
Card magic

A reincarnater wakes up in the world of High School of the dead and has the ability to use [Card Magic]. [Card Magic] is the ability to create any magic he imagines, but uses his magic as the source. If he doesn't have the amount of magic, he can't use it.

Creepy_Ewok_kills · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

5 years time skip

It has been some months since he was reincarnated into this world and he was stressing out. He doesn't know which anime, manga, or TV show he is in that could possible end him, so he decided to play it safe for now. Shiro has grown attach to his parents as they brought joy to his life as he didn't have any memory of his parents from his last life. Just knowledge and experience he has from before his death.

Yamamoto Yuki, his mother (no relation to the 1st captain in Bleach), is an example of a perfect beautiful women. She is kind, generous, and knows how to take care of herself in a fight. The first time he saw her tickled a memory in his mind, but he cannot say where he had seen someone like her. It would be a sometime later that he would find out where he was as he was introduce to his mother's sister, Busujima Ami (Doesn't say her mother's name), the mother of Busujima Saeko. Making her his younger cousin as he is older than her by a 3 months.

(One year and six months later)

His parent brought him every few days to her sister's house so they can get to know each other better. As time passed, Shiro learned that Saeko was a hugger as a baby and an affectionate playmate/childhood friend. Now, he is in the crib with Saeko, laying next to her. She was sleeping peacefully, grabbing his tiny hand in hers as she slept with their parents taking embarrassing pictures of them, but Shiro ignored them. He was busy meditating, trying to find his mana after his first birthday when he receive a message.


As soon the clock strike twelve, a ding sound rang through his mind, startling him awake and made him cried out as well. Soon his father came into his room and check on him. Seeing him wide awake, his dad let out a tired sigh as he sat down on the chair next to his crib and proceed to rock him back and forth, gently. Shiro ignored all this as he was busy reading a short screen in front of him.

[Greetings mortal, I'm !$@#%(*, a god looking for entertainment. I have chosen you out of billions to become my new source fun. As you were chosen, you receive, as you kids these days say "OPness", {Card Magic}. You receive the magic on your 5th birthday and magic at your birth already. {Card Magic} is the ability to create any type of magic by using your cards as the medium to cast the spells.

The cards uses your mana to activate the spells you desire, but it requires the correct amount of mana. When it doesn't work the card will turn to purple ash, making you lose that card. When it does work, the card will have a picture of what you desire on the front of the card. It's similar to the magic card game called "Yu-Gi-Oh", but without any monsters as you can only create magic.

You can set up you cards to be either one time use or multiple uses as the max number is 11 before it turns to purple ash. It can also be use as passive magic or active magic, but the are conditions. To be passive the card needs to be added to an item you want to be empowered and it will dissolve into notes of light and enter said item. It will be permanent, unless the item is destroyed. For active it's similar to passive, but it can only be use 11 times before the magic dissolves, leaving it the same as before.

Some cards can be added together to create a stronger effect and some may not. For example, fire magic and water magic will not merge together without another card to balance them out and you have to figure it out. Combining 2 or more passive cards together could create a better upgrade, but it needs the same upgrade card to go up again. Example: 2 basic fireballs combine to make a bigger hotter fireball, but it needs that same bigger fireball to be upgraded. Using the 2 basic fireballs would do nothing to the upgraded one.

The purple ashes of your failed experiments can be used as a magical Ingredient, Enchantment, and fertilizer. It's 100% pure magic that can affect only animals and plants to make it become magical. If your cards is ever pick up by some that you didn't give them permission to use then nothing happens. If they have permission then they can use that card only.]

-------------------------------(Flashback end)----------------------------------

Since then he has been trying to find his inner magic at night or whenever his parents put him down for a nap. For many months he was unsuccessful as he fell asleep whenever he tried to meditate. But during this month he felt he was getting closer and closer to finding his magic.

Soon he felt something warm flow through his body, making him feel safe and powerful. He began to follow the feeling through his mind. What seem like an eternity in his mind, he reach a glowing blue ball of light, pulsing every few seconds. It was the size of a peach. Bathing him in the same feeling as before, but more concentrated. Touching the ball of light, something click in his mind as he feel the power through out his whole body.

Then he woke up to the sounds of Saeko crying. He began to look around to see what woke her up when the smell hit him right in the face and the squishy feeling as he moved around. It seems like they both went to the bathroom, which was embarrassing for him.

(Two years)

A lot has happen since he access his magic and much to his and Saeko's parents chagrin, their first words was to each other's name. It always brought a smile to his lips after remembering the parents faces as they say their first words as it was not either "ma-ma" or "pa-pa", but "Sh-iro". After Saeko said his name, he decided to return the favor, "Sae-ko". Which made their mother's smile, while their fathers fought each other saying that 'Shiro is corrupting his darling angle' and so on, while saying curse words to each other.

Deciding to get their father's into deeper shit, he repeated a curse word he learned in the new language. "F-fuck-er. Fu-cker. Fucker." As soon he said it, Saeko tried to say it too, but was not correct. Still the message was clear as their father's stop fighting and began hugging each other as they shiver and cried. Their mother's on the hand was frozen stiff, their smiles became wooden as they heard their second words.

They turned around slowly, their eyes look ready to kill as their smiles became demonic. They slowly advance to their husbands and grab them by their ears and dragged their crying asses out of the room. Leaving the innocent and not so innocent baby in the room. Their mercy and please was ignored by them. Soon Shiro heard their father's cries of agony as it brought a smile to his lips. After their mother's returned, he decided to smile in happiness as he said, "Ma-ma and Au-nty". Which Saeko copied.

As they where staying over for the night he was wondering why as it sometimes happens. Later that night he heard high pitch screams coming from a few doors down. Shiro shrugged it off as he thought he was imagining things. What he didn't know was that their father's was being pegged by their mother's after asking for mercy when they held up their legs and stomped on their privates.

When he saw his father in the morning, he was pretty confused on why they were walking like old men. Bowed legged and hunching forward as they held their backs. Seeing that they are glaring at him for no reason (Pffft), Shiro decided to get even. Shiro pointed at them while saying "Fucker" with Saeko joining in seconds later. Their faces became ashen, mouths dropped open as they quickly tried to hobble away, but it was to late. As if some magic, their mother's appeared around the corner and block their only retreat.

"Fu fu fu, it seems like our dear husband's didn't seem to understand why they were punish last night." Fake laughing behind her sleeve, her eyes never leaving her husband.

"Ara ara~, It appears that they like the punishment from last night and wanted a repeat. Shall we dear sister."

"We shall."

The men were in Dogeza position, but their were far apart from each other, making them seem like frogs. Ignoring their husbands please of mercy, they bragged them by the back of their shirt, while telling theirs kids they will be back shortly.

As he was watching them go, he felt a shiver pass through him, hopping to never get on their bad side. If he ever get caught then blamed it on his dad or Uncle and tell her he learned it from watching them. Hearing he same two screams again, he finally know what made those noise and why their father's walk like that. He tried to hold in his snickers for the fist few minutes, but he lost it when he heard the high pitch 'No'. Making Saeko laugh too even though she doesn't know why, causing the to stay another day.


""Bwa ha ha ha ha ha~!""

(Three years)

Shiro is three years old now with his magic being the size of a basketball. He has been practicing his magic to appear outside of his body and to strengthen his body. As a result he appears to be 4 or 5 years old already, while losing some of his baby fat.

He was also teaching Saeko on how to meditate and find her inner magic. He was having trouble making her focus on meditation, but it paid off after promising to do one thing for her if she could get it before 4 months. After 2 months, she was able to meditate and on the 3rd month she was able to find her magic, making him keep his promise. It was the size of a marble, smaller than his when he found it. Now he is teaching her how to bring it out to the surface and strengthen herself. She really is a prodigy and it made him feel proud.

He also like to get his dad and uncle in trouble with their wives as they give the best reactions. Even Saeko was doing it too; asking their mom's awkward questions that they supposedly overheard from their spouses. But now they have to be extra careful as he suspect their father's are catching on, while their mother's seemed clueless.

Unknown to him they have already figured it out after a couple of times in their spouses punishment. The kids always laugh or smile after seeing them beg for forgiveness. It also amuses them too and it made them feel excited, so they let it go. It seems like they are developing a sadistic side as a cold chill crept up on his spine. Shiro look around, looking for what has caused that. When his search turned up nothing he decided to ignore it. (Poor fool.)

(Four years)

Their parents decided it was time for them begin kindergarten with the other kids. This news shock Shiro for a while as he can remember that kids at that young age are childish, rude, and loud. They are like small chihuahuas that has thumbs to grab stuff and stick it into their mouths, while touching other things with their saliva covered hands. He repress a shudder at the thought of interacting with them.

At least he can practice using magic automatically in school and have Saeko with him as future wife there. He cringed and cried in his mind as he thought the last part. He thought he was just motivating her after he made a promise to do one thing for her. He didn't even think it through as he thought she was still a child, but that bite him in the ass. On the plus side, he just then learned to move his magic to his wishes now, but it will take a long time to master and his uncle hates him now.


Even their parents thought it was sweet, well at least their mother's did at least. His father just cried in shame (happiness) at the fact that his son had gotten a wife at a young age, where he didn't even have a girlfriend until he was in his late teens. While Saeko's father was in rage with jealousy and denial. He felt that his little girl was growing up too fast and was spending too much time with Shiro.

Shiro became weary of Saeko's dad as he could feel an unknown pressure was coming from him in waves. Shiro know he was just venting his frustrations at him, but he doesn't like being seen as a bad guy. So being a mischievous kid like he is, he couldn't help, but rub it in Saeko's father's face. He began to spread his magic throughout his body as he was having some trouble to move.

He scooted closer to her and wrapped his arm around her waist as he rest his head on her shoulder, while close his eyes, but made sure he could see through them. As soon as he did that, he felt the unknown pressure tripled in sized as Saeko's father glared become even fiercer. Right behind him was a Oni demon mask. It was a black Oni mask with some gold lining around the eyes, and horns. It has 4 tusk, 2 pointing down and 2 pointing up.

His 2 parents and Aunt Ami watch this happens with an amused smile on their faces as the bit back their chuckles. They were quite shock before that Shiro can move after feeling the pressure on him. What happen next shock them all as even Shiro did not expect that to happen.

Shiro accidently peck Saeko on the lips, making their eyes wide in surprise before she took charge. She pushed him down, pinning his arms to the floor as she kissed him deeply, stunning their parents. The next few minutes was totally silent, the only sound they could hear was their kiss and heart beat. Soon she broke the kiss, breathing heavily with a blush on her face and a glazed look in her eyes.

He watch her with a blush of his own as he felt certain feelings was happening in his body. But that was pushed to the side as he felt a murderous aura slammed onto him as he just realized that they were not alone. Shiro's plan was to kiss Saeko on the cheek as to see if that can break him from his iron clad control. But as soon he moved his head from her shoulder's, Saeko turned her head the exact same time as he moved into kiss her.

As soon as Saeko broke the kiss, their parents blink in shock as their minds tried to process this. Unfortunately, Saeko's father was the fastest to get over it by the desire to kill the young boy took his daughter's first kiss. (It is true in a sense, but Saeko took it to far.) Suddenly he had a shinai in his hands, his arms are over his head bending backwards as he jump upwards, screaming, "YOU DEVIL SPAWN KISSED MY LITTLE GIRL AND TOOK HER INNOCENCE! YOU WILL PAY WITH YOUR LIFE!!"

Shiro was frozen like a deer in headlights before his body automatically used his magic to over power Saeko's hold on his arms and tumble away from the in-rage/over protected father. He breath a sigh of relief, but it was too soon as the aura spiked even higher startling him.

He swing missed, hitting the wooden floor *BANG*, creating a small hole there as his prey escaped. In the back of his mind, he was impressed that he could still move, but it was drown by the rage he felt as he look at Shiro.

"NOOOOO~! YOU LITTLE SHIT! HOW DARE YOU LAY YOUR FITHLY HANDS ON MY DAUGHTER~! DIE~!!!" He yelled as foam was frosting his mouth.

Shiro is on top of Saeko, his left hand are next to her head and his knee is between her legs. His right hand was on her chest as their faces was inches apart from kissing again. This is what he is saw, but with Shiro smirking at him as he yelled out his words.

His parents and Aunt was watching as it play out after he yelled the first time. As his parents were about to stop him, Saeko's mother Ami, block their way a she look back towards them and shook her head. Signaling them to wait, they hesitated before complying. What happened next shock them; Shiro their son, rolled out of the way from him, while having Saeko in his arms as a slight azure glow appeared then disappeared.

Blinking their eyes in shock they towards Ami as she nodded her head before looking back at Shiro seriously. Then they face plant, stupefied at the position his is now in. Even Ami, tumbled forward by how bold he is, doing it in front of everybody. Especially in front her foaming at the mouth husband.

Having felt she saw enough, Ami went towards to her husband and smacked him hard with a pan that suddenly appeared in her hand. Rendering him unconscious after taking one step towards Shiro.

Seeing Saeko's father went down, made him breathe a sigh of relief, but stiffen again as he heard her speak. "Ara~ Ara~ Shiro. I was wondering if you will take responsibility of taking advantage of my daughter as you still haven't gotten off her yet." She said with a smile on her faces as a hannya mask appeared behind her.

He look down at the position his is in and blushed in embarrassment as he began to get up. Seeing Shiro moving away from her made her pout before an idea popped in her head. Getting up was proving to a struggle as Saeko suddenly wrapped her arms and legs around him, almost making them fall.

Shiro feeling trapped look over to his parents and aunt for help, but they did nothing as they struggle not to laugh at the scene. They either bit their lips or laugh quietly behind their hands. Feeling even more embarrass, he glared at them as his ears turned red. Then they burst out laughing, clutching their gut as it was starting to hurt. What finally made them burst out laugh was when they saw Saeko take a big whiff of Shiro and snuggled in closer. "Shiro~."

--------------------------------(Flashback end)---------------------------------

After that, his parents and aunt gave them the talk as Saeko's father was unconscious again after trying to attack Shiro again. It was the most tortures experience he has ever receive as he felt a part of himself died inside. As soon as that was over with, they asked 'were Saeko learned to kiss like that'. Her response made him and his parents laughed loudly as she answered, 'From watching you mama as you tackled dad one night and it seemed he really like it'.

Then they ask him about the weird glow he had on when he moved away and that shock him. Not wanting to lie to them he told the the truth and said it was magic. What happened next made him cringe in embarrassment.


"Pffft~. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. MAGIC HE SAID, AHAHAHA. AS EXPECTED FROM A KID AHAHAHAHA." His father laughed loudly as he began to roll around the ground.

*Giggles* Their mother's giggle behind their hands as he began to turn red in embarrassment. As they got themselves under control again, they told them about KI or will power.

--------------------------------(Flashback end)---------------------------------

Now he is with Saeko as her father began to teach them about the inner workings of KI.

"Ki is the energy that flows all around us. It is in all life. It is our life force; without it, you would die. Some people take Ki to the next level and train with it and expand their mind and do superhuman abilities. Ki is a physical energy that is in every living and nonliving thing - humans, animals, plants, the Earth, water, and even the air. ANYONE can use it - they just have to learn how..." He explain to the kids, but Shiro was not paying attention as he already know this stuff.

(Five years)

Shiro was wide awake as the clock hit 12, when he heard a similar ding all those years ago. Soon the cards began to appear in front of him. Taking them in his hand, it felt like regular cards as he practice with before. He began to expect the cards, the front of the card is pure white. While the back of the card has a pentagram and 3 upside down triangles with a white light in the center (i.e. the cover picture).

He has 10 blank cards in total after he counted them. He felt happy even though his body was sore. For the last 2 months before his birthday, he and Saeko was training with her father in the art of swordsmanship. He pushed them to the limits even though they used KI to help the last longer. Now he looked to be 7 years old with some muscles as Saeko looked to be a bit shorter than me.

Moving over to his disk, Shiro has to decide on what to make first. Either a [Stamina recovery] card that helps him recover his stamina faster, [Mana Recover], [Regeneration], [Energy Storage] or even a [Status card]. After a few minutes of thinking it over he choose the [Status] card. Grabbing a piece of paper, he began to fold them until they were 8 rectangles that can easily fi into his wallet. Then he cut them up, leaving him with 8 separate rectangles.

Next he grab 2 blank cards and a piece of paper as he poured in his magic as he pictures what he wants it to do. A few minutes goes by as sweat was beginning to appear on his head as the card show it was 3/4 done. When it was done he was left panting, laying his head on the desk as he was super tired like he was after finishing Master Busujima's training. He take a look at the new card he created and was somewhat let down.

It was a status card in a wooden box with some light and fog coming out. The words on the card was hard to read and seemed gibberish. Laying the card down, he waited until he had enough strength to sit up properly and recovered some mana. Soon he was hold a rectangle and the [Status card] together in one hand and use some mana to activate them. A bright flash of light appeared as the began to merge together. As soon that was over he had a new card in his hand, showing his [Status].


Name: Yamamoto Shiro

LV: 1

Max HP: 500/500

Max MP: 307/10,000 {Regens 100 MP/1 min}

Max KI: 200/200 {Regens 100 KI/1 min}

Age: 5 (21)

Strength: 14

Constitution: 12

Dexterity: 10

Intelligence: 11

Wisdom: 10

Charisma: 12

Luck: 7

*Note: The max limit of a normal human in this world is 20 in all category*


-Meditation LV 57/100 (Regens 100 MP/1 min, Regens 100 KI/min)

-Basic Defense LV 4/10 (Increase Defense by 4%)

-Basic Damage LV 4/10 (Increase Attacks by 4%)

-Cleaning LV 4/100

-Reading LV 10/100

-Cooking LV 1/100

-Swordsman LV 12/100

-Martial arts LV 9/100

-Information gathering LV 6/100

-Interaction LV 30/100

-Impersonation LV 2/100

-Anatomy LV 2/100

-Kissing LV 15/100

-Stealth LV 40/100

-Swimming LV 2/100

-Running LV 50/100

-Bed making LV 3/100

-Lock Picking LV 4/100

Flipping the card over he can see what is displayed on the back.



Looking at the card in his hand made it worth spending all most all his mana on. It could even show his personal status, health, mana consumption, skills and even items in his mind; similar to a gamer status window, but without having it block his vision. He could show false information or even hide them. He even added a storage bag for his loot in the card and is completely compatible with any storage device he could create in the future without any loss.

The best part of the new card is that it can hold 50 different things and can stack the same item 99 times. It can only hold non-living things inside as it is not advance enough to hold people. People will think it's just an ordinary card and he made it because he is an <otaku>. Feeling tired (sleepily) he went back towards his bed and wait to recover his mana before making any new spells.