
Chapter 1 The beginning of reality.

"Sadness, despair, pain, the very basis that nurtures the human soul and mind. The very existence that decides the path of a human."

"Humans have lived fighting through it. Ludociel did and well, what can we say?. This is where it all began, the tragedy that lies beneath thee". Susan said

It was the sixteenth day of the sixth month of the year. The people of zagrad, an outskirt from the country of the land of gold Canute, prepared for their annual feast known as " the birth of hera". A celebration that exclaims the birth of the archangel of hope, hera.

The men went deep into the forest, hunting through for the best meat they could find, the women and the children decorated the small town with beautiful kimonos, lights, and beautiful flowers.

Ludociel, a 15 years old blonde commoner appeared in the village with his shattered clothes covered in blood and his body covered in dust and contusions. He held tightly around his shoulders his catch from the grove.

"Is that a sky dragon" a villager murmured

"it is a sky dragon" another murmured

"How did he do it?"

"Where did he find it?" the continued to murmur

They stared at him while he walks down to his home with the sky dragon.

The sky dragon are rare and succulent species. it said to have a skin as elegant as the moon and its meat are the most succulent in history.

Ludociel entered the hut.

"I'm home aunt" he said placing the specie on the floor

"Welcome home" his aunt replied.

Ludociel lived with his pregnant aunt who was famous across the town and even beyond.

"Looks like you got something quite elegant," his aunt said, smiling.

"Yes I did" Ludociel replied humbly "and we better get cooking for the festival.

Ludociel washed up and approached the kitchen where they were preparing for the festival.

Night struck, the moon shone brighter than normal while the decorated light shone across the city displaying the beauty of the kimonos. it was time for the feast.

The people were dressed in their best attire and ready to dine. The aroma from the barbecued sky dragon spread across the city which made the crowd go wild, all wanting to have a taste.

Suddenly, a man walked by. His attire was so slick and his presence was quite intimidating.

" Such magnificent smell" the strange man said

"Well thank you" Ludociel's aunt replied.

The eerie man gazed at the town's decorations.

"such a feast" he said "why do you still surround yourself with such lowlifes general?"

"Why do you keep bothering me?" his aunty replied

Ludociel looked at the men, confused he said to his aunt "who is he?"

"forgive my manners" the strange man said "I am general reiko, a knight from the city of canute and I am here to pay a visit to a fellow knight, general raiel"

"A knight?" Ludociel asked pell-mell "my aunt isn't a knight"

"See kid, there is so much you don't know about your aunt" reiko stretches his hands towards Ludociel, attempting to pat his shoulder which got held as raiel grabbed his hand angrily.

"Leave" raiel said, wringing reiko hands

reiko forcefully pulled his hands from raiel grip and adjusted his top "you have a lovely night" he said, taking his leave.

Ludociel gazed at his aunt infuriatedly and said "aunt I..."

"you don't have to say anything" his aunt said "let us just serve this meal OK?"

raiel smiled and continued distributing the rushed barbeque.

they continue to merry, eating and drinking till they were out of juice. The people have scattered to their homes.

Few hours lately, the wind waft vigorously, the trees and grasses fluttered vigorously accompanied by scream from all over the town. The people of zagrad were being attacked by an unknown entity.

Raiel held Ludociel hand while the kept running away from the unexpected occurrence and into the forest.

raiel hid Ludociel behind a tree, pulling out her sword, saying to Ludociel

"It's going to be alright. stay here and stay safe" She said, rushing towards the entity.

"Aunt" he screamed, clasping himself, anxious and petrified, he placed his hands on his ears saying repeatedly "it's all a dream... it's all a dream"

He repeated those words, shaking vigorously when something appeared by his side. He turned slowly, abashed by what he saw.

It was the body of his pregnant aunt, parched intensively. He fell into anguish, screaming noisily. He ran towards her body, holding unto it tightly when an explosion hit, blowing away Ludociel and leaving him in a state of unconsciousness.

A total of 600 men, women, and children of zagrad were killed and the outskirt of zagrad seized to exist.