
Chapter 3 - Sebastian's Big Splash

I turned to the first page of the School of Water section and looked at the first two spells that were listed. The first spell was called Create Water and it literally creates water, pretty self-explanatory. It says that the amount of water created depends on the amount of mana used. The next spell underneath Create Water was called Water Manipulation and this spell just manipulates water that's already created, reminds me of that show I liked watching with that wielder of the four elements. Both of these spells have incantations listed underneath their description and they look pretty short; they're literally just "Create Water" and "Water Manipulation". I guess that's understandable since they're only beginner-level spells. The book also says that most water spells have these incantations at the start of most incantations. So, for example, if I didn't have water near me I'd have to use Create Water then Water Manipulation followed by whatever spells incantation I wanted to use next. From what I can gather it's looking like Water Manipulation is essential for the creation of all water spells as you need to manipulate water to change its form.

It seems only right to start with Create Water, even though there is already water here in the courtyard it would be smart to learn and master this spell first. It would be smart to have a place to put the water I create in; it would make a mess otherwise. I'll ask Scarlett to get me a bucket. I then turned to Scarlett who was quietly watching me with that weird smile plastered on her face.

"Scarlett could you please get me a bucket, and please stop smiling at me like that; It's really creeping me out."

"Why I don't know what you're talking about young Master, but of course I will be back momentarily."

I don't know why she likes teasing me so much; is she even allowed to do that? As Scarlett turns to leave I sit back down and look over the recent pages to see if I missed anything while I wait for Scarlett to return.

When Scarlett returned she was carrying what looked to be a huge bucket, it's more like the size of a trough. I guess she assumed I'd make a mess so she got a bigger container. She then placed the huge bucket down next to me and took a couple of steps back.

"Young Master, I have brought the bucket as you requested."

"Thank you, Scarlett."

Why is she still smiling so creepily; weird, I'm just going to start practicing this spell. I believe I just think about the incantation, right, from all the shows I watched I've never heard of anyone really saying the chants out loud unless it was in some type of kids' show or something. Okay, let's just give it a try; nothing ventured nothing gained. I then began to stretch out my hand so that they were over the bucket and begin focusing. I'm not sure if I should imagine water forming or if I should picture something more sciency. Okay first ill just imagine combining two oxygen molecules and one hydrogen molecule. Once that thought crossed my mind I could feel a tingling sensation flowing from my heart to the tips of my fingers. I then started seeing a huge ball of water beginning to form from my hands; it was growing rapidly and soon enough it was bigger than I was. I was so surprised that when I lost focus it fell to the ground and completely overflowed the trough-like bucket and completely soaked my shoes. It must have really shocked Scarlett because she instantly ran over to me with a thrilled expression.

"Young Master that was incredible! When did you learn how to use Voiceless Incantations?"

"What do you mean, are you supposed to say the Incantation out loud?"

"Well yes and no, it usually takes a lot of skill to cast spells without an Incantation. The only way to be able to use Voiceless Incantations is by having the ability to feel the mana in your body. Not very many people have this ability as it is very difficult to teach and is different for every person. It helps if the person is well educated and advanced in magic. It usually takes a person years to get a feel for the Mana inside their body, but you did it in seconds. What did you do?"

"All I did was focus on my hands and think about water forming between them. After that, I felt a weird tingling sensation come from my heart and I felt it flow toward my fingertips."

Scarlett began to put her hand to her chin like she was thinking.

"Okay I understand, it seems I was correct to think you would excel in magic, but I didn't think you would already be able to use Voiceless Incantations. …I have a proposition to make, Ill teach you everything I know about magic if you promise not to keep your magic a secret from everyone else until you're a little older."

That seems like an awesome deal considering I was planning on keeping my abilities a secret anyway. I wonder if Scarlett is even good at magic though. I had felt she was good in melee combat, but I'm not so sure about magic.

"Umm… Scarlett how good are you with using magic."

"I would say I'm pretty proficient with magic. According to the adventures guild with my skills, I would be ranked an expert tier magic-user and an expert tier dagger user."

She said that with a very joyful expression. That's honestly really impressive. I haven't read much about the adventurers guild, but I was able to pick up what the rankings are. Both magic and melee have the same names for their ranks and you need to be efficient in both if you want to progress in the ranks, if I'm remembering properly it starts Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, Expert, Legendary, and God. In this case, it looks like Scarlett is very skilled. I had no idea I had such a capable maid; I should probably start showing her some more respect especially since she might become my new teacher.

"Okay I accept your deal but what kind of magic will you be teaching me. And would you also be able to teach me how to fight with daggers?"

"Of course, I can teach you how to fight with daggers but not until you're a little older. I will be teaching you mostly Abjuration and illusion magic as those are the two I specialize in. I will also be teaching you the basics of the other schools but I'm pretty sure that book can teach you more about other schools than I can, sorry I only know the basics for other schools."

"Does that mean you know the basics for Necromancy Magic, I thought it was banned here on the Angel continent for being too immoral."

"Yes I do know the basics of Necromancy magic but that is only because I learned how to use it from my birth country. Like you said it is very forbidden to use here so I never learned anymore nor do I really care to."

"What country are you from that would allow the use of Necromancy magic."

"Oh well, I'm from the Union of Free Races its located on the content of Free Races and the country spans the whole continent. It's a nation where people from the Devil Continent and the Angel Continent can live together in unity with zero discrimination and as I'm sure you know it's the most powerful country in Carthya. This is due to its diversity and technologies from both continents."

Wow, this country seems like some kind of fantasy United States-type nation. I mean it does have United races in the title of its country so they sound similar. All I know is that I need to do more research on the other countries and the history of this world. I feel like I'm missing a big piece of the puzzle about this world. I should get back to learning some more magic first though.

"That country sounds really amazing why did you leave."

"Believe me I did not want to leave, it's just that I have family here in Archrule from my mother's side and right now I'm the only one in my family that can take care of them. You see, my parents were both immigrants to the Union from the Angel Continent, which means that they left behind their families. I don't plan on abandoning my family as my parents did so when I became of age I immigrated back to Archrule and did miscellaneous jobs until I became a maid here, but recently I've found a new reason to stay in Archrule."

"What reason is that Scarlett?"

"That's a secret."

I guess she wants to keep some secrets to herself. I'm pretty happy though, I was able to find myself an amazing teacher and she promises to keep all my secrets. The only thing that concerns me is why is she being so cooperative with a two-year-old. I also wonder why she's not so freaked out with how smart I am for my age.

After our conversation Scarlett began to teach me the basics of all the schools of magic, she started by planning out a schedule. She made it so that I was learning a different school of magic every day and then it would repeat, she started with the easy ones and ended with the hardest ones. The order was Water, Earth, Air, Fire, Purification, Healing, Summoning, Illusion, Enhancement, Enchantment, Abjuration, Universal Magic, and Necromancy. Because of how forbidden Necromancy was she had to teach it to me at night and somewhere secluded so nobody saw. I also found out that Scarlett is also capable of using Voiceless Incantations and that if you know how to control the flow of mana in your body you can use Voiceless Incantations for all the schools, apparently an incantation is just used to visualize the mana in your body, it's like a crutch of sorts, but according to Scarlett it's very difficult to learn Voiceless Incantations, that means I must be pretty special. Honestly, I found it pretty convenient because now I don't have to remember the incantations, I just have to think about the spell and flow my mana to where it needs to go.

2 years Later

I am now four years old; I've learned quite a lot of spells thanks to the book and Scarlett and I can now see where I'm lacking. As Scarlett has told me every person and race has magic they specialize in or have an affinity for. It seems I have an affinity for Water, Abjuration, Illusion, enchantment, and Universal magic. The other schools I can use but are a lot harder for me to get a grasp of so I'm probably just going to stick to the basics for those schools and focus on the schools I'm better at. Thanks to Scarlett's teaching I can now use Illusion and Abjuration magic in the Advanced tier, I and currently intermediate tier in Water, Universal, and Enchantment, and I am basic tier in the rest of the schools. I'm not too sour about not being able to master all the schools of magic but I have to say I'm pretty happy with the schools I can master; they all seem super useful. Scarlett also told me that when I'm six she's going to start giving me combat training in magic and with daggers. She also apparently has a surprise secret to tell me for my fifth birthday and that it's very important.


Lately, it seems everyone in the Castle has started to pick up on my Intelligence, I mean I wasn't really trying to hide it too much, because of this my dad has also started teaching me about how to act like a proper noble, you know like greetings, customs, and how the politics of Archrule works. He says that he wants to prepare me for my fifth birthday, that day is supposed to be like my debut where I meet all the nobles in the Mihia Provence, and it's supposed to happen two more times, on my tenth and fifteenth birthdays. A child becomes an adult at the age of fifteen in Archrule, which makes sense considering the short life expectancy. I now know how important my father is because of what he's taught me about politics. It seems that Archrule is the second strongest country on the Angel Continent and is currently preparing for a war against the Revalenoran Empire. The Revalenoran Empire is a High Elven nation and according to other countries The High elves have really bad superiority complexes and because of this they have bad relations with most of the countries on the Angel Continent, their only allied country is the Valyrian Kingdom, a Beastmen country. So even though they are the strongest nation they are surrounded on all fronts by potential enemies. The Kingdom of Archrule on the other hand has more allies than potential enemies, starting with its biggest ally the Bedersian Kingdom or Kingdom of the Dwarves who are also preparing for war against the Revalenoran empire. Honestly, politics are a mess.