

•°•.Captured.•°• They both were captured but the difference was... she was captured in his life and he was captured in her Innocent eyes... °•★•°•★•° [Just read one chapter, and if you don't like it then I will simply want you to leave the story... thank you] °•★•°•★•° This story is of Lee Y/n, who is married to Jeon Jungkook, the one and only strongest mafia of the whole Asia.... In this ff, all you will know is what happens after they slowly gets included in their married life.... But there's a twist, that y/n being an innocent and naive girl is scared of him. All she wants is getting away from him and start a new life... but the way she want... A NORMAL LIFE... •°•★Warnings★•°• Violence, traumatizing, hard language, forcefullness, intimate scenes...

jeon_kookie_author · Celebrities
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8 Chs


Part : 8

Tittle : posession

•°•★•°•Still y/n's pov •°•★•°•

And before I could take my next step, his strong hand grabbed mine and pulled me back where I found him sitting on his chair with me on his lap. I wanted to hit my head somewhere but the only place where I can do that was his chest and no, I wasn't going to do that.

"Better?" His words were low but yet felt like grunts, breath like growls and presence was like I was sitting with a dragon... He knew what he was doing to me yet he didn't bother to make any move to get the intensity away and only added fuel to the tension in the atmosphere of the room.

"You didn't reply to me?" He asked while stroking my hair softly but all I could do was staying still and looking down. His words were more intense than his gaze as he asked that and I just played with my fingers. This man always ask things which I cannot answer. I couldn't believe this man was injured badly last night and now his pervertness was back.

"Don't call me that, I still didn't show you any pervertness..." He said and I looked up at him with my eyes only reflecting shock ans nervousness. This man is really a dragon or something, I read on Whatpadd that dragons can read mind, lol I am dead.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door and I sighed in relief thinking now at least I can get off his lap. But.... when I tried, he only pulled me back a nd locked his arms around me tighter before saying a cold "come in".

A guard entered but he didn't even dare to lift his eyes and said "Sir, The meeting is about to start in a few minutes... please come..." He said and I looked at jungkook, waiting for him to go fast. "Go, I will think..." He said and the very little invisible smile on my face went missing as I looked down again.

"Okay... Mrs. Jeon, sit here..." He said and lifted me up a little before standing up and placed me down on his seat. "And don't you dare move..." He added and I freeze at my place. When he finally left the cabin, I sat silently on the chair, rotating it round and round again and again.

My naughty brain told me to open up his drawer, to see if there were some secret novels but when I opened it, I closed it quickly after seeing a USB pistol in it. "Okay first lesson, Don't open his drawers..." I said to myself and rested back on his chair, boring.

Suddenly, I heard the door open and a girl entered. She was wearing very revealing clothes, even more revealing than anyone other would wear, almost as if for seducing someone. Seeing her face, I could tell that she was not so happy after seeing me.

She walked over to me with a cold and infuriated face before standing in front of the me. "Who are you?..." She asked me and I slowly stood up before saying. "Jeon y/n..." she looked even more angry after listening this. "Why are you sitting in my boss' chair?... Don't you have manners?..." She said while almost shouting at me.

"He told me to!!... and plus, It's my choice whatever I do in my husband's cabin!!..." I said coldly, I couldn't myself believe that I was really replying her this boldly. "Liar, why would he marry a bish like you?" She said and literally lifted her hand to hit me, making me slightly flinched.

I closed my eyes tightly to bear whatever was about to happen but I felt nothing and when I opened my eyes, they widened after seeing Jungkook in front of us. He was holding the girl's hand and pulled her back, that made her fall on the ground. "Who told you to talk to my wife like this?..." I flinched when he burst out on her like this.

He didn't even took a second before pulling out his gun to shoot that girl right there, the girl was pleading continuously. My heart was telling me to stop him as I couldn't let him hurt any girl but my mind was opposing the thought. Finally, before anything bad could happen, I moved toward him and grabbed his arm to stop him.

It seemed like he wasn't getting effected much by my move but was still determined to kill her. I held his hand tightly and mouthed a small 'please no'. After when I didn't get any reply, I hugged him tightly from behind and I could feel him turning his head back to see me.

I attached my cheek with his back and my hands cluched on his shirt tightly. "Guards!!" He shouted and I quickly loosened my grip while the guards entered and dragged that girl out. "I don't wanna see her ever again in this building..." He commanded and the guards obeyed him.

After that, there was only silence in between the two of us and tension was increasing in the atmosphere of the cabin. He slowly turned and looked at me before saying "now, you..." Hearing him saying this, I looked down at the floor and didn't say anything.

"Come here..." He commanded, almost in an angry tone and I slowly took step ahead, getting in front of him. My head was still low as I was staring at the floor and I could feel his sharp gaze on me directly.

I slowly felt him moving and when I lifted my head, he was slightly opening his arms as if waiting for me to come to him. I wasn't sure but I took a slow steps toward him and before I could accept his embrace, he took a quick step near me and wrapped his arms around me tightly.

My head rested on his chest and a satisfied sigh hit my ear. His hands travelled further down to my waist before he lifted me up in bridal style. No one said anything while he was carrying me out of the office building, all through the hallway toward the car parking.

Everyone was staring at us in awe which only made me feel even more embarassed and shy that I hide my face fully in his chest, under his blazer. The next thing I heard was a deep and suppressed chuckle.

When I thought we were in the parking lot, I pulled my head out but before I could pull my hands away from him, he sat in the driver side. I looked at him with a confused look as I was settled in his lap. I thought of standing up but a strong pair of arms wrapped around my waist, almost pulling me straight towards his face.

"Can't you stay still until I force you to?..."

[Uhum uhum.... You can curse me in the comment section if you want, my love~~ but remember you will end up in hell.... 🙂 By the way, if you wanna be saved from this bad saying, just comment something nice 😙]

Love you mwahhhhhh~~~~ ♥