
Case Closed: The Strongest Uncle!

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Levaa · Anime & Comics
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Case Closed: The Strongest Uncle!

Chapter 65: Feeling Something Is Wrong!

The heavy snow continued to fall, gradually covering Chikako's body, but the place in front of them still felt terrifying.

Everyone was covered with a thin layer of snow, and Kogoro Mouri said, "Let's go back, and call the police when the signal is restored." After saying that, Kogoro Mouri hugged the visibly frightened Ran, then walked toward the brightly lit villa.

Kazuha on the side followed closely, and Conan looked at Mouri Kogoro with different eyes. This was the first time he noticed the gap between himself and Mouri Kogoro.

Conan pretended to be nonchalant, and asked in a low voice, "Uncle, when did you discover that Takahashi Ryoichi was the murderer?"

Kogoro looked at the curious but pretentious little devil head in front of him, couldn't help but laugh in his heart and started to whisper, "I found out from the beginning that Takahashi Ryoichi is a bandage weirdo. You know, your uncle is a karate master. I kicked him when he attacked Kazuha for the first time. This kick happened to be between his ribs in the third and fourth quarters."

"So he will show a pained look when he walks a few steps, and he will stop without knowing it. And when I saw Takahashi walking in the villa later, I knew he was a bandage weirdo. I didn't reveal that because I thought he was going to do some pranks. But I didn't expect it to be murder in the end."

"Sigh, I am also to blame, otherwise Chikako Ikeda-san will not die, and there will be no murders today."

Ran's face was pale when she heard her father blaming himself, and she still comforted her father: "Dad, you can't be blamed at all. Bad people will always want to do evil. Even if you stop him today, next time he will definitely kill Ikeda-san."

Conan's eyes lit up when he heard this, just like he said, Uncle Mouri is just a martial artist, how could he understand reasoning!

Kogoro Mouri continued to explain in a low voice: "After that, there was the case where we chased the bandage weirdo right? I know that the bandage weirdo is Takahashi Ryoichi, so I deliberately ran very slowly and kept watching him in secret. This guy is too arrogant. He thought I couldn't see him, and blatantly took out the head from his stomach, so this criminal technique is very simple!"

"Boy, don't tell it to others, you hear me? Otherwise, they will blame me for not telling them the identity of the bandage weirdo first, what should I do if they blame me for the death of Chikako Ikeda-san?" Mouri Kogoro directly gave Conan a bursting chestnut and threatened him to shut up.

Conan touched the big red envelope on his head and glanced at Mouri Kogoro blindly: Hmmm! It's you who are afraid that after I say it, it will destroy your image of a wise detective this time! 

Conan thought of this, stroking the big red envelope on his head, and a sense of superiority in IQ appeared.

Mouri Kogoro looked at Conan who had been crippled underneath and smiled inwardly.


Everyone returned to the villa, and Ayako took Haibara and stood at the door waiting for everyone: "How is it? Did you catch the bandage weirdo? Did you save Chikako?"

The cameraman Hiroki Sumiya said with a sad face: "Chikako is dead, and the bandage weirdo is Takahashi. After being exposed by Mouri-san, he jumped off the cliff and committed suicide." 

Ayako immediately looked shocked: "What happened!? How could this be?" Haibara still looked indifferent and did not take the death of these two people to heart.

"Takahashi said he avenged Atsuko. It turns out that Chikako's film was plagiarized from Atsuko."

The long-haired man Ota Masaru also looked sluggish: "A word is hard to say, let's go in and talk."

Everyone returned to the living room, the members of the reasoning club, told Ayako what just happened. After Ayako listened to it, she looked stupefied. "I didn't expect Chikako and Takahashi to do something like this."

The playwright Morita, wearing a knitted hat, said: "Sure enough, we can only regard reasoning as an interest, and we can't make a living from it. Today I have really met a famous detective, Mouri-san, you are really amazing, you are a well-deserved detective in Kyoto." Morita gave a thumbs up, and Mouri smiled but did not respond.

Conan curled his lips disdainfully when he heard this, and tsk.

Everyone's compliments along the way, Kogoro Mouri has listened to too much, and almost immune to such flattery, he is now studying an old radio.

The radio can finally be used after replacing the battery.

"According to the latest report from the Mihua City Meteorological Bureau, affected by the cold current, there will be heavy snow to blizzards in Mihua City in the next three days.

Partial heavy snow will occur in some areas of the western suburbs. We hope that citizens will take measures to prevent cold and snow... "

When everyone heard the news, their faces changed. This is the location of the western suburbs of Mihua City, which means that the next snow here will become even bigger. 

Now because of this heavy snowy day, the mobile phone signal is completely gone, and then it becomes a bigger Blizzard. There is no way to get in touch with the outside world, and they can't go back to the city, which means that everyone will be trapped in this unfortunate villa!

Mouri Kogoro frowned when he heard the news: "Ayako, is there enough food in the villa? I'm afraid we will stay here for a while."

Ayako nodded and said, "There is no problem with the food. When we came here, everyone thought they were on vacation, and thought it would take many days. So we bought a lot of food, but are we really unable to leave this place?" Ayako looked outside the window, the dark clouds in the sky became thicker, and the snow became enormous.

The bald male lawyer Kusaka Kosuke said, "I'm afraid that's the case. Fortunately, Mouri detective has found the bandage weirdo, so there is no danger. Although this place is not very lucky, as long as you don't go to the place where Chikako died in the dense forest, It's alright?"

Ayako looked sad: "But leaving Chikako corpse outside alone, is this really good?"

The long-haired man Masaru Ohta quickly replied: "We know you're worried Ayako. But the scene is too horrible, I believe no one would dare to go back. This matter should be left to the police. We just need to stay here, sigh, I didn't think Takahashi to be a perverted person."

"Well, Ota, don't talk too much, after all, he is already dead." Kusaka Kosuke quickly stopped him.

Listening to these people, Mouri Kogoro held Haibara and looked at the heavy snow outside the window. He vaguely felt that this villa was a little ominous.

Kogoro Mouri checked the time, it was already late, and he said: "Let's check the doors and windows of this villa together, and then prepare to rest and sleep. Remember to close the doors and windows before going to bed, understand?"


Mouri Kogoro, who had established enough authority, said, and everyone immediately followed his instructions and got busy.

Everyone quickly inspected the villa, closed the doors and windows, and then went to their own rooms.

All the rooms are on the second floor. There is a corridor. The rooms are distributed around. Ayako's room is the first one on the right. Next is the room of the film club members. In turn, it is the actor Masaru Ohta and Ryoichi Takahashi. Next was photographer Hiroki Sumiya, and Tomoko Ikeda.

From the left is the room of the members of the reasoning club, the doctor Okada Jin, the playwright Masaichi Morita, the bald male lawyer Kusaka Kosuke, the chef Yuji Ando, and then the room of Kogoro Mouri.

Kazuha, Heiji, Ran, Haibara, and Conan also each looked for the next room. They said good night to each other and closed the door to sleep.

The lights in each room of the villa gradually dimmed, and Kogoro Mouri was lying on the bed, a little unable to sleep. This villa always gave him a strange feeling, a bit like a French Gothic building, but a little bloated, and the decoration inside is very Quaint, without heating, each room is quite large, and it is equipped with a small fireplace. The blizzard was getting heavier outside, and there was a crackling wood-burning sound from the indoor fireplace. 

Mouri Kogoro gradually became sleepy. 

He turned off the light and lay on the bed. The dark clouds in the outer sky continued to condense, and the higher-level dark clouds converged with each other, clicking, lightning flashed through the window, thunder continued to strike, and the sound of thunder continued.

Kogoro Mouri murmured: "The thunder in the snow is really an ominous omen."

At this moment, there was a round of knocks at the door, and Kogoro Mouri was immediately alert and quickly turned over and came to the door. Because this villa has been built for too long, there is no cat's eye to see outside.

Although Kogoro Mouri thought that no one in this villa could hurt himself, he took out the Desert Eagle from the system and put it in his hand, which opened the door.

Seeing the people outside the door, Kogoro couldn't help but take the Desert Eagle back into the system space.

Standing at the door was Ran in pajamas. She was hugging a pillow, and there seemed to be a layer of mist in her eyes. Seeing Mouri Kogoro opening the door, she hurried in.

"Dad, I'm afraid." Ran hugged the pillow, looking timid.

Mouri Kogoro immediately remembered that it was the same with Ran when she was a child. When there was thunder, she would run to knock on the door between himself and Eri in fear, and then wanted to sleep with them.

Later, Kogoro added a layer of soundproofing material to Ran's room so that she could not hear the thunder so that she could sleep peacefully.

What Ran feared most in her life was ghosts and thunder. It just so happened that these two things were encountered by her today, so it's no wonder that she would knock on his door.

Only then did Kogoro realize that although Ran has always been brave when facing cases and murderers, she is actually just a 16-year-old girl.

Looking at the pitiful Ran in front of him, Kogoro couldn't help but hug her and comfort her: "Ran, don't be afraid, Dad is here, Dad will protect you."

Feeling the safety of her father's warm chest, Ran's trembling body gradually calmed down.

"Dad, I want to sleep with you tonight, is it okay?" Her timid eyes looked at Kogoro again. Of course, Kogoro would not refuse his baby daughter's request. Looking at Ran who was afraid of being rejected in front of him, Kogoro regretted accepting Sonoko's invitation for the first time. Because this commission brought Ran to this place.

Mouri Kogoro put some firewood into the small fireplace, and turned around to see Ran lying on the bed. Fortunately, the bed in this villa was big enough to lie down on three or four people.

He also lay back on the bed soon, and it was strange to say that, laying on the bed this time, all the previous disturbing thoughts disappeared, leaving only a piece of peace of mind, smelling the fragrance coming from Ran next to him, and then Looking at Ran's angel-like profile, Kogoro said, "Ran, good night."