to" Cleo sighs when Eva shakes her head disagreeing with what she said.

"No it has to be you. I can only trust you to do this. I have seen it first hand how you deal with even the worst of all guys. Please it can only be you" Eva explains with hopeful eyes pleading her cold classmate whom she shared three classes with to finally melt.

"Seriously this is neither a hotline or a help desk centre. Go ask someone else for whatever help you need"

"I don't think there is anyone but Cleo Summers that can screw Kade Winston's case" Cleo's attention perks at the mention of his name and her hands instantly clenched.

"Kade Winston?" Cleo clears it out just wanting to make sure she did in fact hear it right.

"Yes. The one and only. The guy who has been flirting and fooling around with different girls right and left forgetting each time the fact that he has a girlfriend who also happens to be my cousin" Eva's mouth twists in a scowl at mention of his name.

"What do you have in mind?" Cleo narrows her eyes now being wary of the innocent looking girl.

"Catfishing the player as revenge of course" Eva Anson grinned already having planned everything that needed to be done to bring the guy down.


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