
Teng Lin and Jin Chen... Spiked!

Jin Wu walked over and sat down at the stone table, sighing "These girls are really something else…" Mu Yu snorted and retorted "I bet." Jin Wu looked at her and complained, "You think I want them all over me? It's too much! I don't want a harem." Mu Yu sneered and ignored him as he rolled his eyes, turning to Long Zi, who shook his head with a smile.

Jin Wu froze and stared at Long Zi, saying in shock, "Bro Zi! You don't think so too right?!" Long Zi paused, he was put on the spot like this, who could bear it? Mu Yu looked at him and he looked at both pairs of eyes before shaking his head not saying anything.

Jin Wu paled and Mu Yu laughed, stomping on Jin Wu, shouting "SEE! EVEN HE THINKS YOU'RE BULLSHIT!" Jin Wu retorted angrily, "I'M NOT! You damn… Come here!" as he jumped up and tackled Mu Yu into the water.

There was a splash and two heads appeared as Mu Yu roared, "Clint! I am going to fucking kill you!" Jin Wu sneered and wrestled with her in the shallow water, "Bitch! You're finished today!"

Long Zi watched them wrestle around as his lips twitched. He sighed and said slowly, "Junior Brother, Junior Sister. Perhaps we should talk about the current situation?" Mu Yu strangled Jin Wu under the water and snorted, "I'll let him off today." she suddenly disappeared under the water and Jin Wu held up her foot as he exited the water, sneering "Let me go? Who do you think you are?" Mu Yu tossed and took out a cleaver, "I'll chop you up, do you believe it?!" Jin Wu snorted and tossed her up, she flipped and landed on the ground in a perfect posture.

Jin Wu clapped and she laughed, "Thank you, thank you~" they looked at each other and laughed, locking arms as they walked back to the gazebo, giggling.

Long Zi's lips twitched, these two… fighting one second, laughing the next… Really unpredictable!

They sat down and Mu Yu pulled on her robes, sighing "I really hate this damn thing! These clothes are so stuffy!" Jin Wu paused and looked at her, "Oh shit! You have a huge chest!" Mu Yu looked down and grabbed her breasts, sighing "Unfortunately, these robes really press down, it's uncomfortable… They're not that big, right?"

Long Zi coughed and said seriously, "How will you deal with the Teng Clan, Junior Brother?" Jin Wu tore his eyes from Mu Yu's chest before frowning, "I'd like to eradicate them… I'd have to see what Chen is thinking…"

The Maids came and served food, smiling sweetly as some of them started playing music gently in the background.

Mu Yu frowned, "Eradicate them?" Jin Wu shrugged, "What did you expect? In the first place, causing chaos in Golden Willow city is forbidden. The instability of clans and unhealthy clan conflict will bring unstable variables to the prosperity of the City. It's not that I hate them, it's just business."

He rubbed his hands and smiled, "Think of it this way, if someone wants to become City Lord, my entire family and all the servants, everyone in the City lord's Mansion will be killed or captured. As for the captured women, I don't think I have to tell you what happens to them."

Mu Yu frowned deeply, looking severely disgusted.

Jin Wu smiled slightly, "This is the world we live in, not much you can do about it." Long Zi nodded and smiled, "Being indecisive brings calamity." Jin Wu pointed at Long Zi and looked at Mu Yu, who sighed, "Whatever! Not my problem."

Jin Wu waved and said "Anyway, I don't want to talk about this. I have a better idea to get resources." Mu Yu looked at him and Jin Wu grinned, taking out blueprints, "Come on, worship me. I know you're surprised!" Long Zi looked at them, his face full of confusion.

Mu Yu was different, she looked at the blueprints and was dumbfounded, shouting "Phones?!" Jin Wu turned his nose up to the sky, "Are you surprised?! I'm too good, right?! Also, I want thinking about creating clothes too." he rubbed his palms and sighed, "Unfortunately, I'm not a good designer or tailor…"

Mu Yu said suddenly, "I am." Jin Wu paused and looked at her in shock, she smiled happily, "I can't wait! Let's do it quickly! I need a phone in my life!"

Long Zi suddenly asked, "Um… Excuse me. What is this?" Jin Wu and Mu Yu looked at him before looking at each other. Jin Wu laughed and pointed at the blueprints, saying seriously, "Bro, listen."

Long Zi looked at him and Jin Wu explained, "This is called a Cell Phone. This device will be able to contact anyone else given that you have their number. Not only that but the distance is unlimited given that there are enough towers. Also you can play games, contact random people online, trade goods, etc!"

Long Zi was dumbfounded, completely unbelievable. How could an artifact do such a thing?!

Jin Wu sighed and added, "I don't have the materials at the moment, otherwise I can start building right away…" Mu Yu hummed and said "I have Materials." Jin Wu looked at her and his eyes were blazing, "Sarah! I love you. Give me everything! I'll add a livestream function!"

Mu Yu curled her lips, turning her nose up, "Worship me!" Jin Wu kneeled on the spot, holding her foot, "Empress! Give me everything!" Long Zi's eyes twitched and Mu Yu laughed, trembling as she shouted "Stop! HahahahaHAHAHAHA!"

Jin Wu held her ankle and tickled her feet as he grinned evilly, "Blackmailing me, you bitch. You'll regret it!" Mu Yu cried while laughing "I'm sorry! HHAHAHAHA! STOP! PLEASE! BOSS!" Jin Wu let go and stood up, laughing, "Come on, let's do it."

Mu Yu looked at him angrily as Long Zi suddenly frowned, "Hold on." Jin Wu and Mu Yu looked over to see a man and woman walking over.

The Man was handsome enough with gold hair, however, his eyes were narrow and his smile looked perpetually fake. He sort of looked like a snake.

The Woman was beautiful, however, there was always a feeling of arrogance and disdain vibrating off her. As though she looked down on everyone in the world.

Jin Wu kind of wanted to punch her in the face.

Long Zi frowned and looked at the woman, muttering "Teng Lin." Mu Yu leaned over and whispered, "Is that your brother?" Jin Wu nodded and replied, "Yeah, Jin Chen. Don't you want to just punch him in the face?" Mu Yu nodded seriously, "Yeah… Just look at him, god! I want to do it… Can I just punch him?" Jin Wu was speechless, replying, "Just do it, why are you asking me?"

Mu Yu grinned happily, "So I can!? Can I really, Clint?" Jin Wu nodded and Mu Yu exploded from the seat, punching Jin Chen in the face, sending him flying across the courtyard, out the open door, and through the Mansion into the hall, landing in front of Liu Ying.

A beautiful woman looked down at Jin Chen and smiled happily, "Is little Wu, back?" Jin Chen muttered weakly, "Mother… A woman hit me…" Liu Ying squatted down and tucked a strand of deep blue hair behind her ears, stroking his face gently, "My beautiful baby, are you okay? Momma's here." Jin Chen's wound healed in an instant as he sat up, very angry.

Liu Ying hugged him and walked back to the Courtyard, smiling "Come baby, show me who hit you. Is it that woman you brought? Momma will kill her on the spot!" Jin Chen almost died, that was his fiancee!

Teng Lin froze and she pointed at Mu Yu, shouting "Who dares t-" Jin Wu suddenly uppercut her, shooting her into the sky. He dusted his palms and sat back down at the Gazebo, saying "Anyway bro, do you want to participate in this business deal? I know your family is good at Alchemy."

Long Zi was speechless as Mu Yu covered her eyes with her hand, looking up at the sky, "You really sent her flying! Awesome!" Long Zi forgot about it, turning to Jin Wu, asking "I know a bit of Alchemy…" Jin Wu and Mu Yu confirmed, this guy was an Alchemy Ancestor, no worries, he's invincible.

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