
Case Closed: The Strongest Uncle!

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Levaa · Anime & Comics
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Case Closed: The Strongest Uncle!

Chapter 60: School!?

"Dad, about Ai, since she will live with us, isn't it better for her to go to school?" Ran said. Upon hearing this, Haibara's expression was immediately lost, damn little girl!

The classmate Conan on the side couldn't help but laugh. Even if you are a member of the dark organization, you still can't escape the fate of going to school.

"Hmm, but we need to know what Ai wants first. If Ai doesn't want to go to school, then don't go to school. Let Uncle teach you. Anyway, Uncle knows everything, much better than the teacher at school." Kogoro Mouri glanced at Conan when he said so.

Conan immediately stood up and protested: "No, children of course have to go to school, Uncle Mouri, I said before that I didn't want to go to school, and you had to let me go. Now it's Haibara, and you said to do what she wants. Aren't you partial?"

Kogoro Mouri raised his eyelids slightly and replied, "Yes, I am partial! Do you have a problem with that?"

Hearing this, Conan couldn't help but vomit three barrels of blood in his heart. This answer was too hurtful, and there was no way to refute it.

Haibara couldn't help laughing when she heard this and looked at Conan triumphantly.

Ran hurriedly said: "Conan, don't take it to your heart. Dad is just joking. Dad, how can you say that?"

Mouri Kogoro looked at Conan's depressed expression and couldn't help but sprinkle a handful of salt: "What I said just now is of course sincere. A mischievous little devil like Conan runs around at the murder scene with me every day, always making trouble. Not as cute as Ai, and Ai is very quiet, and she is a girl. Of course, I like her better."

"Conan, you have to behave better. Otherwise, even if your mother Fumiyo pays me more 'trust fees', I'd like to send you to that kind of militarized elementary school."

Ran nodded in agreement when she heard this: "Oh, yes, Conan, just don't be so naughty in the future?"

Hearing that even Ran started to accuse himself, Conan could only sit down angrily. He didn't want to be sent to such a hard-pressed school.

Conan-kun, who was full of resentment, could only stare at Kogoro Mouri with dead eyes: Damn uncle waste material, you like this little girl, this is a poisonous snake, and one day it will kill you. If you come to me, I won't save you anymore!

Haibara looked at Conan who couldn't complain anymore and felt more comfortable.

But Ran still insisted: "But Ai is indeed an age who needs to go to school. It won't work if she never goes to school. She will be out of touch with her peers. It will be strange for neighbors to see."

Haibara frowned when she heard this. She was also afraid that she might reveal her identity, so she quickly spoke to Kogoro Mouri, "Uncle Mouri, I can go to school."

"I see, in that case, when the party tomorrow is over, I will take you to the school to go through the formalities. Ai, what a motivated child, Conan, learn from her, don't be absent from school all the time, you Boy, Ms Kobayashi asked me to visit next week. Your problem is very serious!" Kogoro Mouri stabbed Conan again, and the knife hit the point.

After a meal, Conan walked straight downstairs with an unresolved appearance, the meal was too awkward.

Back in the room on the second floor, Conan lay on the bed with his head in his hands and began to think about Haibara today. This little girl has a mysterious origin and knows about the mysterious dark organization. She can also tell the name of the medicine he took.

And the reason for the sudden recovery today, is it due to the cold? And the name of those men in black who made him become a child, Gin and Vodka. They are all wine names. What are the connections? All of this hovered in Conan's mind like a mess.

The only thing Conan can be sure of at this moment is that the little girl seems to have no malice towards himself and the Mouri family, but more clues are needed!

After eating, Kogoro Mouri walked out of the house with excuses and went to the place where Akemi Miyano lived.


Early the next morning, Hattori Heiji and Toyama Kazuha came to visit.

Kazuya changed into a light yellow shirt, still wearing a high ponytail. At this moment, it was revealed that her waistline was covered by the martial arts uniform yesterday. She was really slender, and she still looked full of energy.

But Hattori Heiji was hit by Shinichi Kudo yesterday, and he was quite apathetic.

Conan came out of the room on the second floor after he was called by Ran. He did a lot of things last night. He secretly ran to Dr Agase house and asked for a pocket wiretap. He planned to monitor Haibara and see if he could find out useful information.

Kogoro Mouri's family was ready, and just waiting for Conan to finish, Ran urged Conan to wash and eat, and then everyone got in the car rented by Kogoro Mouri and drove to the suburbs.

Kogoro Mouri's car skills were already at max level, and he drove like a racing car at a mere morning rush hour, and soon the car drove out of the rice flower market.

Kazuha couldn't help but exclaim: "Mouri-san has such good driving skills, he is almost equal to a racer."

"Don't say it's a car, even if it's a plane, I can drive very well, and I can even flip it 360 degrees in the air."

Kazuya couldn't help but cover her mouth and smile: "Mouri-san is also very funny to talk to!"

Hattori Heiji and Conan on the side couldn't help but roll their eyes at the same time. They really couldn't stand this bragging uncle.

But what they didn't know was what Mouri said was the truth.

Ran looked at the dark clouds in the sky gradually becoming dense, and couldn't help but feel a little sad: "It only snowed yesterday. Looking at the weather, it seems that it will snow hard today."

Heiji Hattori replied after hearing this: "The weather forecast seems to say that there will be a cold current coming towards Kyoto in the next three days. I don't know if it will become a blizzard."

"It's okay, it's okay, how could there be a blizzard, Heiji is just talking nonsense." Kazuha said.

About two hours' drive, Mouri Kogoro's group finally reached the destination.

At this time, Ran's phone rang.

"Sonoko? What did you say, you can't come over today?"

In the toilet of Suzuki's villa, Sonoko was calling while sitting on the toilet: "Yes, my dad suddenly went home. I was about to go out and was caught by him, and then was restrained."

"You must be in trouble again."

"Nothing, hey, let's not talk about these sad things, Ran, you are almost there, I heard my old sister say that there are ghosts and monsters at where the parties will be held!"

"Nani, a ghost?"

"That kind of monster has been spying on the world and seeking eternal life with human life as a sacrifice!"

"Stop talking." Ran hung up the phone as soon as she was afraid, Suzuki Sonoko in the villa showed a mischievous smile. At this time, the knock on the toilet door rang, and Shiro Suzuki's voice came out: "So Sonoko, don't think I didn't know you were hiding inside, come out quickly."

Suzuki Sonoko's expression was instantly lost.


Sure enough, as Ran said, when approaching the destination, the dark clouds in the sky started to snow, because the car couldn't drive up, so everyone climbed on foot for the last distance.

The heavy snow last night has not melted, and there is still snow on the green trees. Everyone came to the suspension bridge. There is a chic villa opposite the suspension bridge, which looks obviously different from other Japanese villas. On the open space outside, a barbecue stand has been set up, and in order to resist the flying snow, a shed has been set up.

Sonoko's sister saw Mouri's group and hurriedly greeted them.

Suzuki Ayako met Ran several times, and even recognized Mouri Kogoro, and greeted several people enthusiastically.

At this time, Ran pulled Kazuha and said to her father: "Dad, we're going up first." After saying that, the two women went upstairs, while Mouri Kogoro and the others were here to admire the white snow scene beside the suspension bridge. And under the bridge was a cliff hundreds of meters deep, and the Villa here is isolated from the rest of the world, and it's a pretty good place to rest.

After a while, the snow became heavier, and the people outside the barbecue entered the villa.

The fire inside the fireplace was very warm.

Ran and Kazuha also came down from the second floor, and Kazuha opened her mouth and said, "There are no door signs in the rooms upstairs. Ran pushed the door all the way in, but saw many men changing clothes."

Ayako replied: "That's because they all went to the wild to pick mushrooms in the morning. The wild mushrooms here are very delicious. I think their clothes are soiled and they are all changing clothes. It's also my fault for not getting the house number. Also, this is not my Villa, but was rented by everyone." Ayako served hot tea to everyone while talking.

At this time, a man with a knitted hat who came in from outside to hide from the snow said: "Although it is not comparable to Ayako's villa, this place we are looking for is not bad..."

Ayako smiled and said, "Masaichi, what are you talking about? This villa is really good. Except for the roof on the second floor, which seems to be a bit broken, everything is nice and quiet. My house can't compare to it. "

At this time, another gentleman, wearing gold glasses and a watch, recognized Mouri Kogoro, and came over to shake hands with Mouri with surprise: "Are you the famous Mouri detective? I have seen you on TV. It's a great honor to see you here and I didn't expect to see you today!"