
Cat in danmachi

I was but an average Joe, I went to the gym, had a sweet revenge against protesters, caused a conflict in my own countrys politics and owned a very cute and precious cat. Now that I am in danmachi I will live how I want and do what I want, never will I ever again watch my loved ones suffer and take action when needed.

WalnutToad · Anime & Comics
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One two three… a man mutters to himself in a empty gym. He is not training with what is considered to be heavy but for him it makes him breathless and strained.

He pushes 75kg off his chest,not counting the reps because he forgot when he was too focused.

He thinks to himself that his cat Mr.Fluffy will be proud of him and may reward him with snuggles.

Today and tomorrow are his day offs and he plans to enjoy them. After finishing his session he walks to the bathroom to flex, taking a few pictures but not to post instead to show his cat, he likes to entertain himself by treating Mr.Fluffy like a human.

In the mirror you would see a below average face if not covered by a bushy beard and a man, only 168 cm tall (Americans look it up yourselves) and also 24 years old, he supports masculinity and does not believe in a religion, He lives in Sweden specifically Stockholm, is from Sweden, and his name is Felix Grundberg.


-Hm, I know that fluffy likes yogurt products so should I buy one for him too? Maybe not actually since he is getting a bit chubby, nothing wrong with that but if he gets fat he might get lazy and stop catching rats. He walks out of the gym straining himself once again as he opens the door.

Only a step outside is when he feels the cold yet delightful air, as you might have guessed it is night precisely 3 am. For 30 seconds he walks, following a road leading to his buss stop, for the next 15 seconds he is unaware of a bus precisely the buss he is- was going to take speeding towards him, he does not react as he is too tired to notice the buss driving 30 kilometers more than the speed limit.

The buss driver is Hugo Likter a trans who has protested once, he has drunk a lot of alcohol and is currently dozing off on the wheel, and as you might have guessed he drives straight through the man and the buss station being knocked unconscious as his head hits the wheel.

The man obviously does not survive physically, the trans does but not mentally as he is bombarded with harassment while awaiting his trial. The man is sentenced to prison for 15 years and half a year of communtiy work.

The incident becomes famous around the globe and starts a protest against a protest in the USA, and Sweden. As written the man did not survive physically, instead he did spiritually.

POV switch

-Where the hell am I, around me are colours I don't recognize, I don't have a body and I am not sure how it is I am able to see.

I begin reciting my memories, I was training in the gym, flexing and then I walked to my buss stop, the buss comes and then everything goes dark.

- Am in a coma maybe? But what could have caused that? Was it the buss or something else? I stop my thoughts and look for an exit, I see none so I begin walking forward.

It is very boring here, I have been walking for more than a day yet I am not tired in any way. Although I really miss my cat. I would kill anyone who dared to hurt him and bury their body near a river.

It's just me and my thoughts here, a year is spent like that yet I never forgot what was most important to me, my cat.

I am currently walking and reminiscing of the past when I cuddled my cat, he was so fluffy and cute. I've pondered on my situation and concluded that I am not supposed to be here, I should have been judged and sent to hell or heaven and that I am currently in a place without time as a conscience, because I lived on earth I still experience time here. And I am essentially doomed to be here for the rest of eternity.

-What the fuck? Around me the weird colours stop fading into another and suddenly everything goes black.

When I wake up I am unable to do anything but, I now feel! I can feel that something is happening, for me who was essentially alone for a year with nothing but thoughts this was exhilarating.

-Am I alive now? I ponder about this, maybe I am a in a universe but don't have a body, or maybe I am a undeveloped fetus?

But I then realize is I can now rest! Never was I successful in resting when I was in the weird realm. I longed for it and missed it, to be able to rest was exhilarating when I was alive. It was what I most missed after my cat.

-Before sleeping I should be tired before attempting to sleep. I begin exercising by stretching my current limbs, I feel that my body is strange, I have 4 limbs but they don't feel like my old ones, when I flex I feel muscles in weird spots. I must not be human then, it'd feel bizarre to walk on all fours.

- Wait what if I am a cat? That would be awesome, I could lay around all day and just chill in general.

I always envied my own cat, he would just lay down and bask in the sun, come to me when I finished my gym session and rarely cuddle. If I am a cat then I would cuddle a lot more than my cat and exercise to grow big muscles, heh I remember now the cat that did have a lot of muscles he looked so cute and beautiful.

I begin stretching my limbs again, I feel the burn in my limbs and is reminded of my time at the gym, internally I shed a tear as I have many fond memories there.

I complete three more sets before I then try to sleep. It's not uncomfortable but not comfortable too, in my past life I slept really weirdly and probably unhealthily. I did not have a lot of problems like back pain or neck pain often I would just need to pop a muscle on my shoulders, my mom would help me with that.

I was 27 when she died, damn protesters killed her so I bombed them with c4 when they protested on Drottninggatan (Queenroad).

It felt damn good to have my revenge and I don't regret it, the consequences of it made the government think it was planned by a gang so they took a lot of actions against them, severely helping the high schoolers stay away from related topics of gangs.

It made me feel even better about my actions, I was a victim of high schoolers thinking the world revolves around themselves and thought they could do anything to anyone.

- If I was judged I would go to neither hell nor heaven, I guess I got a light punishment for my misdeeds and this is my second chance.

Well I better make the most of it then, I mimic a laugh in my mind and stop my thoughts drifting off to dream land.

~~~~~~~ (next day)

I wake up and am about begin a stretching session when I realise, I can see and I have a body!

Immediately I eye my body. And I conclude I am a cat, but I am confused not about me but where I am.

Image of the cat he is

I appear to be in a underground tunnel, but If I am a cat then I was birthed so where is my parents? Do they live in this cave and I was asleep when I was birthed and only woke up now?

-No that can not be because I am not hungry, eh mystery for future me to solve. I begin wandering the tunnel and make a few discoveries.

That it feels natural for me to walk on fours, the there are crystals in ceiling releasing light.

I find that the tunnel is wider ahead of me. -Must mean the exit is there! I hastily walk and see around 50 meters ahead a short human fighting of green fugly toddlers.

-Are those goblins? I hurry to the site and when there help kill the goblins, I jump on ones back and claw at its spine, the goblin cry's out and tries to reach me but I quickly pierce deep and sever its neurones and else in the spine. It disappears into dark particles and a purple crystal drops to the ground.

Ting* The 2 remaining goblins turn to my direction giving the human a chance to counter attack.

I now see that it is a dark haired male teenager with wolf ears. He swiftly decapitates the 3goblin in front of him and pins down the other he stabs it in the eye both of transform to particles and drop a small crystal.

He looks to me and with a confused face, I climb to his chest lick his nose and stare into his eyes, it was strangely comfortable to stay like that.

He pulls me off and holds me by my armpits.

-Thank you, but why are you in the dungeon? He takes me close and holds me like a baby with one arm. I meow and almost fall asleep at how comfy it is being held like this. My entire body feels like a pillow because of my coat.

-You are too cute to be here, I can't bring you to the surface because your a monster and I can not afford keeping a pet. I snuggle closer to his chest as if saying it's alright, he reaches his hand to my belly, danger is what I feel so I swiftly bite his hand.

He reels his hand back -Oh no, wait I am a cat I'm allowed to attack for little reasons. He drops me down on the floor and starts collecting the small atones, I feel a calling to eat them so I gather 2 when he is not looking and loaf on top of them.

-this is goodbye take care of yourself and thanks a lot for the help. I unloaf when he turns his back and try to bite the stone, a part of it breaks after an effort leaving my teeth in pain, I swallow the piece and then the whole stone, it scratches my throat a bit but I decide to trust my instincts and continue my meal.

Besides what else could I eat down here, the goblin turned to particles so they can't eat each other. And stones, he mentioned bringing me to the surface so I am underground, and the goblin turned to dark particles it reminds me of something

... Right danmachi the show with a horrible main character, I loved the world building but hated bell and his powers so I only watched around 4 episodes. I wanted it to have more of a goblin slayer aura to it.

Since I am here should I try to live on the surface? If I do then I will either need to be someones pet or partner for a beast tamer. Wait I can just threaten them, that is a whole lot easier but what if they scream for help in front of a high leveled adventurer? That would be problematic, eh I can just run away after acting like a pet when they are asleep.

When I come to the surface I should find a familia to join since it has very low downsides but then I should look for a poor one famous ones would attract too much attention, Hestia would be chill but I would rather join her friend Miachs familia, they sell potions and I would love to keep some on me in case of emergency and I also pity them.

I begin walking thru the tunnel again and find a pair of goblins, only ten meters away is when they turn hostile and rush towards me. I dive under neath ones legs and try to cut its tendon located in its heel but fail my claws only leave scratches.

It lowers it body and almost takes my tail,the other dives towards me but I swiftly avoid it and chew a hole in its neck, the other tries to kick me but avoid it and climb its legs I then immediately realise how dumb I am to try and climb it and jump off.

It dives straight at me but I leap forward, it narrowly misses me and pounce on its spine. Tearing through the flesh and nerves. It dies and fades to particles obstructing my vision for a second which is enough for a gurgling goblin to grab my tail, it reels me in and I frantically struggle in its grasp and slither my tail through its hand just in time for it to try and chomp down on me.

I keep my distance and watch as the goblin trips on the ground, I watch as it dies of blood loss before I then move in to eat its stone, strangely there is also a fang there.

-Is this a drop item? It is still from a monster so I can probably eat it to grow stronger, I don't question my logic since they are used by forgers so it probably has a bit of power inside of it. I swallow my other stone too and decide to rest a bit and digest the fight, what I could've done better and else.

It was idiotic to try and climb a goblin it will easily scoop me up and kill me. Next time I should try and be a bit more strategic, I almost died when I was caught by the goblin so I need to have a trump card in close range and not need to be so dependent on favorable openings for me to go in for a kill. I cant grow muscles in here because of monsters o I should instead just grow stronger by hunting more, I am not dependent on excelia like adventurers so I can't grow stronger by doing dangerous hunts so growing slowly is the name of the game.

I raise my ass and lower my head, I stretch and then begin searching for more goblins.


Goal-2000 words

Word count 2419 words

Hello just wondering who y'all predict will win, senior orange cat or a wobbly black cat.

comment who y'all feel will win, try and convince me why

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