
Carzo Bloodfang: Sovereign of One Piece

Carzo Bloodfang emerges as a malevolent force in One Piece, his heart consumed by darkness and his ambitions twisted by a thirst for absolute control. With the System as his weapon, he unleashes a reign of terror unmatched in history, bending even the mightiest of foes to his will in his quest to become the undisputed ruler of all realms.

FanficAuthor · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs


Hello everyone! I'm curious about your preferences: would you like me to create a harem with characters from different species, or perhaps focus on a single wife, or maybe 3-4 wives? Additionally, if there are any other waifus from different anime you'd like to see, I can include them too. Let me know your thoughts!"

Current One Piece Universe Waifu Options-

1. Toki

2. Olvia


4. Shakky

5. Tsuru

"I'm planning to introduce a new character soon, perhaps as a rescued slave, a country princess or queen, or even a celestial dragon. If you're interested, I can make them of different species too, like oni, elves, lunarians, fishmen, giants, and more. Additionally, I could introduce some additional characters, such as Kaido's long-lost sister, a Lunarian princess, a failed experiment of the World Government, or the little sister of Charlotte Linlin. Let me know your preferences or any other ideas you'd like to explore!"