
Carrying the Vampire's Inheritor

A dream will change a human's life. A dream she believed that never happen, but it really did. Yuri, a human being used to have a complicated life. She never complained about her trials and risks because she believed that she will someday reach her special destination. But everything turns upside down as she dreamt of something—no, someone who approached her romantically. As she awaken, her complicated life became worst as she discovered that her romantic dream was something between real and not. A fruit of negligence has been created. And it turns out that she was carrying the Vampire's inheritor.

PIRM · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

"DRINK slowly, baby," I said to Tristan as he drink the bottle of blood. I have enough stocks of animal blood with us.

Tristan drinks blood every morning. I discovered his drinking of blood when he was still a baby. He loves the human blood, but he can drink animal blood so I forbid him to drink human blood. Me and my parents are the only people who knows about his condition. We tried to check him up by a several doctors, but they said that he was okay and healthy.

I have done my research about it and there is only one answer I got, vampire. It's to fictional for me to believe it. But I have my assumption that maybe, his real father has an answer.

"Someone's here. Maybe it was your new Nani. Be quick, I'll open the door," I said to Tristan after I heard several knocks from our apartment door.

I immediately went outside of our room and walked through the living area. I opened the door and saw a woman.

"Good morning. Is this the apartment of Miss Yuri Smith? I am Mrs. Lesley Samuel, the Nani who will look for your son when you're out," she said with a wide smile on her face.

"Yes, I am. Please come in."

She went inside.

"Thank you so much. I already told my son about you. Please take care of him. I should be going right now."

"Take care, Mommy!" Tristan suddenly pooped out and run towards me. He hugged me tightly and I hugged him back.

"Be a good boy to Nani, okay?" He nodded. I tap his head and finally leave the apartment.

I am not worry about him because he was not literaly like those normal kids. I am more worried about those people he surrounds with, but my son is smart and respectful enough. I always trust him.

"ARE you, Miss Yuri Smith?" A lady suddenly appeared in front of me after I entered the school's gate.

"Uhm, yeah? May I help you?"

"Perfect! I am Rose Miller and they assigned me to be your tour guide for this whole day!" she said actively.

"I don't require to attend my class for my first day of school?" I asked.

"Of course you are required to. I am also your classmate slash seatmate and I can be your friend too!"

I blinked several times as I keep looking at her.

In my previous school, no one ever approached me on my first day of school. Only Alya approached in the middle of school year when she saw me being bullied by several students. Yes, I was a nerd before, but when I met Alya, she showed me a lot of things.

Alya taught me how to be a ladylike. She gave me things and treated me as her sister since she was an only daugther. Her parents were both busy so I am with her all the time. We also have our dorms in our previous school, but this new school doesn't have any, I guess.

"Hello? Miss Yuri? Are you okay?" My thoughts vanished as I heard Rose's voice.

"Okay. Are we not late for our first class yet?" I asked.

"We still have some minutes. Let's get going. I'll tell you some details about the school while we are walking to our classroom."

We start walking and she also start speaking about the school.

"Sanfield University, a famous school here in Paris. Everything that a school must have was here. As you can see, from the ground up to the tall room buildings, you can really determine that this school was for expensive people. But we are, the scholars are blessed to passed their hard tests and have the chance to study here. I'm really proud being a scholar," Alya said continuously.

So there are really many scholars here.

"How many scholars had passed the exams?" I asked.

"There are five! You, me and there are three more!"

"If you were also a scholar, you must be new too? But the school's administration suddenly assigned you to tour me?"

"I am a scholar, yes. I am a fourth year college student and since I was first year college, I was already studying here, Miss Yuri. I always take scholarship exams every year and gladly, I passed all of it. Any more questions?"

"I see."

"Alright! Then let's go to our new classroom and enjoy this first day of school!" she said happily.

I followed her when she started walking again. She also continued speaking about the school's details. I tried to memorise and familiarise what she was talking because it may help me to know more about the school.

"And by the way, did you already know about your first important task for this week?" she stopped walking and face me.

"First task?" I asked back.

"We, the scholars were assigned to do some tasks for the whole school year. And your first task will be getting the signature of our scholarship sponsor for this year. That signature of the sponsor is important for us to proceed our studying here as the scholars. And also, there will be an upcoming event this week. A welcome event for new students. It will be held in our gymnasium with the school owner's presence," she exolained.

"Wait—I didn't have any idea about that."

"Well, you must report to the Dean's office for the information you needed. I'll assist you with that. But for now, we're getting late! Let's go!"

She dragged me and I let her since I didn't know the way to our classroom. I really should go to the Dean's office later.

TIME flies fast and I am thankful for Rose's assistance. I manage to end my first day of school well. And I already got the informations I needed from the Dean's office a while ago.

I sighed as I walked throughout the school's gate while looking at the paper I was holding. I need to convey Mr. Razen who was our scholarship's sponsor to sign the newly contract created by the Dean. The contract will be the proof of us being a scholars in this school.

But how could I do that?

The Dean said that I must find any ways to make him signed the contract.

I put the contract in the bag I was carrying and immediately called a taxi when I finally got out of the school.

"To the Franchez hotel, please," I said to the taxi driver and went inside the taxi car. He immediately nodded.

Minutes later, I finally arrived in the building where our apartment was.

I can't wait to see Tristan. I missed him a lot. I used to have him beside me everyday, but I have to do adjustments for the sake of our future. I hope that he could do the same.

The building's transparent glass door opened and when I was about to enter inside, I bumped into some guy as he walk outside the door.

I stopped as I felt his aura. I didn't know, but there was something about his presence. I can't guess what it is.

He immediately walk outside and didn't even say sorry to me. I turned my gaze to him and saw him walking straight to the road. A car parked in front of him and he immediately went inside. I didn't even have the chance to say a word or even see his face.

"Rude people are really still everywhere," I whispered and decided to went inside the building.

When I finally arrived at our apartment room, I saw Tristan playing in the living area with his new Nani. As he saw me entering the apartment, he immediately stopped what he was doing and run towards me.

"I missed you so much, Mommy!" he said.

I hugged and carry him with my arms.

"I hope he didn't gave you any problem, Nani Lesley."

"He really did not. He was a good boy and I enjoy playing with him. And since you're here, I will go now and will be back tomorrow." I smiled to her and nodded.

"Goodbye, Nani! See you tomorrow!" Tristan said.

I closed and locked the apartment's door as Nani Lesley left.

"So wanna share you experiences with your Nani?" I asked my son and put him in the sofa. I also placed my bag at the table in front of the sofa where Tristan and I were now sitting.

"Everything went well, Mommy. You don't have to worry about me. How about your first day of school? I hope, Mommy didn't have hard time finding her new classroom," he said and chuckled.

"Well, I didn't. But I do have the hard time adjusting on things especially when I am used to have a little cute handsome boy clinging on me the whole day." I pinched his cheeks and he chuckled again.

"If I can do it, you can do it too, Mommy. You also have your vacant day so I can still play with you!"

I smiled while looking at him. Every hardship I had always fades whenever I saw my son's face. He was my everything and I can't afford seeing him sad.

"Are you crying, Mommy?" he asked.

I immediately wiped my tears and hugged my son.

"I am just happy. Tristan always makes Mommy happy. And for Tristan, I will find your Daddy so that you can play with him everytime."

"I am more happy with you, Mommy."

I hugged him tightly as I heard what he said.

Tristan only know about her Dad being missing—that we separated unexpectedly and that hos Dad must be searching for us. I also told him that let his Dad find us. But now that I promised to find his Dad for him, I don't exactly know where should I begin finding him.

Alya has been investigated that night, but it was already years have been passed and there's still no valuable information I received from her.

Should I contact her about it?