
Cat in danmachi

I was but an average Joe, I went to the gym, had a sweet revenge against protesters, caused a conflict in my own countrys politics and owned a very cute and precious cat. Now that I am in danmachi I will live how I want and do what I want, never will I ever again watch my loved ones suffer and take action when needed.

WalnutToad · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs


As we descend the stair strangers pet me for a small boost, I do not mind instead enjoy the wave of serotnin I feel from it. After descending we continue walking with me still a loaf on his shoulder. Look mom that cat is on his shoulder can we get one please please please, I hear a child say with excitement.

We walk past the hostess of fertility and continue past it, after 10 minutes of walking we arrive at the shop.

A average store of wood with windows, it has a sign reading Blue pharmacy, quite plain but I the whole building is so.

Bell opens the door and we walk in. Inside there is a lit room containing a desk with a small bell and a door behind.

The planks creak as we walk to the desk. We ring the bell and wait.

-Coming. A women answers from out of sight with a hint of tiredness in her voice.

-Hello, can you describe what potion you want to buy? A dog eared blond young woman says.

-Good morning, I am not here to buy anything but this cat I found in the dungeon wants to join your familia, he knows how to write but wants to keep it a secret. I jump off Bells shoulder and scratch into the desk *hello he is correct that I want to join.*

Naaza at this point had changed from a look of dead eyes to one of contemplation of reality.

-Uh, well my God is currently buying groceries and I will need to discuss with him about it. If you do not mind me asking what reason is it you want to join us?

My previous owner was apart of your familia but he died in the dungeon, I have been living in the dungeon for around 2-3 days, I ate magic stones to grow stronger and not starve.*

She looks at me with eyes of pity and unconsciously stroke my head. I don't object as It feels very nice, like a pillow is petting you.

-Thank you a lot for bringing it here. I'm sorry I can't offer you a gift due to our financial situation. She says, eyes hovering over her prosthetic arm.

-It was nothing, it helped me in the dungeon when I was in a pinch. He says remembering the shock when he read my message.

-You can fight? I nod. Then Bell do you mind helping us, do some light sparring so I can understand his prowess. He agrees and we take a short walk outside. On the count of three I want you Bell to try and defend against all of his attacks.

We stand on the grass and I stare into Bells red beautiful eyes with my own eyes that look a bit tired and are coloured green.

3 2, 1. I rush forward aiming for Bells heels, he counters by attempting to lightly kick me with his right leg, I easily avoid his futile attempt and attack his right heel.

His boots taking most of the damage from my claws his heel is only left with a small scratch.

I climb his legs before then manoeuvring myself to his back.

Bell falls backwards, aiming to keep my away from his back he succeeds. I flee but my back legs are a bit bruised.

Taking the opportunity I pounce at his neck, Bell punches my face before pinning my stomach under his forearm. I struggle but give up as I am stuck and have clearly lost. I lick his arm as a message of defeat.

-W-what?. He releases me, I try to look as strong and unaffected by my injuries as I walk to naaza. She notices and giggles softly picks me up and holds me like a baby.

-You might not have it hard defeating a unintelligent creature like a goblin but against bell a adventurer that is a step higher intelligent wise you might not win.

You clearly focus on swift and predicted actions. You did not take in Bells intelligence when you wre fighting him, simply believing he was another goblin.

Altough you show arrogance when observing your opponent you should still keep in mind that you are yourself one good hit away from loosing.

My eyes go wide as I take in the information, she is after all a retired adventurer and her tips are there for only good for myself.

Naaza seeing me distracted distracts herself with attempting to rub my belly. I act as if I am still takin the information when she lowers her hand, right before impact I lash out ravaging her hand and attempting to scar her with bites.

She smiles at my attempt and forcefully rubs it, I cry out to Bell he says.

-I can't help she is level 2 and I am only a beginner, I promise I will apologise if I see you again! Bell flees leaving me to be preyed upon by Naaza. I meow cursing Bell and Naaza only making her laugh excitedly.

I stop struggling and let her rub the belly. It is not uncomfortable but I feel as if I have closed my eyes leaving me open to attacks when she rubs, I think unconsciously that she will rip me to shreds.

I know that it is clearly not the case but I can't help it, I am a cat. She begins walking home still carrying me like a baby and rubbing my belly.

It is soothing to lay like this. The repetitive action and the quiet streets with only vendors. I was not like this in my last life, back then it took me half an hour to fall asleep. Must be because I am a cat now. They do after all sleep a lot.

-Aww you are so cute, she lifts me by my armpits then hugging me. I know you do not like it, but I am stronger so I get to do what I want.

Naaza reminisces of her time as an adventurer, sending a small chill down her spine.

-You better not grow ugly and big like a monster or I will kill you. Staring into my eyes. What the duck, please God leave me alone I only wanted to grow stronger not be a damn stuffed animal for a girl, shedding a small tear.

Naaza chuckles then smiles and hugs me, I voice my protest but it falls on deaf ears, is what I think.

-Naaza what are you doing to that poor cat. Miach snatches me from an unwilling Naaza.

-Cuddling our newest member of our familia. Miach looks at me with clear questionmarks. I jump off and begin writing.

*It is true, Naaza made me spar against hestias captain, she then treated me like a common pet. Thank you so much for saving me from her.

-Wow, uh well Naaza I think it is better if we discuss this at home. Miach says a bit astonished that I can write.

The way back I walk beside Miach keeping close to his legs because I am wary of Naaza.

We arrive at the store, Miach unlocks the door and they sit down chairs while I loaf on the table.

-So why are you so smart and why should I have you join my familia?

I don't know, because I am capable of hunting goblins, kobolds and have sparred against Bell from Hestia familia with Naaza.

-it is true, he can definitely comfortably hunt goblins and kobolds. His main strategy is to incapacitate prey by going for their heel tendons, he will then usually go for the neck or spine.

If you are against a monster that does not rely on parts or can't incapacitate then your toast, still it is good at fighting. She says with a serious face.

Miach has a serious face also the tension in the room sends a shiver down my spine.

-And it is very cute. Her eyes twitch, I forgot to ask for your name. A breath of cold air leaves my lungs. New self so a new name.

Jamie is my name but you can call me Jimmy* Well Jamie I see no negative reason to not accept you, I will go get a piece of paper so we can begin.

A minute later we begin the process. Miach draws a circle on my back, my whole body begins to twitch and my muscles involuntarily flex.

Miach notices and stops, then a horrible pain spreads through my body. Beginning in my chest I feel my heart stop and my stone in chest cracks into pieces that melt.

The liquid burns me as it spreads itself evenly across my whole body before getting even hotter.

-Jamie are you alright, Miach holds me by my armpits, I stare into his eyes with desperation that he will understand I want help.

I can't move or scream as I feel the liquid go to a gaseous state before getting even more hotter, but it then dissipates along with it the heat I felt.

Finally my body relaxes and I can move. The feeling of not being able to anything, to be trapped in yourself made me want to cry out.

- What happened? Miach asks. He lets me down on the table, My stone was destroyed and I felt a horrible amount of pain from my body, I could not move during the process.

Where did you learn to give falna?*

It was Ouranos who gave us a rule book with a manual after descending. I have it in the drawer in my room, I'll be back soon.

Here it is, Miach wipes of the dust then opens the old book. We find the instructions yet there is no explanation of what happens during the process.

- I think it is safe to assume that when I drew the circle I spread your soul evenly across your body and also why you couldn't move and felt pain.

I am sorry it was my mistake for not understanding the process. Miach says with sorrow and a frown.

It is alright please finish the process now*

Miach follows, using the paper he sees that I had lied before about me having been a companion of a adventurer from Miach's familia.

Dropping a drop of blood on my back then placing the paper on my back he stops and gains an idea.

-Naaza there is something I need to discuss privately with our member. My hair stands and I turn to Miach, he winks at me relaxing myself a bit.

Sure but I want to see his falna before you go. I meow saying that I want to see it too. Naaza is given the paper before me and finishes it with a smile.

-You are very unique little cutie, she tries to pet me but I lightly bite her hand. She places the paper on the table and it reads.



strength I 5

vitality I 5

dexterity I 7

agility I 13

magic I 0

cat H 103

Magic: none

skills: none

So to explain this development ability ''Cat'' the way you increase it is by being more cat like, the simplest way to do so is to use your instincts. The benefit of increasing it is that you become larger and denser therefore stronger too.

'That is pretty good, but most cats have a garbage fire of a personality. Oh well not like some one is going to get mad at a cat for doing cat things. Still to summarize what instincts I will probably use then it will be to hunt, to walk quietly, to land on all fours and maybe to find a nice place to sleep.'

-Jamie lets go talk in the back, Naaza continue with your good work. Naaza waves a goodbye as I get carried by Miach into his workshop. The shelf has science equipment that looks worse for wear, the bench across from it is clean but the wood looks unnatural in several places.

Next to the mentioned shelf is another that is full of many bottles filled with weird liquids and solids, one section is only potions colored green, red and yellow, the other sections is monster parts, I recognize a kobold nail lying in a vat of a clear red colored liquid. Taking a seat on the chair used with the bench he looks at me with a face of disappointment.


Goal 2000 words

word count 2088 words