
Capture my Heart

Ju_ng · Teen
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1 Chs

Dont get cocky with me


The film director slammed the sketch Kanemiya Aisato drew for one of the scenes on his desk with disapproval.


"Again!! How can you not get it right? If you don't want to do it, then quit! " He furiously rolls up Kanemiya Aisato's work and strikes her head. Kanemiya Aisato who has her head down clenches her fists and grits her teeth, as he continues.

"Sheesh! He's at it again." One of the background painter in the studio that was planning to show his process to the film director slowly and stealthly drag himself back to his seat and waits until the director's temper cooldown.

"Are you okay, Kanemiya Aisato?" her co-worker asked.

"I'm fine. Used to it." Kanemiya Aisato responded like a robot, walking back to her desk. She doesn't understand what she did wrong. She flipped her drafts over and over. Until she had it with it, taking out her lighter and cigarette from her drawer, "Taking a quick breather."

At her work area's balcony, she lit up the cigarette and exhaled, a couple of birds flew across her and disappeared into the distance. "Wish I had wings."

She looks down at her watch and kills the cigarette bud and goes back in. Started redoing her draft.

"It's better than before. Look here" pointing at the character carrying a child, "what if you loosen up the strokes here doesn't it make her motherly like."

What he erases, did no change to the character, "Yes. I see."

He hands back Kanemiya Aisato her drafts, "it's all yours now."

"Thank you."

She walks back to her seat, and stares at the papers she got back with a menacing look. Her co-worker wants to cheer her up but quickly changes her mind after taking a peek at Kanemiya Aisato's expression.

"I am this close to quitting. He is pushing my last buttons here," Kanemiya Aisato mutters.


"Good work today."

"Do you want to head out for a drink?"

"I would rather skip." Kanemiya Aisato said gathering her belongings before leaving.

As she was heading home on the busy sidewalk she bumped into someone.

"I am terribly sorry," He quickly picked up the things that fell out of her tote bag and helped her up and walked to the less crowded side,"Here," handing over her things, "Is anything missing?" His eye caught attention to the half open notebook as he asked. She scans the things that are still in her bag and on his hand,"This should be all." She glanced over at him, 'Did I use up all my luck for this year? To have such a handsome guy in front of me.'

He passes her the pencil case, another mini bag, office pass and lastly her notebook–.

"Excuse me," She tries to get her book back. But he doesn't look like he is going to let go.

"I'm sorry," and handed her back her book, "That is some fine drawing you have there."

"Ah…" looking at the book he was pointing at, " yeah. It just doodles."

As she was about to leave, he stopped her, "Wait.."

Her eyes glue on the hands that touched hers. Flustered by his action he released his hand, "Can I have your business card?"

She looks at him suspiciously. "Are you hitting on me?"

"No, no I opened a studio," passing his business card. "I been a reporter covering on murders, mobsters, and celecrity scandals …but recently I realized my true passion in animating."

She notices something odd about him, "Well that kind of hurts. Not sure if it's lying that your passion for animating or the strongly declining that you're hitting on me is the truth," Kanemiya Aisato sighed. 'They are still using the same old cover story straight from the manual.'

"What was that?"

She chuckled, "Nothing, nothing. I'll let you continue."

He wasn't sure what was going on, but with her permission to carry on, he started to rattle on again, "Before you say anything. Allow me to explain…" He dug in suitcase for a folder.

As he was doing that, she searched him up based on what was given on the business card.

'The website looks solid. Looks like they finally did a good job on that. Oooh a photo of this cutie.'

"Please take a look at this before deciding."

Instead of taking the folder, she put her phone up next to his face and examined.

"...Excuse me. What are you doing-?"

And examined the phone number.

He finally caught onto something, "I-I'm not scamming you," looking at her eye to eye, the first time he looked at her face properly. She has huge bag eyes underneath her eyes and looks like she could faint any minute.

Kanemiya Aisato had a great laugh that she almost fell over, "No worries I know you're not. So are you saying you are trying to steal me from the company I am in now?" She said, giving him her business card anyway.

"If you allow me to," he waved her business card to signal his accomplishment.

"Now…" taking a step forward towards him, "Let's see who your handler is?"


Yamatsami Yusuke came out from his hiding spot and head punched the newbie, "Your cover has been blown since the beginning."

"Well if it isnt Sir Yamatsami? He still has a long way to go," Kanemiya Aisato scornfully said.

"I'm very well aware of that," Yamatsami Yusuke rolled his eyes.

"And what are you doing here? Trying to blow my cover I built?" Kanemiya Aisato glared at him. Even for a newbie, he could tell that they both hate each other.

"I'm here to inform you from the higher ups. 'What the hell is taking you so long to capture one​​ douchebag? If you can't do it, replace it with Yamatsami.' Is what they said."

Kanemiya Aisato scoffs, "Are they looking down on me NOW?!"

"I didn't mean to make light of your problems. But I guess they are."

"Dont get cocky with me."


"I'm home," Kanemiya Aisato said, placing the key on top of the cabinet before entering.

"Welcome home,"Kanemiya Aisato's mom shouted from the kitchen.

She heard another voice, "Ah, that must be Kanemiya Aisato."

Kanemiya Aisato walks into the kitchen and greets the guest, "Hello." But her smile dropped as she saw who it was.

"Joe's mom came by."

"Are you two still in touch?" Joe, my son is now a CEO."

"Isn't that wonderful?"

"Did you come here to brag because you have no one else to brag to?"


"If there's nothing else. I'll be in my room."

"And here I am, offering you a place to work instead of that hideous place. What manner-" "Why? Is it because no one wants to work under him? Well that's understandable."

"Kanemiya Aisato!"