
Catastrophe Prince and the Blade of a Thousand blood

Golden eyed prince is ment to die, they are not a blessing they are cursed prince of hell? that's what they say But what if I tell you that a prince born to be a Catastrophe is a Yin and Yang of heaven and hell! after so many generations of Kings killing prince with a golden eyes, one prince survived and had a son named Fei Jin, the Catastrophe Prince that everyone fears Fei Xu saved Fei Jin and brought him to the temple of Dragons where he is raised by Shao Qi a noble man and a wind dragon, however things took turn as the prince was born and the news spread place after place, the current emperor Lin dealt with the devil and plans on waking the Lord of Hell Yuzu but after Jin returned back to the palace, he finally began to face the devil of his kind with his wife Rong Yunxi

Art_Angel · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 14 Marriage preparation

Ju state is at rage, finally the day has come to decide who will become the bride, Yunxi was quarreling with Xiao Wen while the emperor had a hot head looking at all of them

"father why won't you marry off Yunxi, besides she is also a half human!!" Xiao Wen made a face

"your already 21 and unmarried, I don't wanna marry!!!" Yunxi complained

"silence both of you!!!" Emperor Bai Xia roared

"Diánxià my daughter is too weak to handle Zhu state, and isn't Yunxi more frequent in going outside the palace!!!" defended consort Bai Li

"Father!!!" Yunxi pleaded, she knows no one will ever defend her from this but Xiuming but the meeting is unexpected and the crown prince is sent to the camp to train some rookies

"Rong Yunxi- why don't you just agree-"the second Prince spoke behind her, Jinghai has a tired eyes but pretty fiture except that he is vicious sometimes like her mother consort Guan

"but- Xiao Wen is older than me!!!" Yunxi cried, the emperor wanted to speak but he knows everyone will just push him to let Yunxi marry the prince of another country so he just kept quiet

"father!!!" Yunxi cried louder giving an upset face

"Yunxi pick? war or peace?" says consort Guan, Yunxi kept quite and stormed out


"Diánxià- leave her be, she will soon decide!!!" says Consort Bai Li, the emperor made a mad face and stormed out himself too

Yunxi flapped away to the green garden pavilion where his little brother stay, Xiuyan has just turned 7 and still stay ill, the Rong royal family is a healer but why can't they heal Xiuyan? that's because they also have weakness

fairies can heal wounds but sometimes they cannot heal a disease that are ment to happen when they are kids, this can even lead children's to their death if they are not strong, even Yunxi and the crown prince experience this, they will be ill from the age 6 til 10, that is because there is a poison lurking in their vein and that is the energy turning into a power as they grow, it manage their body and spirit to create boundaries of healing power or a knowledge to create their talent! it depends on their faith

But for the elder fairies, they knew Xiuyan the youngest prince is a poison fairy since he has severe poison energy and his saliva is an acid when he spits, The crown prince Xiuming is a war fairy since he has a ferocious and has a small amount of healing power, he has the ability to show no mercy to the enemy and still has undiscovered power within him

the first princess next to Xiuming is princess Xiaowen, she is also a healing fairy and blessed with herbal knowledge which means she has way more knowledge than Yunxi but she is lazy, the second Prince Jinghai is also like the crown prince but is a little weak since child but he knows how to create poison weapons, after Jinghai we have Rong Jia, the third Prince, he has a weak body that's true but he is a clear smart poison master and healing fairy which means he is both an antidote and a danger, then the fourth child second princess Rong Yunxi, a Half human, fairy who can hide her wings well without any potion, Yunxi is a full healing fairy but she can learn a lot of things because she is way smart and strong, she has a sense ability that can smell the air of plague and create a healing wave that makes the wounds heal faster, but if she did not meditate enough she will drain herself and cause her to weaken, and lastly Xiuyan the poison fairy, the young prince can smell poison with his sensitive nose and can taste the poison traits of people just by looking in the person's eyes and taste the air that's why no one can betray the young prince in the future, to cut it short he can sense peole who has hate towards him or any other people

"Xiuyan!" Yunxi made a happy face and dropped herself at the pavilion

"huwahh, sister Yunxi's wings is really really beautiful, I wanna fly too?" asked Xiuyan

"ah, Xiuyan behave yourself, look at your wings it's still thin and not strong to handle the wind, if you fly it will break you will never fly again!!" Yunxi scared his little brother, it did work so she hugged him to comfort Xiuyan

"then I'll be stronger!!!" says Xiuyan and hugged Yunxi, she put her hands on his forehead to feel his heat, he's still in high fever

"Jun'er did he drink his med?" Yunxi asked his


"yes Gōngzhu!" answered Jun

"sister what are you doing here?" asked Xiuyan

"am I not allowed to see you?" Yunxi said

"of course you can, you are the only person who come other than brother Xiuming?" Xiuyan made a sad face, Yunxi saddened knowing she can never visit his little brother again! she also decided to agree on the marriage, she knows no one will stand on her side since the two consort will shield Xiao Wen and she does not wanna be a burden to his brother Xiuming anymore

"Mèimei (sister)?" Xiuyan spoke


"are you okay?" asked the little one

"yes Xiuyan, it's just that I will be leaving soon?" Xiuyan made a face and hugged Yunxi

"is Yunxi gonna leave Xiuyan?"

"No, of course not, I'm just gonna go on a vacation and heal someone ill!!" she explained and pulled a perfume pouch on her pocket

"when will you return?" says the sad boy

"I don't know Xiuyan, it depends on how ill TGE person is!"

Xiuming Sigh and went inside to grab something

"wait me here okay?" the boy ran away and came back with a little wooden box

"Mèimei this is a gift for you!" he gave her the little box, Yunxi opened it and found a little bracelet inside

"where did you get this Xiuyan?" Yunxi smiled, Xiuyan looked around and whispered to her ears

"Me and Jun went to the market secretly to buy some street foods!!!" Yunxi's eyes widened and looked at Jun, but it changed since remembering her own stupid idea of sneaking out herself

"ah, Xiuyan don't just go out you're sick!" she scolded

"I'm sorry princess, it's just that the little prince is so sad that's why we sneaked out!" Jun apologized

"it's alright?"

"Xiuyan where did you get such a pretty bracelet?" asked Yunxi

"it was a tall woman, she said she is giving gift to everyone, she gave me three pairs of bracelet and she told me wear it as my lucky charm, she was so funny!!!" Xiuyan laughed

"so you gave me the other one?"

"uhuh, and I gave the other pair to Jun because she takes care of me!!!" Xiuyan giggled

Yunxi saddened but still managed to smile for her little brother

"anyway Xiuyan I have to prepare and go to Dad- we have something important to discuss

Yunxi went at the throne room at night when everyone is asleep, Emperor Bai Xu is preparing to leave after he fixed some paperworks but suddenly his youngest daughter came and knelt down

"Yunxi, Yunxi my dear get up it's cold!!!" says commanded the Emperor

"father I have decided, I'll marry the prince of Zhu!!!" says the sad Yunxi, the emperor was startled and went to Yunxi

"come let's go sit and talk?"

They sat down at the throne balcony to talk while Eunuch Li Lu went to get some hot tea

"Yunxi, are you sure about your decision?" asked the emperor

"father, it's not that I'm sure but war is not a good thing and besides even if I disagree my consort mothers will push me through!!!" Yunxi had a blank upset face as she look up the skies where stars are twinkling above

"if only Zhu has something better to do!!!" Bai Xu clenched his fist and finally cried and hugged Yunxi

"Yunxi you can always ask for help once something bad has happened to you?"

"yes father!" Yunxi hugged Bai Xu back and cried, Yunxi will also tell Xiuming about her decision and she knows he will not agree but the emperor will be the one to tell everyone in the morning

The temple is crowded with though as the monks glare at the people who came from the capital

"what are you doing here this is not a place for you!" the head monk spoke named Monk Cheng

"we are the messengers from the capital and we are here to see the prince!!" they said arrogantly

"no one is allowed to see the prince just tell us!!!" Monk Chen stepped forward with a kind look

"look at you bald headed monks, we know your prince is an ugly person, we're just here to give him a gift!!!" the other monk who heard this made a face and killed the messengers with their eyes

"w-we are just doing our job were here to pass the marriage scroll to the prince since he has been asked to marry the princess of Ju state!!!" the messenger said, the monks did not agree and will never allow such thing to happen, their prince has always been so precious to them and marriage is a big thing

"that's impossible!!!" says one young monk, the one Jin is close with

"everyone step aside I'll handle this!!!" Shao Qi came out with an arrogant face glaring at the three people

"y-you must be the head here we would like to see the prince-"

"No- I'll just take the scroll! old Chen take them to an inn so they could rest, I'll let the prince tamper his hand himself!!!" Shao Qi disappeared but despite his arrogant action he still asked the monk to give them food to eat

Shao Qi entered the temple mansion and saw Jin playing with his sword, so elegant and handsome, his heart is breaking his little son is going to get married

"is that the marriage scroll?" asked Master Long

"Master Long, I feel old!!" Master long looked at Shao Qi with a rolling eyes

"ahhmm, I'm ashamed of myself!!!" He said knowing he is the one who changed from both of them, his hair is a complete gray?

"Fei Jin!" Jin looked at Shao Qi and smiled


"come" he commanded, Jin looked at the scroll and knew what's inside the letter, they discussed about his marriage, his reaction was blank or he did not know how to react, he did meet womens in his life but he never cared about them and now he is gonna get married in an unexpected time

"shūshu is that?"

"yes!!!" he dropped down with a poker face and read the letter

"this letter is the agreement between war and peace!!!" Jin's face went pale serious

"The Ju empire is a large state and I have discussed to you about your father's plan! they agreed on the marriage, the bride will come here in a few days-" Jin made a face

"Shūshu!!!" he mumbled like a kid

"what!" he glared

"I can't afford to get married what if-"


"Jin, the princess is a beautiful lady, we asked for her portrait, they did send us but I guess the certificate came first!!" Master Long spoke

"Jin as a married man, be matured and stop escaping the temple, the princess that will come does not know this place so you will be confronting her every move!!!" Master long continued

"tse, if that wife of him is not good I'll feed her to the beast!!!"

"Uncle I'll take care of this!!!"

"Jin your wife will come and after a month or so we might be called to the capital be prepared, I'll have you behave like a prince as your lessons and play your role as a matured husband!!!" Shao Qi said before he gave him a red ink so Jin can print his hand to the marriage certificate!!

Jin printed his thumb in scroll and read the agreement right

"Princess Rong Yunxi!!!" he mumbled and rolled the scroll back

Shao Qi came out with the scroll and gave it to the messengers

"the scroll is printed with the Prince's fingerprint, the monks will give you a carriage back outside the misty hills!!" the messengers rolled their eyes hoping they could have a glimpse of Jin but they never did, they went on their way back to the capital upset

while at Ju state Xiuming was mad and cannot do anything but frown, he cannot handle anyone leaving especially the people close to him

the emperor watched the carriage that is decorated in red linen and magic lotus lamp attached in each side so that if it gets dark it will light their way, they even found the finest white horse to keep a sharp eyes on the dark road, horses in Ju state is indeed different from the others since, they had the ability to have a light vision during night and can smell danger through the smell of blades

"ah it's good that Yunxi is married!!!" consort Bai Li said, the empress rolled her eyes and saw Xiuming having the mad face, she can sure feel her son since its the sister she knew and as time goes the Empress also had a close feeling with Yunxi considering her as her own real daughter

"mama Nuan is Sister Yunxi coming back?" ask the little prince

"dear little boy, she will come visit us!!" The empress said and caress his little head

"that's right Xiuyan and by the time she returns you are strong" says Consort Fu Chen

"tse, when she comes with her husband everyone will be scared!!!" Princess Xiao Wen threw a disgusted face making the two good mothers get in a bad mood

"shut up Xiao Wen, if Yunxi did not agree on the marriage it's you who will marry the prince!!" Xiuming glared at her

"oh, our sister is here!!" Jia shouted

"hmm I'm guessing she has the most sad look behind that red veil!!" says Prince Jinghai

Finally the bride is coming out in her red dress together with other people including Yuan