
Capture The Elusive Mandarin

Tall, dark, and handsome. Three adjectives most women in the West would use to describe a perfect guy, which she really doesn't understand. She was taught to look for a Man With Potential, well that's three words too. But the guy earnestly clapping his hands about to make a wish, fits the three adjectives of the women of the West for a perfect man. He's tall. He's dark, err, he's in a dark mood, that is, and the most important adjective is that he's handsome in his orange hair. Dana Hasegawa, age sixteen experience her love at first sight in Meiji-Jingu Shrine. Fast forward to present, few days before her 18th birthday Dana saw Grand on WeChat Moments of a friend, - handsome as ever minus the orange hair. She schemes her way to China to hunt the Orange Mandarin, but would she capture the love of a guy or find something else. ====== Gold Tier Winner of WFC #9 - Female Lead - Bad Boy Love Interest! ====== -------- DISCLAIMER: This book is NOT a sequel to the book Capture That Feeling. ***Book cover: Sendaline_16

Jyojiko · Urban
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282 Chs

Forever Isn't Long Enough

[This chapter is dedicated to viLelouch! Thank you for supporting all of my novels.]


"Try not to choke too often." 

Dana's dirty mind flashed to a memory of her kneeling and choking between Grand's legs while his hand was holding her head at the back.

Dana's face warmed at the memory of those nights. She was still deep in her thoughts when Grand took her glass and put it on the waiter's tray that passed by them. 

She looked at him with questions in her eyes. She hasn't finished her drink yet. He didn't say anything and just pulled her to his arms. She flinched, stunned by the electric current that ran through her spine when Grand put his palm at the small of her back. 

Before she could verbalize her question, Grand swayed them in the music that was blasting on the speaker. 

He was staring at her face with a small soft smile playing on his lips. Staring back at him, Dana felt like crying.