
Catastrophe Queen

Tell me how do you differentiate between Heroes and Villains,Is it based on appearance or is it something else? Read to find out.

NatchViper100 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs


"Now for the top news on W.B.C(WORLD BROADCASTING CHANNEL),the world's unbreakable building was "broken" into early this morning, it was found out that the members of DARK FALL were the main cause of the break-in and 20 fatal casualties but 1 injured, we were just going to ask the CEO for his opinion on the matter and here he is now" the reporter said as she saw Mitsuya coming out of the building, she ran towards him and reached where he was and asked him,

"Sir? Sir? Would you like to tell us your say on the break-in?"

"No comment" Mitsuya said as he walked towards his car,

"Sir, the public wants to know" the reporter pestered on,

"And I said NO COMMENT" Mitsuya said getting pretty annoyed and entered his car and drove off, the reporter looked towards the camera and said,

"Looks like we won't be getting his opinion on it, My name is Marina Ford, speaking live from Costa" the news concluded from a large screen television which a girl viewed from outside a store through a glass window, "This was exactly what I was afraid of, what did she think I sent HAPPY for?" the girl said, she had midnight blue hair with purple at the tips, dawn colored eyes, pointed nose, snow white skin, rose red lips, she was the definition of perfect both in figure and looks, the girl's beauty was magnificent and often said to be heavenly and not of this world, if anyone saw her on the street they would stare at her forgetting what they came out to do, whenever she smiled many would think that she was an angel even though they hadn't seen one, her name was CLEO VANDETTA, she was the niece of the top hero in COSTA, VLAD MEGUMIN or as they called him VANGENCE, her parents died when she was only 9 years and she had stayed with her uncle since, her ability was FROST, she was also the villain NEMESIS (though no one knows that),

"I just hope that Yami cleaned it up we—" her thoughts were interrupted by a shout,

"CLEO!!! Wait up", a girl was seen running to Cleo, she had Copper colored skin, silky silver hair and ruby red eyes, she had gold trinkets on her arms and hair, her name was JASMINE AL ASIM, she was the only daughter of the King of ARABIA, JAFAR AL ASIM. She was literally born with a diamond spoon, she was also very beautiful, they called her "THE PRIDE OF ARABIA", she became friends with Cleo when Cleo was ten years and she was Nine, she had the hereditary ability of WEATHER MANIPULATION. She caught up with Cleo, while panting she said,

"I thought we agreed to meet up at the Town square, so why.... weren't.....you..there?"

"I forgot, My bad" Cleo apologized nonchalantly,

"We reminded you over and over and over and over but you still forgot" Jasmine said,

Anyway I did say we were going shopping today right?" she said forgetting what she was angry about,

"Wow, I really do envy how you forget things easily" a boy said as he walked in, he had brown hair and brown eyes, he had a lean but muscular build, his name was ALFRED BRIGHT, he was the younger brother of MITSUYA, he also possessed the ability of LIGHTNING, he met Cleo when she was 11 and he was 12, he came to know Jasmine through her,

"Forget what?" Jasmine asked which made him to laugh,

"Excuse me but if I'm not interrupting, I'm hungry" Cleo said to the both of them and left them while they followed suit.