
Caravan of Hejaz

!! This work is originally by Naseem Hijazi. I do not own this work. I only translated it. !!

Ahira_M · History
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1 Chs

Chapter one. Part 1 - Barking Dogs

Springtime. There is nothing but greenery as far as the eye can reach. Green fields till the end of the road on the right.

As wheat grains danced together with the rhythm of the untamed breeze. Dense woodland is bordered by vines on the Euphrates' left bank.

Hasan stepped inside this land. The golden light of dusk peeps through the clouds across the horizon.

The tree shadows are migrating quickly to the east. A swarm of birds has returned to the nest.

A faint smoke shadow rises into the sky from the slums of farmers and shepherds.

Hasan's head was filled with memories and feelings as soon as he stepped into the land.

Standing under the shady trees of this soil, he used to listen to the song of the birds. Instead of despair, there used to be a smile of hope and joy on his face.

Somehow, he grew solemn as he recollected those of his childhood memories.

Hasan moved forward slowly. He's around the age of twenty-five. Old and dirty clothes was what he was wearing.

However, there was no impression on his appearance, instead, there could only be seen elegance and solemnity, which is noticeable even in a throng of thousands of people.

He owned a well proportioned body. It is not so difficult to understand that even a piece of wood in this hand can become more dangerous than a sword.

He had it all within him to be a commander of a defeated army or the sailor surviving a shipwreck, or a shepherd whose animals had been devoured by wolves.

A long trek past the orchards and the fields, past the slums of the village, he arrived at a fort-like house.

The sun was going down. Children were playing in the yard outside.

He took a look around before heading for the gate. Dogs howled from inside.

He stood motionless for a while, seemingly terrified, empty, and restless. He then rattled the doorknob and said, "Is anyone there?"

The dogs began to bark louder. There was no porter at the gate, he got surprised. As he was about to enter, an old slave poked his head out of the door and inquired, "Who are you?"

: "I am Hasan. I would like to meet Kobbad."

With a look of disdain all over his body, the old man said : "What did you say! Who do you hope to meet?"

: "With Kobbad. Why, isn't this house his?"

: "This house can be seen from far away. However, it is not necessary for master to stand at the door and give a hug to each passerby. Can I not fulfill your needs without him!"

Hasan somehow controlled his rage and said : "To keep the intruders away, your dogs are enough, don't need an old bone like you. Listen, I have come from a long way. Even today, I have crossed two destinations. I have to go a lot more miles. If your master does not want to meet with anyone, call Miandaad."

: "Miandaad isn't home."

: "You are wasting my time. Go to your master and tell him I have brought an urgent message."

As Hasan's gaze and firmness of voice influenced on him. He realized for the first time that he had made a mistake by judging the dirty clothes of the traveler.

Slave wanted to say something. But seeing Hasan's mood, he did not dare.

He was thinking what to do, when a young woman's voice could be heard from behind the door : "Kaus, what are you doing there? Why the dogs are barking?"

: "A traveler wishes to meet master."

: "You are aware that in the evening, father does not leave the house."

: "Yes, I was explaining to him. But....."

: "Why don't you close the door without saying much?"

Slave stepped back. Hasan did not give him a chance to close the door. He entered quickly and said to the young woman : "Pardon me, I don't have any time. If you are Mahbanu, I want to meet your father right away."

The young woman's face turned crimson red when she heard her name on the mouth of the stranger.

Pulling herself together, she said : "I see that you know the names of the people in this household. But what made you think that knowing the names of the people in a household will give you extra benefits? Sit down, you will get food in a little while. Kaus, take him to the guest house."

The young woman turned around as she was done speaking.

About a hundred paces away is a Lavish Mahal. She moved forward in that way.

"You are not crazy, but stupid," Kaus replied, staring at Hasan with a blank expression. "There aren't any other slaves around right now, which is fortunate for you. You'd be responsible for this brazenness' cost if not."

Hasan did not even turn to him. He quickly walked forward and commanded : "Wait."

The young woman stood still. The leashed dogs a few steps away begun barking fiercely. Kaus ran in, trying to thwart Hasan. Hasan abruptly yanked his hand away.

The young woman's anger turned to anxiety. Hasan took a few steps forward. He said :

"I have come from a long way. I am not a beggar, I promised Jahadaad that I would come. But it was out of my knowledge that the owner of this house and the slaves consider everyone else to be beggars."