
Catastrophe Prince and the Blade of a Thousand blood

Golden eyed prince is ment to die, they are not a blessing they are cursed prince of hell? that's what they say But what if I tell you that a prince born to be a Catastrophe is a Yin and Yang of heaven and hell! after so many generations of Kings killing prince with a golden eyes, one prince survived and had a son named Fei Jin, the Catastrophe Prince that everyone fears Fei Xu saved Fei Jin and brought him to the temple of Dragons where he is raised by Shao Qi a noble man and a wind dragon, however things took turn as the prince was born and the news spread place after place, the current emperor Lin dealt with the devil and plans on waking the Lord of Hell Yuzu but after Jin returned back to the palace, he finally began to face the devil of his kind with his wife Rong Yunxi

Art_Angel · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 34, Volume 2, The gathering of Four Kingdom

Fei Lin is busy preparing the Zhu state, it is where all the four kingdoms will gather for the celebration of peace, but the three empire is cautious since its all Fei Lin's idea, it's been years since the war and expansion in the land of Zhu, and it's like where the dragon reign, they worry that the emperor is planning something to tame them, but it was a normal gathering and challenging for the three empire, they have each other's back after all

Fei Lin will be inviting all royal families inside the palace and prepared their own inn, he also made sure that Fei Jin will attend the royal gathering and it was approved by Shao Qi, Fei Xu in the other hand did not return for 5 months cos he is busy preparing all the army

"Fei Lin, if we could see the prince clearly and learn about his original form we could take him as one of our comrade?" says Mingjie

"what does this catastrophe have to do with hell?" Lin asked with an ugly face

"he is actually one of ours, a Catastrophe Prince is born for disaster and he is holding a dark power within him, Fei Jin will grant you immortality and powerful strength if only we could take his dark side!" Says Mingfu

Fei Lin's face fell down, but if he is the one who could give him immortality he will go with it, but the fact that his pride stands higher than the mountain he still wants Fei Jin Dead

"how about Fei Xu?"

"that mere prince is nothing, he is becoming weak but can live for a hundred years as a price for being the father of Catastrophe!" Mingfu folded the dark scroll and sat down

"I'll leave you both here, I still need to fix the damn invitation and places for the gathering of other kingdom that will come?" Fei Lin jumped out of the couch and start walking

"Fei Lin, The country of water beast can turn to be yours, is that why you invited all of them?" Mingjie asked pulling a tea towards her direction

"no, it's a tradition every 25 years, all Kingdom will gather in one place and it's this Empire's turn" Fei Lin pulled his bag of scroll and marched away from the twins

Peace Gathering is a tradition since a thousand years ago, it was after the disappearance of the biggest kingdom of the northern continent that ruled over the land of the dragons, and that kingdom is called Zhang-Yi, it disappeared after the defeat of Yuzu the Hell emperor who wanted to kill all the people and wash away humans on earth

and it divided into 4 countries with each empire made by the late emperor who defeated Yuzu

The Zhu state, the cursed state who carries the blood of catastrophe, The Ju state of fairies and healers, The Pei of Water and Bao of Earth and treasures, each has their own specialty which makes them all unique, it was better for everyone to rule their own kind and separate

Lin sat on his throne not knowing what to do, he looks at his ministers with tired eyes and lazy look, he needs to make sure he prepares for that Peace gathering and don't bring shame in his own country

"look here ministers, I want you to prepare for the Peace Gathering, it will he held in more than a week now" he said, he gave each a task and the ministers took it with an ugly face, the fact that Lin is a king and gives works to all his ministers, his own people inside the palace hates it when he throws work at them, it was their responsibility but now that Fei Xu completely fade away for months, the ministers where forced to do things on their own

Lin is way gloomy upon hearing the palace safe for gold has been raised, he roared all around the palace and killed every person the minister points their finger at, but upon knowing the truth from the twins that 4 of his own ministers had done it while keeping their mouth shut, he beheaded the four of them and their family, not one survived since they have been burned inside a large hole

"I want all your works done within a week, make sure there is enough food and water for the guest and give some to the people so they will all behave!" he said sitting in his throne

The ministers obediently bowed bowing Fei Lin is not an ordinary emperor who takes things easily, he can be a horrifying emperor sometimes who gets mad at nothing if not in the mood

upon setting works to his ministers he called for his eldest son Fei Bai Lin and ask him to greet his uncle Fei Xu that will return back in 3 days

"but I though he won't be back til next month Father-"

"he is coming back? your cousin Fei Jin is returning to the palace!" Fei Lin got up from his golden throne and walked toward his son

2 beautiful woman heard his words and walked towards their gloomy father with a sick face of disgust

princess Fei Bai Chu and princess Fei Kinji, the three has different mother from different consort, Their face was as gloomy as Fei Lin

"Father, it's a peace gathering, I heard our cousin looks so ugly!" says Kinji

"he is deceased too and worse he is a monster!" continued Bai Chu

"tse, that was all a rumor, he is weak and bedridden, right dad! if ever he comes back home I'll knock him dead!" says Bai Lin full of exitement in his face

"shush, shut up you three, just go tell your other cousin the news that the prince of Catastrophe is coming back to the palace, also, prepare yourselves, there will be a game held during the Peace gathering- I'll tell you more details after you gathered all here tonight!" Fei Lin said, he went back to the throne and sat down with a light face, he watched as his three children march away scowling at each other, he remembered all his brothers who he had killed, thinking about his children he hopes it will not repeat

"if only all my brothers were women, I spared them as a reward for the other country!" he grinned

Fei Lin was feircer than he ever was before, he killed his brothers and killed every son they had except for his only son Fei Bai Lin and two favorite warriors Fei Yiwen and Fei Manchu, their mothers begged him to spare the two child, and they also promised to stay put as a lower rank of royalties who is in no position for the throne, if ever they do, both the prince will die with their family including the innocent bloodline of the family of their mothers

The Ju state also prepared themselves for the peace gathering, Xiuming and the other princess will come to visit Yunxi except the consort who refused, but most of them will go, not because to represent their country in the game event but to see how Yunxi is doing

the first princess and second Prince is sure to go and see their younger sister to laugh at her face while Xiuyan had to cling around his father just to beg and come to see his sister Yunxi

"Xiuming, we will go with army, we will take food with us so you could camp our army outside if shitty things happen!" Emperor Rong Bai Xia was furious taking the gathering seriously

"father, calm down! we will only stay there for a month after the game event, and also, we will see Yunxi and his husband!" Xiuming said

upon mentioning Yunxi, his heart went lighter, he thought about how Yunxi is doing, it's been 7 months since she is married and only now that he will meet her again

"your right Xiuming, I need to go there with a face full of pride and high"

"that's right, Zhu state only expanded their territory and ours are better than theirs, our army is strong and better than any of theirs!!" Xiuming sat down on the balcony couch to comfort his father

"Xiuyan, stop hiding I know you are there!" The emperor turned and saw a little boy with long hair clinging around the table, The little boy sigh and stomped towards their direction with a wry smile

"why do you always know where I am!" he said and sat on the table without a manner


"Xiuming!" he talked back

"why is your son always talking back like that?" Xiuming grabbed the little boy

"don't start you two!" says the emperor

Xiuming threw away the boy without hesitant and smiled

"X-Xiuming!!" The emperor ran after the little boy but slipped down

The king cried getting up from the floor, but a gush of wind greet his sad face after seeing the image of his youngest son flying up towards their direction

"Diánxià, he threw me away!!!" Xiuyan cried flapping towards his father's arms

the emperor was stunned and held Xiuyan with a blank face

"Diánxià, are you okay?" asked Xiuming

"when did Xiuyan learn to fly? how come I never know" he asked beckoning towards Xiuming

the first prince sat on the couch and smiled

"I took him on a hunt with me, and like an eagle I flew him up the sky and threw him to the ocean 7 times before he learned to fly!" the Emperor was speechless, not knowing if he will take out a wooden sword and whoop Xiuming's ass or be flattered on his idea

"papa I also learned to swim!!!" the boy smiled

"Xiuming, when you have kids let me handle the flying, I'll teach them myself!" the emperor said

he shook his head and hummed away holding Xiuyan

"what why?" Xiuming said

Fei Xu threw the invitation scroll on the table, he put tea in his small teacup and smiled,

the peace gathering finally came, that means Fei Jin is coming to participate in the game event, although Jin does not know palace rules Shao Qi disciplined him right, it's time he plan out how to take down the ministers living under Fei Lin's nose, those corrupt people who made people suffer

Fei Lin already asked him to go back to the palace for the peace gathering, but Fei Xu knew it's not all about the peace gathering but he knows the palace is not ready yet, Fei Lin seem worried about how the people would react and he is scared to let the neighboring empire know how he rule

"Diánxià, I heard those ministers inside the palace made the Emperor look more gloomy, looks like he is enjoying to rule alone!" Feng smirked

"Fei Lin wants me back home to handle his crap, I'm sure they still haven't prepared the game event for empire warriors yet?" he sigh sipping some tea that warmed in his hand

"tss, those ministers are responsible for all those crap, and also, I heard Fei Lin gave away food for the poor?"

"that's his trick to make the people behave, those people in Zhu is naive!" Liang came inside with a flower cake in her hand, she sat down on the opposite side of Feng and gave away her cakes

"you two, we need to prepare and go back to help with the game even held for the peace gathering, also, we need to let Shao Qi and Master Long know that in a few weeks they will come to participate!!" says Fei Xu

"yes Diánxià?" both said, Feng stood up kowtowed and marched out to pack his things and say his words to the soldiers

"Fei Xu, when your son come will it be alright? what if Fei Lin targets him and kills him!" Liang's face is worried, Fei Xu smiled at her and poured her a cup of tea

"Master Liang, my son is strong, he is not deceased, he is not weak, he is a prince of this land, I'm his father and I'm gonna make sure he is okay!" says Fei Xu

"okay!" she said with a still worried look tampered in her face

"I'm also excited to see my little grandson, it's been so long and he might never know me!" she said

"don't worry, Master Long always talks about you, I'm sure Fei Jin knows who you are?" Fei Xu said

Liang blushed knowing Long also talks about her, she is not fund of being talked about but if it's for Fei Jin, it makes her happy

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