

CLEO SUMMERS. If there's something which needs to be told about the heroine of this book is that she will literally say the most offensive and nasty thing ever with a cute smile plastered across her innocent face and her middle fingers forever up in the air. That's just how she rolls. She's mean, sassy, mischievous, insensitive, witty, daring, has a firecracker for a mouth and a b*tch to another level. Maybe that's why she catches his attention. KADE WINSTON. Playful, sly, sarcastic, charming, confident, smart and add a heart made of gold.There now you have the hero of our story.The hero who get's under our feisty heroine's skin like no other. He lives life like treading on a railway track. Scary, risky but thrilling. Although he wouldn't mind bringing a feisty girl along to this railway track called life. That's just how he rolls. Maybe that's why he catches her attention. She pushes. He pulls. She glares. He laughs. She's cold. He's hot. She wants the last say. He'll never let anyone have the last say. Add these two in a story with a bunch of quirky characters a.k.a their friends You have pranks, arguments, teasing, lots of couples, flirting, secret smiles, special escapades, laughter, farewell camping trip, jokes, the feeling of being close... Sometimes friendship and love may both come together. And when that miracle happens hold onto it with everything you have. Because life is a thousand times more beautiful with these two elements. Please do give this book a chance.

jinalimehta62 · Teen
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13 Chs

chapter xii


"Kade" Miss Carrie sighed before tapping her knuckles against his desk.

"You didn't submit your essay" Winston looked up at her as if waking up from a trance and blinked once before shaking his head.

"Uh...you see.." he grimaced as he scratched the back of his head. "To be honest I lost it when I was fighting with this guy who said you weren't the best teacher" He grinned in a cheeky manner and the students snickered. One even slapped his back in awe. I snorted quietly.

Miss Carrie swallowed a smile back and schooled her features to remain impassive.

"How very loyal of you, Mr Winston. However it would be unfair of me to let you off the hook. Other students got their work done on date. You aren't any different to me than them" Miss Carrie raised a brow at him when he opened his mouth probably to come up with yet another very creative and convincing excuse.

"Meet me after the class. We have to talk about your grades" She added the last part sternly in a low voice but I caught it.

Winston nodded his head and she went to the front again to start her lecture. My gaze shifted in his direction and stared at the back of his head for a good 5 seconds before I shook my head with a small frown.

Okay Cleo, snap out of it!

I tried to pay attention to my English teacher but it was broke by a small sudden movement.

Winston lounged further in his chair and dug out his cellphone from his pocket. He stared at it before typing something back. What has got him so distracted? He has been playing with that phone of his since the class began. Not that I was staring or anything!

Yeah, riiight. My conscience bit back sarcastically.

Would be better if you paid so much attention to your studies instead of wasting it on that boy. My conscience added in a mocking tone.

Don't tell me how to live my life! I threw back furiously.

Uh sorry hun can't help it. I am your conscience, that's my one job.

I slapped my palms against my face. Okay. Fine. I am finally convinced I have lost a few screws here and there because nothing else explains why I am talking back to my conscience and she being a complete b*tch about it.

My eyes caught his and he instantly looked away. I pressed my lips together and looked forward to Miss Carrie who shoot me an unimpressed frown for my lack of attention. My cheeks burned in embarrassment at being caught.

The bell rung after an hour and all of us got up and started packing away our stuff. I hiked my backpack up on my shoulder and threw one last glance at Winston who was taking unnecessarily longer time to pack up, his longing eyes darting from student to student leaving one after the other. Some girls gave him a pitiful shoulder squeeze and the guys poked fun at him which he took in good stride as he slapped hands with them.

Just as I was shouldering past a particular student, Miss Carrie called for me.

"Cleo take a seat please" She might have used the word please but it didn't matter if I wanted to take the request up or not. Because it wasn't a request.

This time I didn't look at him but I could definitely feel his heated gaze on me. A shiver ran down my spine.

I silently took a seat and laid my bag on top of the desk.

"You know it truly hurts me when my students don't listen to my lecture which I thoroughly prepare for everyday thinking of all the possible doubts and questions that could arise" Miss Carrie removed her reading glasses and set them on her organized desk before rubbing her tired eyes.

"If it's about today I am sorry-"

"I thought you people only drank coffee and picked on the weak kids-"

We both started together and looked at each other. Me with raised brows and him with a smirk.

"Really? Are you daft? In situations like this, you always suck up to your teachers not rebel against them" I said with a slight hiss. He might be up for another detention but I am not.

"No can do. You do the sucking up, I'll bounce" he stated with a taunting smile before he grabbed his bag.

"Okay you two-" Miss Carrie started but my ego wasn't having it.

"You know Winston maybe it would help if you put a bag over that personality of yours" I got up from my own seat and crossed my arms.

"Why? Just because I refuse to sugar coat my words? Well in that case I am sorry, Cleo Summers, but I am neither Willy Wonka nor a bakery" He said narrowing his eyes.

"Alright you two. Sit down! Without a single word from either of you" Miss Carrie added in a stony tone when we turned to her wanting to defend ourselves.

"Kade it did be best if you attended my lectures and completed your homework on time. The only reason I have yet to make a report to your parents about your declining grades is because I trust you to do better and live up to your potential" She glared at him before turning to me.

"Cleo distractions aren't ever welcomed in my class. I will entertain any problem you have with me or my subject however the rest you can take it up outside my class. Did I make myself very clear?" Her glare intensified when we didn't reply instantly since we were still glaring at each other so we mumbled a reluctant yes.

"Now. Mr. Winston I want your essay submitted by this Friday and no later" Winston rolled his eyes subtly before nodding at her. She gestured a hand at me and said, "Under Miss Summers' guidance"

Both our heads shot up at her words and she immediately raised a hand silencing any protests.

"Which is not a choice. You two can leave now" she said sitting back on her chair.

"You saw us. We can't work together. Assign me some other guide" Winston said gesturing to both of us. His attention fell on his phone as it started buzzing again. He shut it off with a silent curse.

"Are you really in a position to make such a request, Mr. Winston?" she said in a patronizing manner not bothering to acknowledge either of us.

"Miss Carrie, I am sure he can do it without my assistance" I approached from a different angle barely keeping from gritting my teeth at the unfairness of it.

"That's for me to decide, Miss Summers" She said airily and looked more amused now than annoyed like before.

Winston sighed before digging out his phone and walking out of the class. I followed begrudgingly when I saw her deliberately talking loudly to someone on the phone to wave me off.

I closed the door after me and my eyes fell on Winston who was pacing in the hallway with his phone pressed up against his ear and the constant running of fingers through his hair. His voice rose as he said something to the person on the line. I could detect the frustration that laced his tone.

His eyes caught mine for the third time today but this time neither of us refused to look away.

"I'll call you back" He said after being quiet for a few seconds listening to the other person on the line.

"You can leave, I'll do the essay on my own" He said still not looking away. The intensity of his gaze made me uncomfortable and I felt flustered for some reason.

"If only you did that in the first place" I said as my upper lip curled in annoyance.

A few beats of silence passed before his lips twitched in a small forced smirk.

"You know Blaze, I really thought I wanted to get to know you. Now I am not so sure. You are starting to tire me out" His words struck me hard and my hands clenched. No I have to calm down. I won't let him get to me. He is only doing this to get a rise out of me. Although his barbs hurt, I gotta act like it just made me happy instead.

"Feeling is mutual. I want to get this done with as much quickly as you do. Us standing here throwing insults at each other is not helping" I keep my voice levelled refusing to let it break.

"Why does being around me make you so uncomfortable? You are always on edge and stick to your wall of defence like your life depends on it" Winston stated with a small frown and leaned against the wall specifying that he wasn't leaving any time soon till he felt so.

"I told you I don't want anything to do with you!" I stomp my feet not knowing why I am getting so worked up. He is standing there all calm and collected and here I am already stumbling over my words and losing my composure.

"Why?" He bits back a little smile at the sudden crack in my demeanour.

"Because!" I scowl.

"That's not an answer"

"It is for me. Who said my answer has to satisfy you?"

"Because if it doesn't then I am going to keep questioning you and then there's the essay..." He grinned when my lips clamped down shut.

"Okay I have an idea" He said suddenly clapping his hands like a kid.

"I don't like it" My right eye twitches in irritation.

"Not if you haven't even heard it yet" He said tilting his head to the side and winking at me.

"So as I was saying-" His eyes twinkled mischievously. "-I have an exercise for both of us. We ask each other any questions and the answers have to be honest" He added the last part with a pointed look in my direction.

"Boring" I say with a fake yawn.

Ignoring my little comment he goes on. "To make this more interesting and fun, we'll play a game and the person who wins gets to ask the question"

"What game?" I ask my interest piqued which doesn't go unnoticed by him if the smug grin on his face was any indication.

"Bowling" he said and my face paled.


"If you didn't know how to play, you should have just told me so" Winston said slowly carefully observing my hard face. Not even once did I manage to hit all the bowling pins. The most I managed was three. Other times either my ball went in the gutter or I hit one or two bowling pins.

"Okay I admit I have never bowled in my life before" I hid my face in my hands and groaned loudly.

"See wasn't that hard to admit was it now?" He teased and patted my head treating me like a lost puppy. I blow out a breath before fixing my hair by running my fingers through them.

"I give you a chance to ask me one question even though you lost the game" He sat back on the couch comfortably and rested his hands on the back of his head.

"And why would you do that?" I sat opposite him before grabbing my mango smoothie and toyed with the straw.

"It's because I am feeling generous and that was your question which I was nice enough to let you ask" He leaned in his seat offering me a wink.

"That is not-" I start outrageously but obviously he ignores it like the douchebag he is.

"My turn" He said rubbing his palms excitedly. I huffed and angrily sipped my mango smoothie. Damn. Since we played two games, he gets to ask two questions in a row.

His eyes roamed over my face curiously and scrunched his face thinking of a question.

"What colour is your toothbrush?" He asked innocently but I almost spit out my drink.

"That's what you came up with after all that thinking?!"

"Well I did so just answer it" he crosses his arms with a frown sounding almost offended.

"Green" I reply with an amused huff.

"My next question is-" His right leg bounced up and down and he shoot me a quick glance. "What's the strangest thing in your room? Don't explain it though"

"Uhh...I think it might be my collection of broken keychains?" I said with a slight grin and he wrinkles his nose in thought.

"You said not to explain" I remind him in a sing-song voice and he laughs.

"Well I guess that's it then?" I raise a brow at him in question.

"What 5 things would you take on an island if you were to be stuck there for 3 months?" He asked even though technically he could ask only two questions but the question was interesting so I gave it a little thought.

"A torch, an inflatable mattress, a lighter, food packets that would last me 3 months of course and Mr. Tibbs" I complete with a nod satisfied with my answer.

"Mr. Tibbs?

"My favourite pillow" I reply back blushing furiously.

He laughed before gesturing me to ask a question.

"Favourite part of your daily routine" I come up with the question on top of my head.

"Cold shower" he replied back suggestively and I rolled my eyes with an amused shake of my head.

"When was the last time you tried something new or just different from your usual?" His question caused me to frown.

"What is that suppose to mean?"

"What? It's just a question, Blaze" he said raising his arms.

"I-I...tried a new ice cream flavour last week" I wanted to smack my head for saying that. Seriously? Couldn't I have come up with something better?

"What is crying to you? A strength or a weakness?" His lips twitched at my bold choice of question.

"Strength" he replied back with a shrug. I was so sure he would say it's a weakness.

"If we learn from our mistakes why are you so afraid to make one?" My eyes widened a fraction at his question. Okay this is getting a little personal.

"I am not afraid to make a mistake" I replied in a hard tone telling him to back off.

"Really? What happened to being honest?" His eyes danced with a knowledge of something.

"Winston, you are crossing a line here" I warned biting my lip to keep it from shaking with anger.

"I think you are afraid" he stated firmly but didn't face me as his body tensed the moment his phone buzzed again. Just like the whole evening.

"Why aren't you answering your phone?" I crossed my arms and gave him a smug look when his expression goes blank.

"It's not worth my attention" he replies back slickly.

A silence fell over us as we both continued to sit back and think over the day's event more particularly this event and the questionnaire session we just had.

"Look Cleo I think we got off on the wrong foot here. You clearly think of me as a bad person, someone who you can't let your guard down around. But seriously I am not going to hurt you. I just want to know what's your deal with me" His expression softened and he revealed a small vulnerable part of him.

I licked my lips as I went over his words with surprise. The only reason why I don't want to get involved with Winston is because I can't. Because of Lizzie.

"It's not that I am afraid that you'll hurt me.." I started and tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear. What should I answer to that. I can't tell him the true reason. I can't help not being on guard around him. For f*ck's sake I am chatting with him through a fake profile so of course there's going to be a little part of me which is afraid that I will say the wrong thing and get busted. Besides he isn't exactly easy to read. He's also unpredictable. Good at dodging questions and putting the other person on spot. Very vocal but unexpressive. Can't hold a grudge from what I have noticed.

"I can't trust a person easily. It takes time for me to open up to someone and frankly you also tend to say and do things that get on my last nerve" I say with narrowed eyes in a playful manner and he cracks a smile at that.

"The same can be said about you. Besides you can be seriously bipolar" I raise a curious brow at him and gesture to elaborate.

"You go from teasing and playful to sensitive and angry in 0.001 seconds. I am always wary around you because I am afraid that I would do something or the other to set you off and then we get into another argument" he shrugged and gave me an earnest look.

"You do tend to get annoying" I chuckle and he rolls his eyes. "But honestly that's not your fault, it's one of my many flaws" I wave it off.

"And also part of your quirky charm" He grinned and I chuckle. 

"So does this mean we can start over?" He pushed a packet of m&m's that he took out of his bag towards me as a peace offering.

"Do you really like them?"

"My one true love" He stated seriously and I snickered quietly before accepting them. I bit my lip to keep from laughing at the slight pout on his face at the loss of his 'one true love'

"Okay Kade. We have a truce now" I said smiling surprising my own self at how easily I went from wanting to kill him to smiling at him.

What the f*ck are you doing Cleo?

"Hey it's not fair! Why am I the only one making a huge sacrifice here? It should be a two-way process!"

Edit. What the f*ck are you doing with Kade Winston, Cleo?

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