
Capture The Blue-Eyed CEO

"I don't look like a prostitute because I am not one." she coldly smiles at his questioning gaze as she sips her coffee. 'Jerk!!' she screams in her head. "My apologies." he sincerely said, seeing the expression on her face. "But why do you have a key to this room." "Well, probably because this is MY room." she spat her words as she put down her coffee on top of the coffee table. She chose a magazine with the Kardeshians on the cover and put down her cup on top of it. He scoffed at this girl watching him with open distaste on her pretty face. He would admit that he felt insulted with how she acted now when just a while ago she was feasting on his body while he was on the phone. "You change your mind easily, huh?" he said mockingly. "Just a few minutes ago, you said you like me." "Well, a girl sure can change her mind, as many times as she wants. If you want to change my mind, you could stand up and turn around so I could see you from behind because you see, I prefer a guy with a nice pair of ass." ........................ Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. When her flight was canceled due to a heavy storm, she had a one-night stand with a stranger that happened to be the future CEO of one of the top five pharmaceutical companies in the world. However, the next time they met, he did not remember her! But is it a reason enough to take revenge? If it was, how far would she go to soothe her wounded ego? Was it really just her pride that got hurt? What really happened that night? And how does a night with a stranger change Jess's life? [WARNING: Some chapters may contain mature R-18 content.] --------- Book cover by Jushel

Jyojiko · Urban
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427 Chs

How Much Is Noah?

[ This chapter is dedicated to Down_RiverDIVA for being the top 3 fan of our story. Thank you for all your support!]


Jess walked briskly away from their table because she was having a hard time breathing. She needed to distance herself from her father. 

Her aunt must have known this would happen, that's why she didn't get them a private room. She pushed the bathroom door open and marveled at how it looks so zen. 

The bathroom light was giving a soft yellow glimmer on the wall, mirrors in silver frames were hung on over the black granite countertop. 

The bathroom smells of a bamboo forest after a downpour of rain. She took a deep sigh and entered one of the empty cubicles and sat down on the closed toilet seat. 

She closed her eyes and tried to listen to her heartbeat, counting them slowly as she did some breathing exercises.