
CAPTIVATED HEART {Entangled with you}

nmesoma_joseph · Urban
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26 Chs

Chapter 07 & 08 ««{CAN'T WAIT TO RESUME TOMORROW}»»


✨(Entangled with you)✨

Theme: Love & Affection 🌺

By; @jossyfrosh8




Note: The questions in the comments section are not just there for jokes or fancy. They are there for you to reply them or better still drop your thoughts about the questions🤍.




Callie took in a deep breath before walking into the hall to take the examination. She noticed the population were quite much, she looked around for her seat number which she saw on the last roll. She sat on it taking another deep breath.

"You can do this Callie". She muttered placing her hand on the desk.

"Good morning students. Welcome to Shadow high we will begin the first paper with.... Mathematics. Adhere to the rules strictly so you won't be sent out". A cold looking lady said while Callie's heart raced a million times.

She distributed the papers and answer sheets to them while she took her seat in front of them observing them strictly.

Callie stared at the question with shaky hands, she smiled when he saw how cheep they were and in no time, she began solving.


Flute walked through the hallway and was stopped by a girl. He shrugged and ignored her. He continued his journey and the girl blocked his path again.

He groaned and finally stopped to hear what she has to say. She bit hers lips, grabbed his collar before moving closer to him.

"I need your d**k". She said licking his chest through the cloth while none of that moved him.

He grabbed her waist roughly and sniffed her hard everywhere while she giggled closing her eyes. He let go of her immediately and she flung her eyes opened.


"You smell sour. I don't do girl with that awful smell". He said and walked away leaving her dumbfounded.

"Shit!". She said checking out herself, she also inhaled her scent. She hissed and walked away grumbling.


She took the papers from them while Callie breath out in relief. She flexed her fingers as she await the next paper.

"Thirty minutes break, once the break is over, get your asses back her". The lady said and they all nod. She left the hall and walked out with the hope of seeing Archie.



Nellie hurriedly ran into the cafeteria with Rebel running after her. She got there and stop at the middle of the cafeteria panting heavily.

"I've gat news!! To whoever this might concern, he scholarship students are having their entrance examination but only ten will be given the scholarship and they are resuming tomorrow!!". She announced and Blaire hissed walking up a table with Bluey and Quinnell.

She met a girl there and her blood boiled instantly. The girl looked up and held her food tight.

"You just violated my third rule!!!". She yelled kicking the table away while the student gasped turning to her direction.

"I'm sorry. I don't know this is where you seat". The girl pleaded as tears dropped from her eyes.

"Your fake tears can't move me. On your knees!!!". She yelled while the girl went on her knees in full speed.

"Too bad you are gonna eat up the rest of your lunch on the floor". She said and the girl gasped.

"I can't possibly eat from the floor. I'll rather get another one". The girl said standing to her feet while Blaire landed a resounding slap on her cheek. The students gasped with some taking pictures and videos of the ongoing scene.

"What the heck is wrong you?". Nellie yelled pushing her away.

"Stay away from my business!!". She snapped pushing the girl down.

Nellie tried moving forward but was blocked by Bluey and Quinnell.

"Out of my way dummies!!!". She screamed and tried pushing away.

"No way baby". Quinnell replied while Nellie kept pushing her way forward.

Blaire pulled the girls hair forcefully while the girl screamed trying to get her hands off her hair.

"You don't challenge my orders!! Get that into your empty skull. Now eat up your lunch on the floor!!!!". She snapped while Flute watched from where he is.

He stood up walked towards the scene while the students murmurs increased.

🗣️ What is he doing here?

🗣️ Did he come to save her?

🗣️ Did he come to punish Blaire?

🗣️ Flute just take a good look at me!

🗣️ He looks hot even in uniform.

"What's the meaning of this?". Hs asked standing a little far from her with his hands in his pocket.

"Teaching her a lesson". She mouthed.

"This is total madness, it's also an act of immaturity because if you are matured enough, you won't do this shit you call lesson". He said bluntly while she gasped.

"She did....."

"I don't know what transpired between you both and I don't care. All I know is your are not yet matured enough for high school. You can tell that to your dad". He snapped before walking close to the girl.

"Leave this place now!!". He ordered and the girl took to her heels.

"You did not just do that right?". She asked trying to suppress her anger.

"Of course I did. Your dad is only a principal, I can decide he stays or loses his job and that means you are going with him. Dingbat". He replied rudely and walked out of the cafeteria.

"I will never accept defeat. She must pay for this embarrassment. Get those cameras off my face you fuckfaces!!!". She yelled before storming out of the cafeteria angrily.

"See you later halfwit". Nellie said giggling while Bluey threw her an angry glare.




📞"Hey sis". Tessy said as she descended the stairs carefully.

📞"How are have you been?". Her sister asked while she smiled sitting on the couch.

📞"Good. How is korea?". Tessy asked chuckling.

📞"Fine and peaceful as usual". She replied while Tessy smiled.

📞"Dad said you will be home next week. For real?". She asked grinning while Tessy chuckled.

📞"Yes. For some certain reasons". Tessy replied happily.

📞"I really can't wait to see you. I've missed you baby sis". She said sadly.

📞"Same here big sis. Thank goodness our school was shut down else I won't return until summer break". Tessy replied smiling.

📞"Good to hear. Keep your gists till you return. I can't wait to hear them". She said and Tessy chuckled.

📞"Keep yours as well. I'll be back before you know it". Tessy said playing with a pillow.

📞"Of course. I have them in store for you". She replied giggling like a kid.

📞"Heard from Flute?". Tessy asked blushing really hard.

📞"He should be fine. Don't tell me you never buried your love for him". She said while Tessy sighs.

📞"I can't stop loving him. He makes my heart beat rapidly". Tessy replied while it her sister's turn to sigh.

📞"Flute is now a bad boy, a flirt, a playboy. He doesn't even give a damn about love". She replied while she smiled sadly.

📞"It's best you bury your live for him before you return to Korea. He uses and dump girl anyhow and I don't want that for you". She said and Tessy nod wiping the tears the fell on her cheek.

📞"He might consider the bond between us. He created it and I'll hold on tight to it with hope". Tessy replied after making up his mind.

📞"There is no hope in that boy. He can't reciprocate your love, you are wasting your time if you keep standing on hope". She tried talking sense into her brain.

📞"I believe in the power of love. I know it can melt his frozen heart". Tessy replied not reading to change her mind.

📞"Keep wasting your time baby sis. See you when you return, be a good girl and stay out of trouble". She said and Tessy nod beaming.

📞"Bye sis, love you". Tessy said before hanging up.

"Flute just wait till I return. I'll surely win your heart". She giggled laying on the couch.




Callie got back home and threw herself on the couch beaming. She looked around but couldn't find her mum in the sitting room.

"Thank goodness she isn't here with her beads". She said sitting up.

"Can't wait to finally be a student of my dream school. I hope I'll get to beat up those bullies. I can't wait to hear the good news tomorrow". She grinned jumping on the couch while her phone dinged.

She grumbled before bringing it out from her small purse. She entered her mailbox and saw a message.

💌"Congratulations, you are qualified and lucky enough to be among the ten students for the scholarship. Kindly report tomorrow to get your things and officially become a student of Shadow High". She read it out loud while she gasped taking her eyes away from the phone.

She blinked rapidly before taking her eyes back to her phone. She took in deep breaths before reading it again.

She dropped her phone and picked it up again, she read it again before letting out a loud scream. She jumped on the couch happily while her mum rushed out of the room in full speed.

"What's the noise all about?". She asked and Callie pointed at her phone.

She picked it up and went through the message while she also screamed out in excitement.

She pulled her into a tight embrace while Callie smiled resting her head on her chest.

"Congratulations baby". She said and Callie nod pulling out of the hug.

"Resuming tomorrow?". She asked and Callie stared at her for a while.

"Of course. I can wait any longer. I need to get my legs into that school as a student..."

"Please, don't bring home trouble. Remember your purpose as a student of that school. Stay away from those kids and don't get yourself into trouble". She said while Callie rolled her eyes stylishly.

"Got it mum". She groaned walking to her room.

"Don't do this, do that, I've gat plans for that school". She muttered walking to her room while her mum shook her head.



Flute sat in the sitting room operating his phone when his father walked in.

"Welcome dad". He greeted and his father nod.

"See me in my study room in five minutes". His father said and went straight to his room while Flute groaned.

"What have I done wrong this time around? Arrrrgh!!!". He groaned before walking upstairs to his dad's study room.

He knocked on the door calmly and he was ushered in. He jerked the door open.

He walked in and met his dad sitting down on the couch with his laptop in front of him.

"Have you heard from Tessy?". He asked and Flute froze for a while.

"No dad. I lost her contact a month ago". He lied while his dad nod.

"She will be back in Korea next week, and she will also attend Shadow high for her final year. He said and Flute faked a smile.

"Wow.... Nice move though. Can't wait for her to return". He lied faking smiles.

"Good. Ensure you look after her. She is in your care whenever you are in school.". His dad said an he nod boiling inwardly.

"You can leave". His dad said and he hurriedly left the room running straight to his room.

He fell on his bed heavily while he recalled his conversation with his dad.

"Gosh! Not now. I can't love this girl, can't she just get it straight. I don't like her and I will never like her". He said to himself.

"She is just coming to waste her time because this guy here is not ready for that shit. I can't even love a desperate lady like her". He muttered and laid his back in his bed.




🗣️ A bottle of vodka please

🗣️ A bottle of a baroto wine

🗣️ A bottle of Joven

🗣️ Four bottles of any italian white wine

They all kept placing their order from different angles of the bar while Callie got tired of moving from one customer to a patron and the likes.

Raggy saw how she tried to meet up with their orders not excluding Ronan who never stopped giving out shots and he also never stopped mixing series of wines.

She wiped the bids of sweat on her forehead and almost fell with the tray in her hand. Raggy stood up after making up his mind to help her out.

"I'll take that". Raggy said taking the tray from her. He smiled and she hissed walking away.

"Seriously? Not even a common thank you?". He yelled to her hearing while she frowned.

"I never asked for your help but you decided to help so have fun". She mouthed and he chuckled taking orders while she cleared the used cups and tots from each table.


The population of the customers gradually reduced till it became empty with no single customer left. Raggy fell tiredly on a chair while Callie chuckled.

"You chose to do it. Nobody forced you". She said cleaning the tables.

"This is so fucking stressful and I think the word sorry can calm my nerves. What do you think?". He asked staring at her while she made funny face.

"You know sometimes you just have to say the word Jey key!!!!". She said tapping his shoulder while he threw her a weird look.

"What does that mean?". He asked while she shrugged.

"Who knows? Just say the word and you are gonna be relieved". She said and he chuckled.

"That quite dumb. You that right?". He asked and she threw him an angry glare.

"It's good to always say the truth and I just did. Say something meaningful and I'll say something nice". He winked while she hissed.

"Rag, it's time to go home. Your mum is calling". She said and he shook his head.

"That can't work on me. I'll drop you off before heading to mine". He said and she scoffed.

"I don't need your help. I'm not legless". She replied and he burst into laughter.

"Who said you are legless?". He asked still laughing.

"Hey, rag rotter...."

"Who the hell is rag rotter?". He fired and she giggled.

"Who else if not you. Rag rotter, your new name". She replied dramatically while he groaned.

"Bye Ronan". She said and walked out of the bar in full speed while Raggy ran after her.

"Shit!". He said hitting his hand in the air when he couldn't find her.

He looked around again before entering his car, he drove off to his house while she came out if her hiding spot.

"Much better". She exclaimed taking a deep breath before heading towards the direction of her house.



Raggy walked in and met his mum in the sitting room and it's obvious she has been waiting for him.

"Hi mum". He said and she smiled pulling him into a warm hug.

"Your day?". She asked and he nod trying so hard to stop himself from smiling.

"Dad?". He asked while she shook her head.

"He won't be home tonight, stuck at work". She replied and he nod releasing the breath he never knew he was holding.

"You came home pretty late today...."

"I got stuck in a terrible traffic. I'm so tired I need to go to bed". He said and raced to his room while she scoffed before heading to her room.

He got to his room and locked the door, he smiled sitting on his bed.

"She is pretty. No doubt, I like her already". He said smiling brightly placing his hands at the back of his head. He laid on the bed like that still thinking about her and that suddenly turned him on.

"Missing her already. Gosh! What is wrong with me? Is this love it lust?". He asked himself but he couldn't get answer to his question.

"Tomorrow is gonna be a long day". He said before making his way to the bathroom.


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I 🤍 Y'all