

Tyler the Twin brother of Tayler who's 21years old , creates an Instagram account for his introvert sister just to show the world her unbearable beauty, and also just to have fun with it too because he's a very social person and likes having fun anywhere and anytime. In the account he meets a man, Tenor,, who is an introvert too and they seem to click so they keep talking to each other, the guy knowing that he's talking to a girl that he saw her pictures , it's not her because she's not a social person but it's her brother talking to him instead. As days pass the guy start having feelings for this new person he met , he never used to text or waste his precious time on anyone but with this person he just want to text all the time and make unreasonable stories, he's also curious why the other person never picks his calls but just want to text. On the other side, Tyler knows very well that the person he's talking to is a man , and when they started flirting he told himself that he was just having fun because he's not gay nor bisexual, that's what he thinks , but also as time goes he starts being engaged to this new found person, he even stops going out all the time as he used to with his friends to fool around and flirt with hundreds of girls. He convinces himself that he is being like this just because the guy seem to be mature and gives him great advice and that's why he wants to be friends with him. Not knowing that he's actually falling for him. They leave in different countries ! Tenor is 26yrears old and owns a Jewelry company that has three brunches in different countries which his dad left when he passed on. One of the branches is where TYler comes from, one day there was a function there which he was to attend and he was excited about it because he was going where the person he's fallen for is , he was planning to ask 'her' out when he gets there but unexpectedly the person asked him out first Everytime he visits there he always stays in a hotel but this time there was complications , the couple at the company that were in charge of him decided to invite him to there house just for the night as they find him a good hotel , he didn't argue about it because of how worn out he was due to previous day function and today's, but what he didn't expect is that he was brought right to his Love's house. Tyler is the very first person to meet him once he get in the house, he doesn't know what to think about this ! He started dating the guy but the guy thinks it's his sister he's dating but his sister has no idea that his brother has been talking to a person in form of him. TYler wonders what he's gonna do with the situation.

ShengLi_Victory · LGBT+
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73 Chs

33. Feels like my first Kiss.

Tyler POV,

I haven't been able to calm down since the moment I found out that Tenor has realized the sparks between us and wants to talk about it.

Am pacing around nervously.

But to some extent am happy because I think it's better talking about it once and for all than playing Tom and Jerry games.

Usually there are many people in the park but lately the number is almost zero, maybe because people have gone to visit their loved ones in different places since It's Christmas month.

I decide to sit under a tree where there are soft green grass with my headphones on listening to ' olny love can hurt like this by Paloma Faith' Wondering what am gonna say when he gets here.

" Did I keep you waiting for too long?" I take off the headphones after hearing his voice faintly. And stand up.

" I wasn't waiting, before you even planned to come here I was sitting like this doing my own thing, so I wouldn't say I was waiting." he is looking so cool right now in that outfit of his, damn why is this guy so perfect.

" Is that so?" He asks sarcastically.

" Yeah, how are you feeling.. about the headache, has it calmed down?" I ask wanting to end that topic.

" Not really, it has become even worse."

" Then why did you insist on coming here?! you should have just stayed in the house and rest."

Tenor, " Because the medicine is right here, the pills and the rest won't do me any good, but don't worry, it's calming down after seeing you..what about you, how are you feeling?"

" Feeling absolutely fine." I lie.

" You don't look like what you've just said."

" It doesn't matter, I'll be fine even if am not now."

Damn, I feel like crying right now , why does it seem like am just realizing now how not okay I've been.

" Yesterday in the sto..."

I cut him before he finishes , " We shouldn't talk about that."

Tenor, " Why not? Isn't it the reason why am here? "

" But I..."

He cuts me too before I finish, why does he seem so serious now.. " I want to talk about it,, I want to tell you how disappointed I was when you're mom came in at that particular time , I want to tell you how I wanted to move away but I couldn't, I want to tell you how I wanted to tell you to stop but I couldn't either, I want to tell you how turned on I was at that moment, I want to tell you how badly I wanted that kiss to happen ,I want to tell you how I think that I might be in love with you Tyler and I also want to tell you how badly I want to kiss you right now." He says coming closer, I've never been so scared but happy at the same time in my life like right now . I don't know what to do! Should I move away or what ?

" Tenor , You are my sister's boyfriend."I says.

" Does this make me a bad person to you?, I promise I don't know what is happening to me, when I was in Paris I was madly in love with your sister , I dreamt all the time to talk to her, but when I got here things just changed drastically, I don't know what to think anymore, all I know is that it's you I want and not anybody else.

I know now you think that am not a good person and am just some play guy but I swear these feeling is not in my control ."

" What are you crying for ? I don't think of you as what you've just said, besides, I also have a girlfriend but am In love with you, no matter how much I've tried to stop it , it doesn't work so I understand you , I understand that it's not in our control." I say trying to comfort him because I know he hates himself for being like this.

" If you feel the same way then let's tell them the truth." He says.

" Am worrying about my sister because I don't think she can handle it, she's crazy about you."

"So You'll rather we lie to her instead?! I can't do that , there have to be a way out of it."

"I'll talk to her, don't say anything about it to her, just act normal until I can find a way. "

" Okay"

We decide to head back home, each of us in our own thoughts, the moment we enter the house mom rushes towards us, "where have you two been, Tenor , you haven't even felt better yet and you go out , look at your eyes so red ."

" I was tired of sleeping so I decided to join TYler for walk. "

" Okay, you should go back in your room and rest." she turns her attention to me. "Honey , did you know already?"

" Know what??" I ask confused.

" Lexy "

" What about her?"

"Why are you looking so down if you haven't heard,, did you two fight where you're coming from? Is everything alright?"

"Mom, what are you trying to say? I don't get it , what's with Lexy?"

"Lexy is here to see you."

We walk to the sitting and I see her waiting eagerly, the moment she sees me she runs and hug me , I can't stop wondering what's up with her!

"Thank God you are here , you weren't picking up your phone but am glad you're here and I can tell you this in person." Am so curious.

" Tyler , am so sorry but my dad is moving out of the country and we have to go with him, I don't know the details he just ambushed us, they are even waiting for me now because we have a flight in two hours. I also wanted to say that because we've been near each other but we didn't seem to work then how about that far, we'll keep fighting and maybe end our relationship badly, so I wanted us to end in a peaceful way." 

" Why didn't you tell me this earlier?" 

" I've just known in past few hours and I tried to call you but you were not picking up, am sorry." her phone rings, it's her mom calling, she picks up," am on my way just 10mins." She says.

" I really need to go, am sorry, Tyler."

"You haven't done anything wrong , stop apologizing, am sorry I wasn't a great boyfriend to you." I tell her.

" Maybe we were just not meant to be , and the right ones are waiting for us somewhere." she hugs me and I hug her back " Bye TYler, l love you." 

" Bye, have a safe flight."

" Bye Mrs. Miller and Mr. Miller, Tenor.."

They all say back as she goes out the door, Am supposed to be happy But am not . I like that girl because of her maturity and how she handles situations . I feel bad because I mistreated her, I hope she'll find someone who's better than me, I wish we keep the friendship.

I dragg myself upstairs , lately things haven't been good on me.


It's 12pm , am pretty sure that people are dead asleep in the house except me , I haven't been sleeping well these past few days except for yesterday when Tenor refused to let go of me and I slept with him . I made sure to leave before anyone finds out that I slept in his room, even himself didn't know , unless he remembers from yesterday. "ngrrr ngrrr"

My phone vibrate, I have no doubt that it's him , I open his message..

Tenor: Am really worried about you to the point where I can't sleep even when I try, are you alright? Are you asleep? I just need to make sure that you are fine, if you don't answer this I'll assume you are asleep and maybe I can sleep too. '

Me: I can't sleep, can I come in your room? '

Tenor: sure , you don't have to ask for permission. '

I tiptoe out of my room closing the door so slowly and head to his room, I push the door and he had already opened it, I lock it after entering, he's sitting on the bed .

I go directly to sleep next to him without a word, he lies down next to me too and he pulls the duvet covering us , today am not looking the other side , we're facing each other and just few meters away, "Good night" he whispers.

" Good night . " I whisper back but non of us is closing eyes, I lift my hand and caress his cheek , I move my head closer to his, he moves too , I can't hold it back anymore, I put my lips on his , so softly . He kisses me back by opening my lips with his , I feel his tongue on my lips , and then it slips inside my mouth, I can't help but let out a slight moan , why is he such a good kisser if he haven't been with anyone for that long? We're breathing so heavily , my hand move unconsciously to his neck.. his chest and it finds itself under his t-shirt, I move on top of him , I can't handle his his kisses , they are just breathe taking.

Why does it feel like my first kiss.. his hands are also under my pajamas caressing me everywhere, am so turned on right now and because am on top of him I can feel his hard cock porking on my thighs.

I start moving slowly up and down , rubbing our members together, I hear him let out a slight moan in my mouth, he flips us and I find myself under him, not letting go of my lips , he moves up and down on me rubbing our hard on together, I can't handle it anymore more , my breath has become more intense and so is his , he's moving even faster, I feel pleasure rupturing from every single vein in my body, he moves faster and faster but won't let my lips go , moaning in my mouth, I can't help but also release sounds that are unfamiliar to me, suddenly I feel all the pleasure and blood run to one part of my body, this feels so amazing, he's amazing, I want him and him alone .

Suddenly I feel myself cum and just about the same time he stops moving, his body trembling on mine and I know that he has cummed too.

We stay still for some minutes trying to catch our breaths, after some minutes he moves off me , he lie beside me and brings my head on his chest , half of my body is lying on his.

He holds me so tight as if he's afraid am going to run away. We drift off to sleep with all that mess down there.