
Capture A Husband: My Asian Mother's Quest

"What the fuck did you send over, Nicky?" Laurie is screaming over the phone at six fucking o'clock in the morning. "It has a note. And I believe that the message was clear." the name Nicky answered. "Well that's exactly, why I am asking!" she exclaimed angrily, glaring at the innocently looking red leather pill box, that is instantly recognizable as a famous jewelry brand, sitting on her kitchen counter, with a note that says - I heard you cry over a guy, here's a small gift to let you know that I'd marry you anytime. With the familiar scrawling penmanship in the white piece of paper, she would know who sent her the note, even without calling the guy on the phone. *** When the guy you confessed to rejected you, and your two exes came back running—declaring they would marry you any time, what would you do? Would you choose a familiar old love or the one that has your heart but doesn't want you? And to add to the chaos, her mother is on a mission to marry her nearing thirty-something ass to any man who breathes. What should a girl do in such a situation? Run away, of course! But then, how far can you run away until all the life's decisions you screwed up in the past caught up with you and you ended up with no choice but to face them. Welcome to Laurie’s adventure and just to be clear this is not a love story BUT a quest. [WARNING: Some chapters may contain mature R-18 content.] --- Book cover by Sendaline_16

Jyojiko · Urban
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237 Chs

Let Me Hear You Sing

[This chapter contains some mature scenes. Skip if you are uncomfortable with it.]


Bella with her face plastered against the wooden door, Hideaki clutching her waist as he continued to assault her from behind, all she could do was moan and begged for more.

Hideaki's grunting and her groaning were the noises that floated around the narrow hallway leading to the basement.

Bella was sure that with the amount of noise they were making, anyone that would pass by the door outside would have a clear idea of what was happening behind the door.

Also, she couldn't understand the emotions that were hammering on her chest. She was making a lot more noise than usual. She wondered if she wanted them to be caught. But then, Hideaki was also more excited than usual.

She realized that he got more excited the louder she got.

"Aghh," she screamed as she trembled with sudden waves of orgasm hitting her core.

"Belle, did you just orgasm?" he chuckled, panting. He grabbed her shoulder to face her, "Did you, huh?" he watched Bella's eyes gazing at his face, clouded with desires. He pushed his finger inside her mouth as he playfully bit her earlobe, "Bad girl --" his breath hitched when Bella licked his finger and he felt her throbbing pussy, pulsating around his still hard cock.

He hasn't had his release, he stopped to give Bella some time to catch her breath and savored her release.

When she stopped trembling and her breath was a bit steadier, he pulled his shaft out of her wet core, and Bella groaned, pushed her hips towards him as if she was still trying to catch him back to her.

He chuckled as he remembered how they ended up in this kind of relationship. At first, he came and checked her out because he heard from his sister that Laurie's friend would be staying in the old apartment where Laurie used to stay when she would visit when she was in high school.

He was curious about her since she was friends with Laurie. It was the first time that Laurie asked for a favor from his sister to help other people. When he first met Bella, he admitted that he found her pretty, but then, he had a lot of women around him that were prettier than her.

The only difference she had with those girls was, she was friends with Laurie. The notion that she was friendly with the girl that he has been longing to get for so many years, but evaded his grasp in so many ways, made him excited to be more friendly towards Bella.

He never expected her to be such a good playmate in bed. She could give him what he wanted in bed, and more. The fact that she was a friend of Laurie was forgotten.

The other women around him would act innocent and would let him do everything for them in bed. Unlike Bella. She wasn't shy to tell him what she wanted and she is always eager to do his bidding.

Just like now, he gently pushed her shoulder down, and she knew exactly what he wanted. She dropped to her knees without an ounce of complaint, rather, he could see her excitement to suck him.

His knees shook when she slowly had his length all the way down her throat. She kept it there for a few minutes before she let him go. He growled like an animal when after releasing his shaft she circled her tongue on his tip.

He grabbed the back of her head, gathered some of her hair in his hand, and tugged her head upward. When he saw her glancing up at him, with a seductive smile on her mouth where his throbbing member went in, a primal excitement rose over his chest and groin.

He pushed his pulsating member back in her sinful mouth. He grabbed the back of her head tighter and pushed his hips, and watched her gag.

"Uh, fuck. I'm cumming." He held the back of her head as he felt her mouth hold his engorged member, suck him harder, until he bit his lower lip, growling with his own release.

"Swallow it," he groaned as his hips and knees shook with the intensity of his release.

Bella opened her mouth and obediently did what she was told. She stuck her pink tongue out, showing him how good of a bad girl she was.

He pulled her up from kneeling on the floor and crushed his mouth into hers. His member twitched in excitement again when he had a taste of their essence -- mostly his in her mouth.

"Fuck, Belle, you are the best," he whispered with a lecherous grin on his lips.

Bella hooked her leg on his waist, leaned in, and bit the base of his neck, then skillfully sucked the skin she bit, then, swirled her tongue on it as a finishing touch.

"And so are you, Aki," she whispered. Her voice was still laced with desires.

Hideaki chuckled, bent his knees and grabbed her ass, and brought her down the short flight of the stairs to the basement.

No one would be using the recording booth in the basement tonight. They can make good use of it. Especially the vocal booth where the singer sings when they record a song. Tonight the vocal room would be put for different use.

He wanted Bella to do her vocalization there where she would be singing a different kind of song.

She giggled when he almost tripped on the way down the stairs because his knees were shaking. It wasn't because she was heavy, for she was light as a feather. His knees were shaking for the excitement of Bella screaming his name in the vocal booth where all sounds resonate within that small room.

"Damn, I should have these stairs removed!"

Bella giggled again when he kicked the recording room door for his hands were occupied with Bella's ass and he couldn't be bothered to put her down to open a goddamn door!