
Cat In Another World

Every story begins at birth but for me it started after me dying. For 17 years I've live my life as a human and honsetly I thought to myself sometimes "Why wasnt I born a dinosaur or even a dragon. Goblin seems fine too". I was born poor always out in the street trying to make a living. There were even time I had to look for leftover food in garbage bins just to fill my stomach and dining together with me were dogs. Lived a life similar that of a dog so what difference there is between me and a dog. No, even dogs were treated better than me at least some passer-by would throw them food while what I got was disgust and spit on my face. So when my time finally came, I accepted it with pleasure. But it seems that there is still another chance! And now in front of a strange figure with godly powers. I humbly protates myself. "Please turn me into an animal!"

CatInAnotherWorld · Fantasy
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15 Chs


"Here's her info." The clerk passed on the paper that I've just filled up earlier.

After receiving the info the dwarven man took a quick glance and immediately begun working on it.

"When will it be ready?" I asked.

"Ha? This will just take a minute or so…" the dwarf smiled as he looked at me.

Please look at what you're doing…

This dwarf was looking at me with a smile on his face while engraving using some sort of laser pen. He was engraving something on a small bronze plate with that pen of his. With just the slightest mistake his finger could be sliced off.

Seriously, be more serious about that. This dwarf is making me nervous.

I turned my attention to his small little workplace to distract myself. On the table, there were strange-looking pens and knife. It should be the tools that he uses. They didn't look like any modern tool back on Earth so I'm not really sure what are they.

At the side of the table where boxes containing a bunch of dog tags made with different colour and material. There were tags made of bronze, silver, gold, and another one that is colour in black. I don't know what it was made of as I'm not really knowledgable to such things.

"Here! All done." Said the dwarf as he handed over a bronze dog tag.

"That was quick!" I said in shocked. It was just a minute after he started working on it and now he says he's already done?!

"It's just soft bronze so engraving it is pretty easy." The dwarf explained without much care.

"Ah, I almost forgot. See that girl over there? Go talk to her." The dwarf said as he pointed over a girl just across us.

"Thank you!"

After giving my thanks, I went to the girl that the dwarf pointed to. As I walked I inspected the dog tag that he made. It was bronze in colour and made very thinly. Thinly as it is I was actually unable to bend it. Then I noticed that there were actually English words engraved on it. Now, that is shocking.

I mean this is another world. So one would not expect the English language to exist here. Where's the uniqueness in this? Not to mention that I'm conversing with people here with English. I just realised it now for some reason.

So what was written on the tag were:

Alex (Human)

F-class mage

F ranked adventurer

Very short and simple. Couldn't it at least have more info? Well, there's no use getting disappointed for that. Anyways, I'm already here in front of the counter of the girl.

"Good morning" I greeted the girl. But she seems to have not heard me as she was deeply engrossed to her paperwork. So I could only greet a little louder this time.

"Good morning!"

"Ah!" The girl shouted as she almost jumps in shock.

When she saw me her face reddened in embarrassment as she apologized.

"I'm sorry I didn't notice you, beautiful sister" she bowed her head in shame.

"It's alright. Anyway, I was told to come here by that dwarf" I pointed to the dwarf who was still focused on his work.

The girl understood and asked.

"Then you should have your dog tag by now?"

"Yes," I showed her the dog tag in my hands.

The girl nodded and continued. "Then you're almost done! I just need to ask you a few questions."

"Where were you born?"

"I was born here."




If the formed that I answered earlier was about my skills and basic information. Then this one was about my background.

"You're done! Just one more thing. If you want to learn more about adventuring and a few tips and tricks. Then let me suggest joining in our lessons conducted by veterans. Only a silver coin per sessions!"

As much as I wanted to come I didn't have any coins so I could only refuse.

After that, the girl told where the Quest Board was. How to take and accept quests. How to hand in finished quests. Where to claim rewards. And a place to sell and buy monster materials.

"Please prioritise your life in any case!"

With these last words, the guild tutorial finally came to an end.

Finally, I could go and check the quest board.

The quest board was just an ordinary wooden board with hooks and papers. One would just need to take their wanted quest off the hook and bright it over to the Quest counter to officially accept it. The board was classified into different types based on their assessed difficulty. From F to A system.

Naturally as an F ranked adventurer I was only eligible o accept F ranked quests. The reward may be poor but it's relatively safer than a higher-ranked quest.

I didn't bother searching for suitable quests now as I have already done searching earlier. I've picked a Slime killing quest and a medicinal herb gathering quest. Unlike in games, you could have multiple quests in real life! Of course, the only downside to this if you haven't completed them until the required date then I'm afraid the penalties are also multiplied.

"Hey, Pretty girl! I see that you're new. Would you like to party with us?" A young man with blonde hair asked politely. Behind him here his other party members. Two girls and three other guys. Each of them wearing different clothes according to their classes.

It was after all my first time so I think teaming up with experienced adventurers is the best choice. But the problem is that this transformed body of mine is useless. With a single hit, his body will revert back to that of a cat.

Add the fact that this Naruto outfit didn't come with Rasengan. Now I know why it is very cheap. Aside from pranks, this outfit was basically useless.

"I'm sorry but I'll have to decline." I politely bowed.

"Is that so? Too bad. We could have used an extra mage" With a face if dejection he went away

Thank goodness this guy wasn't a stereotype villain who would force me to join his party.

After accepting the quest I went back to the inn. I'm planning to bring the three with me. To train their feline instincts.

"Master, where we going?" Garfield asked.

"Is it a but farther more master? My feet hurt" Snow grumbled as he struggled to catch up with our pace.

I could understand him as we have worked for more than an hour now.

"Alright, let's take a break for now"

"Whoooo" the two cheered as they ran to the tall to grasses to play. Meanwhile, Luna was silently flowing behind me. She was quiet as usual playing the role as a responsible big sister to his two little brothers

We were on our way to Greenvale Forest. According to the quest, there was a frequent increase of monsters in the forest. Slimes were all I could handle now. They may be weak but they could harm the ecosystem of the forest.

We should be just a mile away from the forest…or two. Honestly, I don't know. From what I've heard from the adventurers I asked. The forest should be just an hour walk away. But I think we've walked for more than an hour. Even if a cat walking speed is slower than a human's. It shouldn't differ that much.

There's an only single explanation for this.

We're lost!