
Cassandra McAnderson

Cassandra McAnderson, forced to be something that she wasn't just because her mother was never the cool kid in school. With a father that rained money and a mother that threw the fanciest parties and was always on trend with the latest Louboutin shoes, they looked like the picture perfect family. She's looking for a saviour, well she was until it finally dawned on her that this was going to be her life until she could get out of the place she calls home with parents that act like the devil's incarnations. Follow her through her journey as she finally figures out who she is and takes back her life. **********

Elsie_Victoria · Teen
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19 Chs

05 | Welcome to my School

Lunch approaches and I walk to my table and sit on Bryson's lap. "Hey babe," I peck his lips. They are all in a heated argument about God knows what but I don't really pay attention.

"There two new hot boys," Molly starts.

"Oh M!" Yang exclaims.

"They need to have my fucking babies," Mercy says dreamily.

The cafeteria door opens and everyone goes silent but I don't think Jay, Kiara and Kion notice because they are all laughing at something.

"Fuck me," Molly and Yang mutter under there breaths.

"The dark haired boy is mine," I say with a smirk.

"You're on you're fucking boyfriend you slut," Blake-Bryson's best friend says to me. "That's not what you were saying my dms," I fire back and he shuts up.

"Anyways Bryson, we're done," I say to Bryson and stand up.Maybe I'm using this to get out of this prison and mother will probably kill me but YOLO right?

"Isn't this the fifth time you're breaking up this month?" Molly rolls her eyes.

"Whatever. Just back off Kion," I say and turn to walk to Kion but Bryson's fist hitting the table stops me. The cafeteria goes quiet again and now everyone is paying attention to us. Some even have their phones out.

"What the fuck Cass!" Bryson shouts.

"What Bryson?" I roll my eyes and cross my hands over my chest.

"You know what you're such a whore," He shouts even turning redder.

I look at him for a while with an expressionless face then smile and in a sarcastic tone I ask,"Is that it?" Everyone bursts out laughing and he clenches his fists.

He takes long strides towards me and right now he looks so much like father that I almost cower in fear but I keep my chin up.

"What bitch? You're going to hit me?" I provoke him and he lifts his hand up and I flinch a bit but I don't move. Right now I'm sure somone can see the hint of fear in my eyes.

"Bryson!" Blake stops him and looks at him disappointedly.

"Keep your dog on a leash," I say to Molly and Yang.

"They may allow you to use them but don't ever try to touch me. Or else I swear on your fucking life you will regret the day you were born," I say in a dangerously low tone to Bryson. He hits the table beside him and storms out.

"Are you fine?" Molly asks and I roll my eyes.

Everyone gets the memo to go back to lunch and the cafeteria is suddenly noisy again. I walk to the table Kiara is at with the boys and her eyes widen in fear.

"I never got to introduce myself properly," I smile as I plop down.

"Cass McAnderson, welcome to my school," I say and Kion looks at me in disgust. I don't really want him anyways, I just want to do me, without a guy constantly controlling my life.

"Problem?" I ask too sweetly.

"Your school?" He rolls his eyes and just then the bell rings.

"My school. I run this bitch baby boy," I smirk and wink at him then strut out of the cafeteria but not without hearing Jay muttering, "Damn."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.


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