
caramel love

Zanda_May · Urban
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caramel love

I was getting ready for my ballet rehearsal when Nadley my sister yelled my name.

"Kimberly!". Everyday was like this me getting up late and rushing to the call of Nadley. I would rehearse so late and get late. Taking my shoes and trying to put on my top at the same time made trip.

"Ugh!". I was damn tired of being like this. I'm kimberly bong an Asian American, living a life of a ballarina in paris was my dream come true but working this hard was not in the agenda.

Still on the floor something dawny caught my eyes under my bed reaching out for it I discovered it was a box, an old box in a heart shape.

I opened it out of curiosity maybe Nadley kept it there for me to open later. Inside was full of chocolates, caramel chocolates.

I got down with the box in my hand to ask Nadley.

"Nadley, did you do this?". I asked placing the box on the dinning table.

"No, but I found it out with your name on it. I thought you might have ordered it. Didn't you?".

Nadley asked looking a bit worried that I asked who it was from. Nadley is my big sister she taken care of me ever since our parents died seven years ago in a tragic car accident. At thirty two she was still living a life for me.


"Don't worry I will handle it myself Nadley. You have taken care of me enough. You should find your own life". I said starting up a conversation we have had many times.

"You are my life. God, are we getting on this again". Nadley said dropping her fork we were having breakfast.

"I'm twenty six for crying out loud. You are supposed to be settled with kids. I can take care of my self." I stated out.

"You can take care of yourself when I'm dead". She said devastatedly and everywhere quiet down. I have been traumatized with the word death ever since our parents died.

"I'm sorry that came out wrongly ". Nadley said trying to ease the atmosphere.

"You know I'm just trying to look at for you just like you do for me". I said calmly taking her hands. "It won't be bad if I see you with someone you love. It will make me really happy, I'm grateful that you look out for me but it too much let me look out for you too, okay." I said with assuring eyes and Nadley sighed.

"Fine, it won't be easy to look out for me". Nadley said and I smiled.

"Don't worry I'm good at anything". I said returning back to my breakfast.

Paris street have always been full of wonderful air, fashion and glamour. It's so busy that you won't feel left out as you watch people of different caliber pass by.

"I pick you up by six today, okay". Nadley said before I stepped out of her car.

"Right, like you always". I said sarcastically.

"I apologized for the other times". Nadley said.

"You are a police officer and you have too much in your hands. I would like if you take care of your job while I come back today alone. This is part of caring for you too." I stepping out quickly not to give her a chance to argue.

"Bye." I waved at her before running into the ballet school.

"Dé guress jacqueline?".


"Anna méleque?"


"Kimberly bong?"


"Kimberly bong?!".

"P-present". I said panting from my run.

"Always late. I wonder how you will make it to the next competition. Don't miss your flight."

"Sorry, madam". I said walking fast to my spot.

Every other girl answered to their names before we started the day's rehearsal.

Madam grace has been my ballet director since I moved to paris. She a bossy woman who hates no for an answer, always early and passionate about her job. She had helped me win so many competitions that I couldn't even count.

"Today, Janétte will be the lead kimberly. Don't be late next time". Madam grace said in her smooth French accent.

I danced through out the rehearsal correcting every mistake madam grace point out till it was six in the evening.

I didn't wait for Nadley to come pick me this time.

"Kimberly!". I heard someone call me.

"Nadley isn't coming to pick you?". Maryanne asked in her French accent.

"No". Maryanne is a tall girl with freckles who loved so much attention. One time she followed me home to see what I looked like at home and I felt she was disappointed when she saw I lived fancy.

"Ok, see you then. Jane!". She said leaving me which made me happy.

I didn't take the bus home because I wanted to trek and enjoy the beautiful gift of nature.

I hadn't had lunch since rehearsal I was too focused on correcting my mistakes that I missed lunch. Now my stomach was grumbling I needed something to eat.

"Hey move out of the way". I heard someone say but before I could turn to the voice a guy on a bicycle snitched my bag.

"Hey, stop no I haven't had lunch!!". I screamed in frustration I was damn hungry.

"Please come back and give me a little money". I said breaking down on the street. I was lucky the street was less crowdy.

"Ms, next time run for the bag and not scream for a share of your money". I had a deep male voice say while my head was still bent.

I looked up and saw him with my bag I couldn't be more delighted.

"Thank you". I said trying to get up but I staggered. He quickly held me from falling.

"Are you alright?". He asked.

"Yes, I'm fine just a bit dizzy".

"Because you are hungry?". He asked and I laughed a bit.

"You can say that". I said steadying myself.

"You were lost". He said which I didn't quite get.

"Excuse me?".

"You were not listening when I called you to get out of the way. You spaced out or something?. You heard me when I called you the third time." He said still holding me.

"Really?". I said I didn't know I even spaced out what was on my mind?.

"Yeah." He said looking at me with curiosity.

"Sorry about that". I said smiling at him. And then my stomach grumbled again it was quite embarrassing but he laughed.

"Let's get your stomach some food it seems to be paranoid." He said with a nice smile on his face and I couldn't help but say "you look handsome when you smile". I wished that didn't come out but it did. I couldn't take it back.

" I should smile often, then." He said leading me to his car. I was already red from what I said but I kinda liked it. He was quite handsome though.

"Sorry for my manners I haven't introduced myself. I'm Eric Quint ".

"It's okay, I haven't introduced myself too."

"I know you, your are kimberly bong the world's greatest ballerina". He said.

"Oh, but I'm not the greatest". I said with a chuckle.

"What makes you say that?".

"I have just won a few competitions and nothing much".

"You shouldn't be too humble when it comes to your achievements. You are a gold medalist for the past sixteen years and you have performed lead ballets in so many stages that are uncountable. Please don't be offended but I have been your fan since you started dancing." He said surprising me more.

"Well, I don't know what to say seems like you know me too well." I said.

"Not too well just from afar". He said stopping at a restaurant.

"Shall we?, I don't want to keep you starving". He said opening his car door for me. He is quite a gentleman.

We placed our order and waited for it to arrive. Meanwhile we were both inching to know each other more.

"So what do you do?. I mean you already know I'm a ballerina".

"I'm a doctor. A cardiologist to be precise. I live at california but I came to see my girlfriend perform at a violin play here in paris." He said and I felt broken. He had a girlfriend what was I thinking a guy like him would definitely have someone. Why do I feel this way I don't even know him that much.

"Then why a you here having a meal with a complete stranger". I asked him having a little hope that he was still single.

"Mind you, you are not a stranger and she will understand. Could you sign this for me." He said handing me a gift card to sign.

So he was getting my autograph for his girlfriend. how sweet.

Our order arrived and we chatted a little before our meeting came to an end.

"Would you like me to drop you off. I can't..."

"Don't worry I will be fine". I said wishing I didn't. I want to steal him away from his girlfriend. He is so attentive and mindful of what to say. He makes my heart growing whenever he smiles or laugh. I just want him to be mine. Within this short period we have known each other I feel like we could be more but that was my fantasy. I have to be good and let him go.

" Take care then". He said before getting into his car. I watched him until his car was out of sight. I was sad.

I got home and Nadley wasn't yet back. I wondered what time we would come home if I had waited.

I took a warm bath thought all the good things I could do with Eric. Thinking of him made me want him more and as I thought of him I felt like going crazy. I didn't even collect his number how stupid of me.

I went to the shelf where I kept the box of chocolates and opened one. A letter short letter was wrapped with the chocolate.

I took out the paper and read it out.

"Take a caramel chocolate once a day and read what is wrapped in it. Today I saw the most beautiful girl...".

It's a love letter wrapped with chocolate. I was curious so I opened the next one.

"She had the most prettiest and warmest smile that calmed my soul. And what was more beautiful was the way she...".

'C'mon, couldn't he cut the suspense'. I thought in my mind as I took the next chocolate.

"Two is enough for the night don't tell me you are going to open all". Nadley said startling me a bit.

"Your back. It's a love letter and I would love to read it". I said.

"Then what's the fun of the surprise in it. Each chocolate has a letter and I'm sure the writer would want you to follow his wish and open it once a day." Nadley said and I closed the box swallowing my curiosity too.

"How was work?". I asked.

"The same. Joe is getting married next month and we had a criminal on the run today. I had to chase that damn fool around paris. How was rehearsal?". Nadley said taking of her uniform.

"It was great a lot of work to do with the new dance and that's all."

"Don't stress yourself much just let the dance follow through you". Nadley said before falling asleep. She must have been exhausted from the chase. Nadley loved her job and being a police was quite dangerous but she still loves it just like I loved dancing.

I didn't want to disturb her so I covered her with a blanket and went to my room.

The next morning I woke up earlier than usual. Prepared for the day's rehearsal and wished Nadley goodbye before running off to the ballet school.

"Kimberly you are early today. See me after rehearsal". Madam grace said and I couldn't help but smile. Today I took two chocolates from the box. I decided to have them as lunch during break.

I danced perfectly this time but with a different energy maybe it was because of the chocolate box. I was curious and excited at the same time.

After rehearsal madam grace called me.

"Kimberly, there is an upcoming competition at california next month. And it would be good if you sign up for it. Remember know the reason why you want to dance while you sign up for it. Theme of the dance is the nutcracker. So that's all have a good evening." Madam grace said. She was always straight and simple whenever she talked.

I took the form and sighed up for the dance.

As I trekked back home I unwrapped the chocolate and read the continuation of the letter.

"She danced was a the most wonderful scene I had ever seen in my life. But I fear she would not like me like I do. She...".

I quickly unwrapped the next chocolate to satisfy my curiosity.

"She goes to the same school as I do but I remain a nobody to everyone I won't be surprised if she didn't know me..."

How sad. I didn't know everyone one in school then but I would love to know who this is and why  he didn't approach me.

Today I took the bus and got home early.

I prepared dinner and saved some for Nadley when she comes back.

Having nothing to do I decided to rehearse the nutcracker until Nadley came back.

"Nadley I signed up for a competition at california today". I said while she had her dinner.

"Do you want me to come with you?". She asked wanting my opinion.

"You have work and..."

"You know I will always support your decision no matter what." She said assuring me it was ok to say my mind.

"I will go alone and by the time I come back find a boyfriend that you will present to me as your future husband". I said and Nadley laughed heartedly she remained me of Eric.

Two weeks went by and the month for the competition arrived. It was June. I had learnt the nutcracker dance but still needed more rehearsals. Now, I was at the airport wishing Nadley goodbye before joining my fellow dancers. I had also opened most of the chocolate and it's letters warmed my heart. I became eager to find my admirer.

The flight to California was a bit long but we here safely. I phoned Nadley once I was inside the hotel that we already booked. She was grateful that we landed safely and wished me luck before ending the call.

We started rehearsal the next day at the place where the competition was going to be hosted. As we rehearsed I tried so hard to get the nutcracker spine that I sprained my ankle. It was not a good sign for the competition and to calm my nerve I had one of the chocolate.

I was taken to the hospital for immediate treatment.

It was then I met Eric the second time. It was quite a dream come true Eric owned the hospital I was rushed to. We talked and laughed and my heart started to grow again.

"How can you sprain your ankle when you have a competition coming.?" He seemed worried as he examined my ankle.

"It's nothing much..."

"This is something serious kimberly. This could put an end to your dancing career. You need to be more careful." He said and I couldn't help but yep for joy. He was concerned about me.

I started to wonder if he was still with his girlfriend but I didn't think too much about it.

We went out for dinner and he helped me walk each time I felt pain he insisted to carry me but I refused. How stupid of me.

"So how have you been?". I asked while we had dinner.

"Free". He said and I wondered.

"Your girlfriend should keep you company". I said.

"We broke up. She cheated on me the night I met you". He said a little bit down.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I said more than happy.he now free and single.

"Don't be weren't that close anyway. The distance was too much between us." He said with a slight smile.

"How have you been?". He asked me.

"Well I discovered an admirer who hasn't come up to me yet and his letters are so lovely." I said remembering each letter I had read.

"I see you have been well. So what Will you do about your admirer?". He asked with a little sadness in his eyes.

"I will find him". I said and Eric kept mute through out the dinner.

The next day I fully recovered I thought about Eric and couldn't help inviting him to dinner. I skipped my evening rehearsal to have dinner with him. And when I told him I had skip rehearsal he promised to dance with me.

After dinner we held each other his hands on my back sent a beautiful sensation down my spine. I could feel our attraction intense and I couldn't help but fall in love with him. On our last twirl he pulled me close and kissed me passionately under the beautiful stars of the night.

Every day I skipped evening rehearsal to dance with him. I discovered we were madly in love with each other and as we danced I improved in the nutcracker. We went out on dates, spent time together during the weekend and did a lot of things couples would do.

On day while I was in his house only on his shirt. I went into his study I saw something that I couldn't believe. The same initial on the chocolate letters were on the books in his shelf and the same chocolate was on his desk.

'caramel love'.

He couldn't be...

"Love, where are you?". I heard him say. I came out of his study and carried me up kissing me all over my face. I loved this man.

The day for the competition came and I felt quite confident. Nadley came with a guy she said was her boyfriend and I was more than pleased when I saw their attraction to each other. Eric came looking as dashing as ever. However, the chocolate was remaining two in the box I opened them for my nerves to calm down before the competition started. The last two letters read.

"In the future when she would decide to look for me I will be waiting. I will be standing in a dashing suit with a beautiful red tulip flower for her to know it me, her caramel love...♥️".

I read the letter again and went on stage when I was called.

After dancing I went to Eric the old heart shaped box of chocolate. My were filled with delight and happiness. My Eric was standing there with a beautiful red tulip and a new heart shaped box.

"You are my caramel love". I said more than excited I hugged him and carried me up and kissed me.

"I love you kimberly and I will forever love you. Thank you for finding me. I thought you won't ever open that box. Thank you".

"No, thank you for waiting for me my caramel love." I said and we kissed again. Thanks to him I won the competition and we lived happily forever.