
Card System: Danmachi

A listless and cynical man had grown annoyed with life and its lack of excitement. After a series of bad events he decided to become a true shut in for the rest of his life, giving up all his previous hobbies and friends to find respite in the fantasy surrounding him. After a quick trip to the grocery store he suddenly dies and reincarnates into Danmachi. Only to find a life even harder than before... At least he isn't bored this time.

Mahn_IDK · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

3: Mother, I Crave Violence (and Knowledge)

POV, Leana Marcellus:

With slow but firm steps I approached my seat among the nuns of the church. I didn't join them in prayer before breakfast, my faith in the gods damaged by the perverted god I had once served. As I finally reached the table Bea, my old friend, kept fussing over me even now as she lead me by the hand. Unneeded in my opinion with their use of potions and even healing magic but, ever since Orio(Oh- rye-Oh) was born she had kept to my side.

The clean but crumbling chair creaked underneath me as I sat down and immediately I could see a frown mar Bea's face.

"Do you want me to grab you a newer chair? You want mine? A pillow maybe?"

Reaching up I quickly pushed her into her chair as I spoke.

"Bea, I'm fine. These chairs are old but they aren't going to just suddenly explode. Now sit down, you're already taking care of Orio as I recover and that's enough for now."

Looking down at the baby swaddled in her arms my tired eyes lightened for moment. Orio is a thoroughly curious child from what I had seen this past week. Always looking around, reaching out at the people around him and turning his eyes to any event around him.

"Oh, can I hold him for a second Bea. He seems to have woke up finally."

As I held him against my chest our eyes met. His dark amethyst eyes looking up in interest as I cooed to him. However, even as he reached up to touch my long hair and ears I started to worry a little. He hadn't vocalized much at all. While he was at least expressive, smiling and touching, he never cried unless he needed to be changed.

Living and working for this church ever since I had arrived in Orario all those years ago I had taken care of many newborn children and never had I seen such a silent baby. I know that he is healthy, from the many times Ms. Verda had assured me, but I couldn't help but worry.

POV, Matt/Orio:

Manga has lied to me. I can't understand anything that people are saying and the little written word I could see around me amounted to a weird mixture of fancy English and Greek. But, even if I couldn't understand where I was, the few things I could gather were very interesting. First the building itself was a very old style church. Run down as it was I could at least appreciate the soft gothic style and attempted color glass.

As well, this absolute angel of a woman taking care of me as my actual mother rested had two very fluffy ears among her blonde hair and a wagging tail as she fussed over me. Other than the actual dog girl, I noticed many peculiarities among the 11 people living in the church. Most people had normal hair and eye colors but 2 of the five children living here had colored hair and Verda(?), the leader of the church, had bright red eyes.

Also, yes. I was able to piece out a few names at least. Kind of hard not to figure out the old priestesses name when all the nuns and children paid respect to Verda when she's in the room. I think my moms name is Lea and the dog girl is Bee(?).

Most importantly however, is the fact that Verda knows some kind of healing magic. I've only ever seen her use one spell but, even that made my eyes go wide. This, donations, and first aid seems to be the main way the church earns money as well. I can tell why we are poor though. The last time I saw her cast magic was when a homeless man barged into the church yesterday. It was during down time so the kids were just playing among the pews as Lea nursed me; which was why I was able to witness the scene. An old dirty man came stumbling in holding his stomach. The 4 children quickly ran into the side room with our beds.

Bea quickly took hold of me as Lea took a long sword from under the pew ready to fight. Looking at how this kind and sickly woman suddenly become so reliable I was kind of hyped. I even raised my fist with a little cheer as she stood before me. However, the man made no attempt to fight as he simply mumbled, "Verda." His chest rose up and down rapidly as he collapsed onto one of the pews, blood flowing between the gaps of his fingers on to the ground.

From the very little clothes he still had left on his body and the bruises covering his body, he was obviously mugged. The man left this morning I think, I didn't see him in the backroom/care room when Lea went for a check up this morning. Didn't even pay but, it didn't seem like Verda cared much.

The state and position of the church had me worried but that wasn't all. Of all the people in the church one specific priestess stayed away from me and I am scared that my cover might've been blown. I always find her creeping around the corner when Lea and Bee(?) are talking to the others. Even now at the dinner table I can see her shying away from my gaze.

POV, Natalie, During the Birth:

After successfully delivering the baby Lady Verda handed me the child. But, noticing that the baby wasn't wailing even after spanking him I started to freak out.

'Is it still born? No way, he's squirming a little!'

Quickly lifting him to my face I tried to see if he was choking on any thing when he suddenly opened his eyes and screamed after looking at my face.


Hands clutching my cheeks I gazed as Lea interacted with Orio.

'He. is. sooo. cute.'

He got his mothers beautiful eyes and the little puff of hair building on his head makes him so adorable. I just want to hold him forever! But...

Our eyes met I can't help but shy behind my food.

Last time he looked at my full face he cried...

Does he think I'm ugly?