
Chapter 15

Conlin looked at her and chuckled, "Hmm."

Athach went upstairs to take a shower and change clothes in some embarrassment.

Downstairs, the table has been put on the breakfast, and grandpa Greef and Conlin all are waiting for her.

Athach sat down: "Good morning, Grandpa."

Grandpa Greef looked at her, more and more satisfied, smiling with kindness: "I'm ready for the return ceremony. What else is missing?"

Athach drank milk: "No, thank you, Grandpa."

Grandpa: "Don't be so polite. There is also a tender for the land in the south of the city. Let your father pay more attention. I'll take care of it."

This means that the piece of land in the south of the city has been assigned to the Ada Group.

Athach looked up at him: "Grandpa doesn't have to help Barron,

and the planning of the land in the south of the city, the Ada Group has no ability, so you don't have to help."