
Case Closed: The Strongest Uncle!

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Case Closed: The Strongest Uncle!

Chapter 63: The Bandage Man Part 3.

[Warning: Disturbing scene ahead. You've been warned.]

When Ran and Ayako passed the back door, they saw Chikako Ikeda's shoes at the entrance of the back door. They couldn't help but wonder: "Did Miss Ikeda go upstairs to rest? Why does it seem to be out again, Sister Ayako, have you seen where she went?"

Ayako said, "I didn't see her going downstairs, sigh, since Atsuko's death, Chikako's character has become more and more withdrawn."

Heiji Hattori, who was helping, heard it and asked, "Who is Atsuko-san?"

Ayako replied: "Atsuko is a member of our film agency, but she hanged herself two years ago. Sigh, if Atsuko is still here, it would be great!"

Ayako picked up the dishes: "Forget it, let's not say so much, let's go to eat, I believe everyone is hungry." 

In the living room, the photographer Hiroki Sumiya was still playing with the camera, and said to Ran and Kazuya: "Come on, come closer, smile, yes, perfect."

Kazuha turned to Ran and whispered, "This guy's gaze is very strange, it makes me feel a little bit creepy."

"Yes." Ran nodded, and she also felt the unkindness in Hitoki's eyes. Hiroki Sumiya smiled and said, "It's been a long time since I met a beautiful girl like you. Why don't I find time to accompany you two to take pictures? My photography skills are very good." Then laughed to himself.

Ran and Kazuha hurriedly laughed, and declined: "No thank you."

The expressions of Kogoro Mouri, Heiji Hattori, and Conan were a bit bad.

Fortunately, Hiroki Sumiya quickly shifted the target and took pictures of other people, otherwise, he would definitely have to eat a spell exchanged from Kogoro Mouri.

The playwright Morita Masaichi and chef Yuuji Ando walked over and said, "Can we eat? I'm so hungry!"

Ayako put the dishes on the table and said, "You can eat, everyone, come here."

The photographer Hiroki Sumiya said, "Why didn't I see Chikako? Go upstairs and call her."

Ran replied, "Miss Ikeda seems to have gone out, hasn't she returned yet?"

Hearing this, the doctor in a white robe Okada came in and said, "It doesn't matter, anyway, she said she didn't want to eat, Takahashi, have you finished repairing the roof? Come down to eat!"

The chubby Takahashi Ryoichi said quickly: "Okay, okay, I will come down now."

Takahashi turned his head and looked out the window, and couldn't help exclaiming: "Hey, hey, there seems to be someone outside with a bandage, hey, no, that's Chikako, who was kidnapped!"

Kogoro Mouri glanced at this guy, what a clumsy acting!

But everyone else was immediately attracted by the words and looked out the window one by one.

But seeing a man in a cloak seemed to really seize Chikako, and then flashed past the window, everyone couldn't help but become anxious.

Hiroki Sumiya quickly shouted: "Go fast, I didn't expect that there are really murderers here. Let's go and save Chikako!"

Everyone quickly picked up their flashlights and chased them outside. At this time, the ground outside had already been covered with snow.

Hattori Heiji and Conan ran the fastest, followed by Ran and Kazuha, followed by members of the film Club and the reasoning Club.

Mouri Kogoro deliberately pretended to be exhausted, and ran behind, watching the fat Takahashi Ryoichi also chasing after him. As for Ayako and Haibara, they stayed in the villa.

And sure enough, when  Ryoichi Takahashi saw that everyone in front of him didn't pay attention to him.

He quickly turned a corner and ran into the bushes. He took Chikako's head from under the coat on his stomach, and then quickly threw it into the snowy grass. 

In the dense forest, everyone is constantly looking with their flashlights.

At this time, the long-haired guy, Masaru Ohta, suddenly saw something in the snow. He quickly stretched out his hand and pulled it, then his face suddenly became terrified, and a scream came out: "Ahhhhh... Th-this...it's Chikako's feet!"

The crowd gathered around, and when they saw this foot, they couldn't help but shout: "Chikako! Chikako, where are you!? We are here to save you!"

When Ran and Kazuha saw this scene, their faces immediately became hard to look at.

The bald male lawyer Kusaka Kosuke also found another part of the body: "Look, everyone, it's Chikako's foot again, and her legs were cut off!"

Finally, Hiroki Sumiya saw Chikako's face in a bush, he hurried forward and said: "Chikako, hold on, everyone, come here, I found Chikako!"

The light was so dim that Hiroki Sumiya could not see clearly. He stretched out his hand and touched Chikako's face, but he did not expect that the head was turned away. The light of the flashlight came up. And Chikako's head stood on the snow, staring hard. Looking at the middle-aged man.

Seeing this terrifying scene, everyone's souls were flying, their pupils kept shrinking, and one by one stepped back.

Ran even screamed: "Ahhhhh!!!!"

Kogoro Mouri hugged the panicked Ran, turned her back from the head of the dead Chikako, and whispered comfortingly: "Ran, don't be afraid, it's okay, Dad is here."

Kazuha on his side was also constantly trembling, so Mouri Kogoro stretched out his hand to hold Kazuha's cold little hand, and pulled her over, letting her lean gently on his shoulder, stretched out his big hand, and hugged Kazuha's little waist.

Ran's face was extremely pale, her teeth kept bumping together, she was obviously terrified:

"Ghosts, bandage weirdos..." Mouri Kogoro couldn't help but feel distressed when he saw Ran like this. Even Kazuha kept shaking after hearing this.

The three gathered together, and Kogoro Mouri comforted the two softly: "Don't be afraid, this is not a ghost, this is just a murder case, Ran, Kazuha please cheer up."


Conan and Hattori Heiji in front of them didn't notice the three people in a group behind them.

The two quickly recovered from their shock, with fighting spirit burning in their eyes, and quickly approached the head of the person and began to survey the scene.

The rest of the people looked terrified, and anyone who noticed the sudden appearance of their friends' heads couldn't keep calm, except for the two bold detectives who looked down for clues.

Hattori Heiji and Conan bumped their heads together, and Hattori Heiji couldn't help being annoyed and picked up Conan: "You kid, why are you here? Go back to the villa."

Conan completely ignored him and whispered to himself: "There is no temperature on this head, and the chopped neck wound is also condensed, and there is no bleeding. If it is really killed after being seized, then the corpse should be a bit warm."

Hattori Heiji couldn't help being surprised when he heard this: Hey, this kid?

"Boy, how do you know so much?"

Conan reacted immediately, touched his head and smirked, and then said: "I like to play detective games. I learned this from Uncle Mouri."

Heiji Hattori was convinced when he heard it: "It is indeed a great Maori detective. Any kid who is under him is good." He couldn't help turning his head to look at Mouri Kogoro, wanting to know the Mouri detective's opinion on the matter.

But Hattori Heiji suddenly saw his childhood sweetheart, Kazuha leaning on the arms of their very respected Mouri detective.

Seeing this scene, Hattori Heiji's pupils continued to shrink again, his hands and feet swayed, completely panicked, and even the greenish hat on his head was about to fly, and his mouth suffered from aphasia: "%*#@& )!"

Hattori Heiji was about to rush toward Kazuha but was caught by Conan.

"Look, the rest of the decomposed corpse is covered under the heavy snow." Conan pointed to the abdomen of Chikako that others had just found in the snow and dug out. It had already frozen.

Seeing this tragic situation, Hattori quickly left Kazuha behind, holding his chin and began to think carefully: "If this is the case, Chikako-san must have died long ago, and then she was divided by the murderer and abandoned here. Yes, then the scene of the bandage weird kidnapping we just saw is the murderer's suspicious group. The real murderer should be among the group of people in the villa."

Conan and Hattori Heiji finally determined that this was a homicide. The two kept staring sharply at everyone present and began to think carefully about the time they were absent today.

At this time, Mouri Kogoro let go of the two girls in his arms, and said firmly: "Ran, Kazuha, don't be afraid, I will find the murderer."

Since you dare to scare my baby girl, then I will end your little play!

After saying that, Kogoro Mouri turned and walked in the direction of everyone.