
Casusbelli: War meets Love

When Petra wakes up from her coma, she finds out her fiance has left her for the person who had put her in that coma in the first place. She finds herself in St. Gregory Hospital, where more than meets the eye. It seems the staff at St. Gregory are ready to do anything to climb to the top-including doing the exact opposite of saving lives. Petra is hired after helping save the president's life, and she soon realizes that the hospital and its mysteries are about to turn everything she's ever thought of her identity upside down.

Yourpsychodreams · Urban
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146 Chs

Saving Mr. President

Confusion heard Lewis's voice as he stood there, staring at the phone. The entire story that he was briefed with made no sense to him.

No one could kill the president with the tight security at the hospital. After thinking deeply about the call, he concluded that whoever had called was either playing a prank or was probably delusional, the latter being obvious, of course.

After a minute or two of staying in his stationary post, he got bored and decided to check on Petra. It has become a routine, and he would always have Loren cover up for him.

Upon entering the room, Petra was bottomless in sleep, and he stealthily walked towards her, holding up his breath and trying not to make a sound.

She was gorgeous and, without a doubt, would easily pass for a princess of some sort If he hadn't known her identity prior.

Her eyes were seized together, and Lewis wondered what she was dreaming about. Suddenly, she began to toss in her sleep, causing Lewis to stare in worry; could it be possible to wake her up from her sleep? He knew it was a safe option but chose to stand and watch as she kept tossing and muttering words he could not pick.

After a while, her breathing began to increase heavily, and this time, Lewis had no choice but to tap her lightly to wake up.

The horrific event was unfolding petrified petra before her. She could not do anything as she watched the surgeon inject the man whose face she couldn't make out with an overdose of chloroquine.

Whenever she tried to stop him from doing it, she felt a force pulling her back, making her frustrated. After a while, she watched as the doctor left the office, and a few minutes later, the man began to convulse.

Petra could do nothing but watch the beeping monitor going off and, at the same time, the doctors rushing into the patient. Surprisingly, she could move and thus walked up to check the patient, hoping he was okay.

The doctors could not see her, but she could see them. They all tried everything possible to revive the man, but it was all wasted effort as he was already dead.

Petra watched the doctor bow his head in sadness and noticed a tear rolling out of his eye. The nurses were already in the pool of their tears. Why was everyone crying? She wondered as one of the nurses stepped up to the dead patient and tried covering up his face. Petra noticed his eyebrow beginning to move.

"He is still alive!!" She shouted to them, but no one answered her because they could not see her.

"What do we do? What do we tell the people?" The nurse asked the doctor, who has been mute since the discovery.

"There is nothing that can be done but to reveal the truth" Petra could not believe that they were so blind not to see that the man in question was still alive.

She struggled to prevent the nurse from covering his face, but it didn't work. Saddened by the situation, she just stared at the man's face for the last time, and before the sheets covered his face, he opened his eyes.

"Wake up, Petra!!!" Petra opened her eyes to a figure standing before her, and she cleared her eyes to know the person's identity.

"Thank God you are awake!!!" Lewis sighed and watched Petra staring at him in confusion.

"What happened?"


"And that was when I heard you call my name" Petra had just finished explaining the entire dream she had to Lewis, who was deep in thought.

"So if I get you perfectly, one of the surgeons entered the room and inserted excessive chloroquine in his drip, and then a few minutes later, he began to convulse?" Petra shook her head in agreement.

The door opened, and the doctor assigned for Petra entered the room with Loren right behind him.

"Lewis? What are you doing here" Asked the doctor? Lewis stood up quickly upon seeing the doctor enter the room.

"Uhmm...I..uhmm I heard some noise and.. and... Uhmm, I came to check on the patient" He breathed peacefully, able to come up with a lie.

"I see..." The doctor stared at him suspiciously as he buried his head to the ground, avoiding any form of contact.

"Anyways, Petra dear, how are you feeling today?" The doctor asked with a smile on his face.

"I am fine" He approached her and checked her temperature with his hands, and touched her vitals to see that she was stable.

"Uhmm.. doctor, I need a favor from you," Petra indicated.

"I am all ears, madam. What do you want?"

"I want to take a walk around, and I need him to walk me," She said, pointing to Lewis, who looked stunned by request.

"He is just an intern here; I could ask one of the nurses to walk you around" Petra shook her head in disagreement, saying;

"I will like to be around him. At least he was kind enough to check on me when he heard the noise from my ward" the doctor thought about it for a moment

"Well then, it's not a problem, Lewis. Make sure you cater for her and anything she asks for, don't hesitate to let me know."

"Alright, sir" The doctor took one last long look at her before heading out of the room and leaving her with Lewis.

"Never knew you could stammer and also lie," Petra commented, causing Lewis to chuckle.

"If he finds out that I was just messing around, doing nothing, my ass would have been on fire by now," Petra laughed, the first time she would find a sense of humor after her recovery from the incident.

"Don't worry, and I am sure he would not even pay close attention to you any longer because I requested for your assistance" Petra stood up from the bed, with the help of Lewis, who rushed up to her and gave her a helping hand.

"So, let's take a walk then."


"Sir, the kidney donor is ready and waiting" Matt was getting his kits ready for the president's operation when the nurse came into the room to inform him about it.

"Alright, monitor his heart rate, blood pressure, and blood oxygen," Matt's informed him as he put his second-hand gloves on.

"Noted, sir"

After the nurse was gone, Matt took a step towards the window. He was seriously nervous about the surgery he was about to take on; any mistake from him would mean the end of the president.

This would cause a severe uproar in the country, and the press would show no mercy when writing derogatory statements about him.

He took one last deep breath, grabbed his kit, and headed out of his office. While moving along the hallway towards the reserved area for the president, he almost bumped into a lady and a young lad, who seemed to be walking the last around; Matt presumed he was an intern, judging from the badge he had on.

Stepping into the theatre, the nurses were already at their post as they awaited him to arrive.

"How is his heart rate at the moment?" He asked one of the nurses.

"It is stable at the moment, sir."

"Alright then, we can proceed," He said, turning off the leading lights of the room and powering the bright lights, which were closer to the body of the president.

Matt took opened his kit box and gave them to the nurse standing by to hold for him, and he wanted to be entirely concentrated without any distraction.

"I hope Anesthesia has been administered already?" He asked, turning to look at the president's face for the first time since entering the room.

"Yes, sir"

That was all Matts needed to hear before proceeding to make an incision on his lower abdomen. He was careful not to open it up so carelessly as it would result in excess bleeding.

"Kidney?" He asked, one eye on the beeping monitor to ensure that his heart rate remained stable.

The nurse places the donor Kidney in his hands, and carefully, he puts the kidney inside. He was a little nervous at first, but once the kidney was inside the body, he sighed in relief, knowing that the mission was accomplished.

After he was done, he connected the arteries and veins of the donor's kidney to the president's kidney. He made sure it was well connected and, afterward, checked to see that the blood was fully flowing through the new kidney.

Afterward, he connected the new kidney's ureter to the bladder for adequate urine flow.

Once he was done with the entire process, he stitched the abdomen back, and it was finally over. He looked at the nurses around to see they were also relieved; a tension that filled the room had also died down.

When he was out of the theatre, he removed his glove and was chatting lightly with one of the nurses about the kidney transplant. His phone rang, and it was from the secretary of state.

"I presume you are done with the transplant process."

"You can say that again, and I can assure you that It was hundred percent successful. There was no hitch whatsoever," Matt stated with a smile on his face.

"These are the news I love to hear. Good job Matthews" He was grateful to the secretary of state for believing in him. Now that the job is done, Matt could only imagine the honor he would get.