
Would You Like To Go For A Ride?

When his tongue delved inside her mouth to explore every crevice, she lost her footing for the ground shook. Or that was what it felt like as she gasped for air to breathe. She grabbed his shoulder to steady herself, and he pushed her farther that she ended up leaning on the cold concrete column.

But, she felt so hot! Her skin burns up when his palm skims her waist and squeezes his way up to the side of her breast. A soft moan escaped her mouth. She was too late to stifle the sound of her sheer delight.

He lost his mind when she melted in his arms. And when she released a soft moan, his desires skyrocketed! His hands became a separate entity from his body. They moved on their own! His fingers drummed on her ribcage as he tapped them like his computer keyboard in an intense game.

“Ellise, I beg of you. Please, stop running away.” he ran his tongue on her lips. Seeking forgiveness for he kissed her too aggressively that her soft lips were now visibly swollen.

She blinked her eyes for her brain was still muddled with that mindblowing kiss! She didn’t know that you could have temporary amnesia with just a kiss. After a few minutes of staring stupidly at DT’s lips. She watched them as he speaks, and she would admit that his red lips were never been this tempting as he closes and opens them saying something that doesn’t register in her brain.

He kissed the corner of her lips, and when she sucked in some air, he let his mouth traced her jawline with kisses that end up at the base of her earlobe. He flicked the soft bone of her lobe with his tongue before he took it in between his teeth. And gently bite them. He was rewarded with a deep contented sigh from her.

He enjoys tasting, and running kisses on her skin for Ellise’s desires was very honest. She would tremble, moan, shiver, and groan along as his lips explore her milky skin. His own greed overpowered him that he wanted to kiss more of her skin.

He was about to unbutton her dress when she caught her hand and with much difficulty pushed him away. His attention was torn between the escaping Ellise and the red Jaguar revving like it was screaming to be acknowledged.

‘Fuck!’, he cursed himself and ran after Ellise but he was too late. She was already behind the wheel of sleek black Exelero. ‘Did she get herself a new car?’

He stepped forward to knock on her car’s window when she started the car and got out of her parking slot in one swift fluid motion that he blinked his eyes in surprise. He won’t be surprised if she would say that she also does Drifting in her free time.

He wanted to follow her but he knew that with the car she was driving and her daredevil driving skills, it would be safer to let her blow some steam before he talked to her again. However, if she thinks he will stop pursuing her, she is in for a surprise, because he does not intend to let her go this time.

Never again!

She was ruthless with the gas pedal, her eyesight was blurry with tears and her heart felt like it got an open-heart operation and the surgeon forgot to ask an anesthesiologist to administer anesthesia.

DT’s was the surgeon and his kiss was the operation. His damn kiss opened all the floodway of her pain.

Once she entered the shopping district, she turned left and went to the underground parking garage. There is too much traffic and she could get into an accident with her emotional state right now.

She took the parking space that was the farthest from the building entrance. She turned off the car's ignition but didn't get out of it. She was only here for a short while since she just needed time to settle her raging emotions before she headed back on the road.

‘Why did DT kissed her? And why did she let him?’ She rested her head on the steering wheel, closing her eyes tightly, still, tears escaped. She is being too emotional and she hates it! She hates being vulnerable. She hates the feeling of not being in control of her own damn emotion.

With her eyes closed, she traced the outline of her lips. They felt swollen. She snapped and pulled down the overhead mirror to check her face. She was surprised to see that other than the redness of her eyes, and the tear tracks on her face, her lips were far from swollen.

“But it felt like it swelled up a lot.” a crease appeared on her forehead as she gently stroke her lower lips. She still could feel the pressure of DT’s kiss on her lips. She blushed.

She has been kissed before. But never did it feel as though her life was dependent on that kiss. A kiss never made her felt like alive and broken at the same time. She closed the overhead mirror for she suddenly hates looking at her reflection.

She was jolted from her thoughts when someone knocked on her car’s window. She watched a man wearing an expensive suit standing outside her car. ‘What now?’, she thought with irritation.

The man doesn’t look like he's going to leave her alone when he knocked on her car’s window again, and moved his hand in a rolling motion, asking her to roll down her window. ‘Freak!’

She cracked her window opened in an inch. “What do you want?” she snapped in annoyance.

“Hey Miss, not a pervert or anything, but here.” he chuckled softly sliding a calling card in the small gap of her car’s window.

She took the calling card and read the name written, “Alexander Cho, COO, Resort World Enterprise.” her eyebrows furrowed. She recognized the suit he was wearing. A Paul and Smith Winter collection that hasn’t hit in their store, and yet the man is wearing one. The calling card must be legit.

“Can you step back away from my car?”

“Sure, Princess,” he said in a casual tone. He stepped back about five steps away from her car and shoved his hands in the pockets of his pants.

She rolled down her window halfway done. “What do you want from me, Mr. Cho?”

“I would like to ask if you drift or race?” When she simply stared at him with a quizzing look, he added, “I was behind you when you left East City,... and Babe, you can drive.” he whistled with admiration.

Normally, she would get mad being called ‘Babe’ but then, the guy asked her about something she likes. A soft smile tugged the corner of her lips. “Mr. Cho, would you like to go for a ride?”

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