
Catalyst - The Journey Begins

In a world where your worth is decided at birth. A young man goes on a journey to find out why his life has been turned upside down.

TonySpellman · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter Four - Last Time At Home

The sun is setting as Negan comes up on the cottage again. He runs right in the front door. Walks through the front room past the couch, where the blue hair girl was left asleep. And into Sam and colleen's room.


As he goes into the room. He sees the old chest at the foot of Colleens bed. He was always told never to go in it. He felt kind of odd going into the chest even now.


He opens up a chest. And pulls out some winter clothes, a couple jackets and some thick pants.


"Ah here we go." He says.


Then he notices a bag, that was underneath the pants he just pulled out. He pulls out the bag he had never seen before.


It was a brown bag with a strap on it. Negan turns it over grabs the flap on top and flips it open.


"Papers, random trinkets it's just a bunch of random stuff." Negan thought. 


He looks over the bag again, and notices some stitching on the underside. He turns the bag over and it reads "Salazar".


Negan sits in shock and confusion for a moment and thinks.


"Isn't that the royal's name." He thinks to himself.


Then he opens the bag again. This time looking through it more thoroughly, for any clue as to why this bag was here.


"What does it mean? Where did it come from?" He thinks as he search's franticly through the bag.


Then he comes across a note. Pinned to the inside of the bag. Where you could barely tell it was there. Unless you were really looking.


He unpins the note and unfolds it. And then he begins to read.


It reads.


" To my dearest Negan,


If you are reading this, then the worst has happened my boy. First I'm sorry, sorry we didn't tell you the truth earlier while we could.


It was never our intention to keep you in the dark. Just to keep you safe. No matter what has happened or yet to happen. Our time together was the best time in our lives. And our love for you was more real then anything that ever was.


Now if you are reading this note. It must mean Sam and I are gone, and can no longer be by your side to protect you.


Or you snuck into our room and went digging where you shouldn't have. In which case. PUT THIS BACK RIGHT NOW.. Ha-ha just kidding. As if you could ever sneak past me."


Negan giggles then continued to read.


"Listen here my boy this is the truth of how we met. And the truth of how we came to be your parents.


About ten years ago. Sam was an adventure with the guild. He was one of the top ranking adventures in the kingdom. Known for his duel wielding weapons, a axe and a hammer.


His reputation grew quick and large as a helper of the weak. And protector of the poor. Before long Sam had gained the churches attention. Which is the kind of attention no one wants.


It was about that time that Sam ran into father Joseph, while in the north on a quest. Father Joseph who was a old adventure and friend of Sam's. Told Sam all about you.


This little brown hair boy. Who miraculously appeared out of thin air one day.


Father Joseph told Sam you we're a child of prophecy. And would change this world for the better one day. The Father had also begun to attract the attention of the church you see.


It turns out the church doesn't like their priests. Preaching of children of prophecy. Who are going to save the world and free the people and weapons. From this world of intolerance and persecution.


He spread your story across the kingdom. Never using your name of course. Just the story of a child who will come and save the poor and weapons, who are being used.


Father Joseph had become a target of the church. So he asked Sam to look after you, should anything ever happened to him. Then once the church found father Joseph at the old orphanage. Sam and I took you and fled here to Everdale.


We made a new life for ourselves here. We changed our names slightly and our appearance a bit. In order to fit in with the towns people in Everdale. And so we became Sam and Colleen Ever. And you became our son Negan Ever.


Father Joseph didn't have much details about your past. He told Sam all he knew was, that you appeared one day. Out of the blue and out of thin air in front of the church.


The church fortunately was having a birthing day, that day. So he told Sam he just added your name on the official list of births. That was sent into the church records.


And from then until you moved with us you were Negan Winters. But the father also said that when he found you. You were bundled up in a blanket that had the name "Negan" on it. And your were in this bag.


If you look underneath the bag it says "Salazar" on the bottom. So your real name is "Negan Salazar".  That's the one thing father Joseph said he knew for sure.


So wherever you came from, and whoever your true parent's were. They named you before you came to the father. Your true name is "Negan Salazar".


However the father knew he couldn't let you use that name. In our kingdom the name Salazar is used only for royalty. And the father knew beyond a doubt, that you were not from the palace.


So he changed your name. If anyone would've learned of your true name. You would be put to death.


Well that's all of it. That's the truth Negan. That's all we know about who you are my dear. I'm sorry we don't know more, but it was too risky to try digging into it.


We wanted a normal life with you more then anything. Prophecy be damned. If we could be together then that would be enough. Which is why Sam is always on your case, about being a weapon smith like he is. Even if he knew you were meant for something greater.


Sam knew you were someone special and believed in you. As do I, and we always will. You are my everything and we leave it all up to you. Save the world, don't save the world. It doesn't matter to us at all. Just be happy my boy, just be happy.


If you are in trouble and need help find Sarah. She knows what to do. If you can't get to Sarah. Then you will need to make your way to the Iron Hill's. Just south of the town of Ironbore. There you should find a man called Father Jacob. He is a old friend and adventure of Sam's and mine. He will know what you need to do, and will help you find your path to it.


Trust in yourself and your weapon. It's just you two in this world now that's all you can count on.


Your weapon is apart of you and you apart of them, always remember that. As a weapon I can say with confidence. That the relationship between a master and their soul weapon, is key to their happiness and success in life.


They maybe a weapon but they are a being capable of emotion and thought just like humans do. People look down on my kind in this world Negan. You never treated me like that and it made me happier then you know.


Well guess you didn't know I was a weapon. But still I don't think it would have mattered. I'm sure when you pull your weapon you will know of the bond between a weapon and their master. When that bond is acknowledged and respected, then nothing is stronger in this world or in any world. Never forget that my boy and treat your weapon well.


We'll be watching over you always. And we'll always be with you my love. Forever your loving parents Sam and Colleen."




"We've left you a savings pouch should you need it in the bag"



Negan finished reading the note left by colleen and Sam. Tears are pouring down his face. He wipes his eyes stands up and grabs the bow leaning against the bed.


Then he grabs up the brown bag and shoves the winter clothes inside it. Then he pins the note from colleen back to the inside of the bag. He grabs the other items he pulled out, and anything else he may need on this trip. And shoves it all in the bag as well.


He slings the bag over his shoulder and walks out of Sam and colleens room. Then heads back into the front room where the girl was. Negan looks over at the couch where he left the blue hair girl asleep.


"It's empty she's gone." Negan says out loud. As he starts to panic.


He starts to search through the cottage. Calling out "little girl little girl where did you go?."


Then the little blue hair girl stumbles out from Negan's room upstairs. She looks down the stairway at Negan. And tilts her slightly and smiles at him.


"There you are." Negan says with a sigh a relief.


"Jeez, don't scare me like that Ok? Well we got to get out of here before the guards show up looking for us." He said.


"Here." Negan says, As he pulls out the winter jacket. "Come on down here, and let's get some clothes on you. It's going to be cold out tonight." Negan tells the little girl.


She walks down the stairs stumbling and stops in front of Negan. She stands there just staring at him not making a sound.


"Okay, Here put this on." Negan say's as he hands the girl the jacket.


She pokes out her little arm and pulls the jacket on. The jacket is much to big and completely covers her entire body. Negan chuckles a little to himself.


"Too cute." He thinks and smiles without noticing. "Well that should help with the cold and hiding you a good bit." Negan said.


"Now what to do about that hair? It's not to often you see someone with blue hair. It happens, but it's rare." Negan explained to the little girl.


"Ah, here we go." Negan said as he reaches over by the stairs wall.


Hanging there is Colleens old winter Beanie hat. Negan pulls colleens cap down over the little girls blue hair. Covering it all up, and even pushing any left up into the hat. To make sure you couldn't see any blue.


"Now there we go." Negan says to the girl. Who was now standing there covered in winter clothes. She looks up at him and smiles.


"Well guess we better head out. To the town of Ironbore." Negan says as he points out the door towards the woods. "Ready?" He asks. As he looks back at the girl. She nods and walks out in front of him.


Negan turns and looks one last time. At the cottage he spent most of his life in. Smiles and then says "Goodbye guys." Then he turns and walks out following the little girl.


They keep a steady pace as they walk through the woods now. "I'm surprised you are able to keep up." Negan says to the girl walking behind him.


She glances up at him and nods and keeps walking. "Ok." Negan says in a awkward way.


"Well, it's well past dark. I'm pretty sure we are safe for now. Plus there isn't much going on around here. Probably best to stop here and set camp for the night." He said.


And as he was saying the word camp. The little girl turned and planted her feet. Then arched her leg and vanished into the bush's."Whoa shadow step." Negan muttered.


"Hey where you going? Wait up." Negan started yelling, and running in the direction she disappeared in.


He comes through some bush's to a opening and see's the little girl standing above a rabbit. She turns looks at Negan holds up the rabbit by the feet and shakes it at him.


"What the heck?" Negan thought to himself."You can't just take off like that." He tells the girl angrily.


The girl still holding the rabbit by it's feet, tilts her head slightly and stared at Negan. She shakes it again at him.


"Ok, I get it." Negan said. "Come on." He said and waved to her to follow him back to where they were.


She follows Negan back to the trail. Once they are back to the spot where Negan said to make camp. The girl lays the dead rabbit on a rock walks over to Negan's bag. She opens his bag up.


"Hey." Negan yells. "Get out of that. It's mine." He said kind of angry.


She turns her head at Negan. "Mine?" She asked confused.


Negan looked confused also. "Wait, you can talk?" He asked her.


"Yes." She replies. Still digging through Negan's bag.


"Ok, well if you understand stop digging through my stuff." Negan said getting annoyed.


Her hands stop digging and she looks up at Negan. "Your stuff mine. My stuff yours." She says and smiles. And then turns back to the bag and keeps digging through it.


"What is going on?" Negan says to himself. "Is this girl off her rocker?." He wonders.


She finally finish's digging through his bag. As she pulls out a cloth and sets it down. Then she turns to the rock grabs the rabbit with one hand.


And then Negan saw as the other hand began to glow blue slightly. And then it turned into a blade. She then looks down and starts to prep the rabbit for cooking.


"What the?" Negan said as he stood there bewildered for a moment."What's up with your hand?" Negan asked.


"Oh, my weapon form has a blade, so I'm just using it to cook." The little girl said setting up a pot.


"I guess that makes sense." Negan said as he stood there thinking.


"How could a kid her age know how to cook a rabbit? There's something odd going on here. And what about that technique earlier. I could have sworn she used shadow step when she caught that rabbit. Or was I just imagining it." He thought.


He sat down and thought a moment. As he watched the girl start a fire and go through the entire process of preparing and cooking a full dinner. She even managed to find a near by farm and snag a couple of potatoes.


Stuck watching in amazement. At how a small child was able to accomplish all of this, in such a short time. Negan just watched. Once she finished cooking, she served Negan then ate herself.


After finishing Negan set his plate down and looked over at the girl. Who was now putting stuff away and using the cloth to clean her face and hands.


"She's just like Colleen." Negan thought to himself.


The way she made dinner, served food and put it all up. Was the same way Colleen acted when Sam arrived home nightly.


"What was it Colleen used to say?" Negan thought. "Oh yeah." He remembered


Colleen always said. "It's my duty and honor to serve it's master."


Negan looked over at the girl now preparing a place to sleep. "Thank you." Negan said.


The little girl turns and looks at him and nods with a smile. Then she walks over to the other side of the fire and kneels down. She then sits down and lay's on the ground.


Negan confused a little, looks over at the blanket laid out next to the fire opposite of where the girl was laying. "What are you doing?" He asks.


Still laying down she turns her head towards him. "Time for sleep." She says.


"Ok well yea, But why don't you sleep over there on the blanket? You did all the work setting it all up. I wouldn't feel right making you sleep in the dirt." Negan explained.


She giggled a bit and said "Silly Negan." Then rolled over.


Negan gets up walks around to the other side of the girl and lays down beside her in the dirt.


"Master what are you doing?" The girl jumped up immediately.


Negan was taken back and jumped up himself. "What are you doing?" Negan asks in confusion.


The girl takes a deep breath and exhales slowly as if calming herself down. "It is the weapons duty and honor to serve her master in all things." She says and looks up at Negan.


Negan was so taken back by her repeating colleens words that a single tear rolled down his cheek.


"It is my duty to serve you master, so please sleep in the area designated for you." She said as she slightly bows her head.


"No." Negan said firmly.


The girl looked up in confusion. "But master." She says. Negan interrupts her "I said no!"


"I don't care if your my weapon. I wont make a young girl sleep in the cold dirt, while I cozy up with a blanket no way. You will sleep in the designated area. And that's final." He said.


The girl shocked and unsure how to respond stands there a moment. Before bowing her head slightly and saying. "Yes master." And then she walked over and laid on the blanket.


"And please stop with the master stuff." Negan says. "Well now that, that's settled." He said as he kneels down and flops his head back. Laying opposite to where the girl is on the blanket.


He looks over at the girl and sees a tear rolling down her cheek."Oh no, now what?" He thought.


"Hey look I'm sorry." Negan says trying to comfort the girl.


"I'm sorry, I didn't think about how freaked out and scared you must be right now. I was only thinking about myself. Hey well look. Why don't you tell me about you a little? Maybe it might make you feel better." Negan said to the girl.


She sat up and turned to Negan. "You don't remember do you?" She asked with a very serious look in her eyes.


"Huh? Remember what?" Negan asks.


"Never mind." She says rolling back over looking away.


"Oh, I know we never finished the pulling ceremony did we?" Negan asked. "Which means I still have to give you a name. That's got to be it." He said in excitement.


The girl popped her head up and looked at Negan.


"Well you ready for a name?" Negan asks the girl.


She nods at him quickly jumping to her feet.


"Ok." Negan says while sitting up on the ground. "Ok well let me think for a moment." He says as he looks around.


The little girl starts digging through Negan's bag with some urgency. Then starts getting closer to him, poking her head in his view every time he moves his gaze. She keeps popping her head out in front.


"I'm Thinking, thinking." Negan keeps saying out loud. As the girl is pulling on his shirt now.


She hands him a piece of ripped cloth. It reads "Hanna".


"Is this your name?" Negan asks the girl.


She nods back.


"Huh this is a bit odd, a weapon having a name already. But pulling a fully formed weapon isn't normal either I guess." Negan said. "Speaking of." He said as he looked down at her.


"Do you know how or why you came out like that? A fully formed weapon as a new born. Or the fact that you know how to talk, cook, hunt and you even have a name already. It's all a odd." Negan asks Hanna.


Hanna looks down at the ground. "I don't know." She said. "I don't know why I am, the way I am. I just am." Hanna said. "Also, while I am a new born weapon in this world. I am not in mine." She explained


"Ok, that was way to confusing. What do you mean your not a new born?" Negan asks. "You sure look like one." He said looking over Hanna.


Hanna looks up. "Well, here I was just born into this world." Hanna says. "I am a new born weapon, and as such I have a small new born body." She said. And then she stretches her little arms out as far as she can."But in my world I am an adult. So I already know many things." She explained.


"Your world?" Negan asks.


"Yes." She says and nods.


"The world of ash, where weapons live until they are pulled." She explained.


"Oh wow, I didn't know that there was another world." Negan said.


"I always thought that weapons we're born the day they are pulled. And grew from there, some being able to become a fully formed weapon's. And can even talk." He said a little confused.


"No that isn't accurate." Hanna says. "A soul weapon is paired and born at the same time as their master is born." She said.


Negan's jaw actually dropped as he sat stunned. Then she continued.


"Once the pair reach adult age the weapon can be pulled into your world. And they begin there partnership together. But the weapons exist in my world while awaiting the pulling." Hanna explains.


"They live there asleep and awaiting their masters call. You just don't hear of it since once they come through they are in weapon form. And unable to speak." Hanna said.


"I think I'm starting to understand." Negan said. "But for now let's call it a night. I feel like my brain is going to explode." Negan said as he lays back.


Hanna walks back to her blanket and lays down looking over at Negan. "Master?" She called to Negan.


"I told you Hanna don't call me that." He replied.


"I must master, it is my duty. But I just wanted to say thanks." Hannah said.


Negan turns towards Hanna. "Thanks for what?" He asks.


"Thanks For finding and pulling me out." Hanna says.


Negan looks over "What is it like over there just waiting to be pulled? What do you do while you wait?" Negan asks.


"Well everyone was asleep." Hanna said with a sad tone. "So depends really, but it seems like both worlds turn the same direction." Hanna said.


"Hmmm" Negan thought for a moment. "Wait you said everyone was asleep Hanna. What did you mean? What did you do while you were waiting for me?" Negan asked.


Hanna sat up looked over at Negan. "I was Trapped." She said firmly but with a sad tone.


Negan jumped up. "Huh? What do mean trapped?" Negan asked.


"Exactly as it sounds master." Hanna said.


"For the last fifteen years I've been trapped between worlds. Able to view both, but touch or speak to neither. No one could see or hear me from either side. So I just waited and watched." She explained


Negan was shocked. "Why? How?" He began to ask.


"I don't know that either." Hanna said. "However I can say that you took forever it felt like. For you to pull me." She says as she smiles a bit.


"Well if I had known I would've made them let me pull you earlier." He said.


"That's not possible master" Hanna said. "You have to be of age. You know that master, it wasn't your fault." She said.


"It doesn't matter now. I'm here finally." She said as she looks up at the night sky.


"I'm here with my Negan and our journey finally begins." She mumbles and  turns back over. And then she says "Goodnight master."


Negan sits there for a moment unable to find words. "I mean what do I say after that." He thought.


"I'm sorry Hanna, sorry you were alone. But your not anymore. And neither am I." He said softly looking down with a sad tone. "As long as we stick together well be ok." He thought.


"Goodnight Hanna." He said. Then he laid down and rolled over and closed his eyes.


Hanna laid there clinching her blanket. And wipes a tear from her face as she tries to go to sleep. She whispers to herself "Goodnight my love."