
CAPTIVATED HEART {Entangled with you}

nmesoma_joseph · Urban
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26 Chs

Chapter 03 & 04 ««{A NEW JOB}»»


✨(Entangled with you)✨

Theme: Love & Affection 🌺

By; @jossyfrosh8

Note: The questions in the comments section are not just there for jokes or fancy. They are there for you to reply them or better still drop your thoughts about the questions🤍



"Good morning sir". The workers greeted with their heads down as Mr Shadow paced to and fro in their midst.

"Shut the fuck up!!!". He yelled while the ladies flinched.

"One question for you all and I need a quick reply else you are all gone". He said calmly while they all started shaking.

"Why do they keep complaining about our electronics? Why is it always faulty when then purchase it? Why do I feel you all want me to go bankrupt?". He asked staring at all of them.

"Sir, our equipment and machines for production are slightly faulty and we tried fixing it but it got worse". The General Manager said while he chuckled.

"The equipment are faulty and you can't purchase another one? Why then are you the General Manager when you can't perform your duty?". He asked staring at him while he looked down.

"I'm sorry sir". He pleaded while Mr Shadow threw an angry glare.

"Of course you should be sorry. You should be sorry for yourself because the next time this shit happens, you all are fired. This is not the only company I have, why is the fault always coming from this particular company?". He screamed adjusting his suit.

"Replace every faulty machine, even if it's just the remote that has fault, replace it. I'm done hearing shits from our purchasers". He said and walked away while they all started murmuring.

"Jason, see me in my office now!!. I'm also done hearing shits". The General Manager said and walked away.

"I've never seen him this angry before. Guess we really got him angry". A lady said to her friend as they exit the room.

"Yeah. I agree with you. Our department has no issue because the main fault is coming from the Production Department". The other lady said.

"Yeah but I just hope it gets resolved in time. I can't keep seeing his scary face". She replied and they both chuckled before entering the elevator.



The students all gathered around giggling and whispering as Flute came down from his car. He tucked his hands into his pocket and licked his lips before looking sideways.

Most of the girls tripped, some quickly took their face away while some left their mouth open as he made his way to his home room.

A teacher was already in but that doesn't mean he won't go in. He walked in proudly while the student especially the girls began their murmurs.

He walked straight to the back and sat next to girl who froze immediately he sat down. Blaire glared dangerously at the girl while the teacher went on with her teaching.

"A quick recap. What is Word Stress? The stress placed on syllables within words is called word stress. In one word, we lay emphasis on one syllable, while the other syllables are given less emphasis. Where you place stress or emphasis within a word can affect the way in which it is pronounced and therefore its meaning. As a result, knowing which syllable within a word should be emphasised or stressed is very important for correct pronunciation. The reason for this is that placing stress on the wrong syllable within a word can completely change the meaning of a word..........."



Callie came out of her room and and met her mum in the sitting room still with the same necklace she was working on the previous day.

"Good afternoon mum". She greeted and her mum looked up immediately dropping the bead in her hand.

"How was your night baby?". She asked tapping the space beside her.

"Fine mum. At least I got a long nice sleep". Callie replied smiling while her mum pat her hair.

"Well it's still morning though. Just few minutes to noon. Aren't you going to the restaurant?". She asked while Callie hissed folding her arm.

"I got fired yesterday. That woman really got on my nerves". Callie said while her mum chuckled.

"I'm sorry you have to work so hard just to earn a living". She said while Callie groaned.

"It's not your fault we are in this situation, I chose to do this. You didn't push me into this so stop blaming yourself". Callie said while her mum nod.

"I'll be on my way. I need to kick some asses and get a better job. I'll make sure I deal with her daughter the next time I set my eyes on her". Callie said standing to her feet.

"Be good and don't bring home trouble. Let the trouble be, don't beat up someone else's child!!!". Her mum yelled but she was already out of the house.

She walked down the dusty road humming a song. A car sped pass her almost knocking her down while she regained herself and ran after the car.

"Hey! Stop that darn car!!!! You rotten egg!!!! Stop this car now!!!!". She kept yelling as she chased the car breathing heavily.

She stopped and noted the number before heading towards her direction.

"Stupid citizens, you should have stopped the car and face if you dare. Can't believe he made me run that much, just pray I don't find you". She said as she kept walking while a guy laughed at her.

"I'm sure you are not in your right senses. How can you talk yo yourself on the road. Crazy people everywhere". He said and laughed again before walking away but she pulled him back.

"Repeat your dumb words if you dare!!!!". She yelled while he chuckled.

"You are causing a scene. Let go of me dullard". He said and she kneeled his d**k while she held his hands tight as he kept struggling with her. He clasped his knee together as he was but unable to touch it.

"Do you know what I do for a living?" She asked and he hissed.

"I beat up jerks like you. Try me again and I'll make sure I bring out a tooth painfully". She said and pushed him off roughly before walking away.

"I shouldn't have taken this route today". He groaned as he limped away holding his d**k with both hands.



"That's all for today, ensure you all attempt your assignment. Good day class". She said and left the class while the homeroom teacher walked in immediately the English Teacher left.

"Good Morning students". He said taking his eyes around the class.

"Good Morning Mr Harry". They all echoed the greeting.

"Yeah. I came to tell you all to prepare yourselves because the scholarship students will be joining us soon....".

"Why?". Flute asked rudely.

"It's was an order from your dad. We can't decline it". He replied while Blaire popped her gum loudly.

"Miss Blaire, if you can't stop the noise from your gum, then you are free to use the door". He said pointing at the door while she rolled her eyes.

"So, the flyers and posters are everywhere around. Do the school well by treating them nicely. Have a nice day". He said and left the class.

"This is somehow a good news!!" Quinnell screamed while Raggy hissed immediately.

"How?". Bluey asked shutting her laptop.

"It means more students to bully. This is so fucking good". She screamed again.

"Hey net, keep your ugly voice down. No one wants to here you talk". Raggy said and she threw him a dangerous glare.

"Mind your business because I wasn't talking to you!!". She yelled turning to her friends.

"Yeah you weren't talking to me but your ugly noise is disturbing". He said rolling his eyes.

"Then use the door". She snapped while he choked on his words.

"So courageous. I'm impressed". He said and stood up from where he sat heading straight to Flute's seat. He chased the girl away and sat beside him.

"Yo dude!". He said peeking into his phone.

"Done arguing?". Flute asked chatting up a bitch for tonight.

"She shut me up though. What nerves! Got plans for tonight?". He asked and Flute nod passing his phone to him.

"Where the hell is Drome?". Flute asked looking around the classroom.

"Out there having fun, lied to his mum he's feeling unwell". Raggy replied going through thier conversation.

"Crazy dumbbell". Flute said and licked his lips.

"Nice catch dude. Threesome?". He asked and Flute shook his head.

"No thank you. She is still clean and fresh for me to share. You can go in when I'm done but for now I need to charge up". Flute said snatching the phone from him.

"Link me up with one as well". Raggy said while Flute hissed.

"Mind if we tour down the bar tonight before I finally settle for business?". Flute asked while Raggy smiled.

"Count me in. Bills on you". He said and Flute nod going through his phone.

Blaire stood up from her seat and was about walking towards Flute when the next teacher came in. She groaned before sitting her ass down.

"Good morning students. Sorry I'm late". He said folding his collar.

"He is a badass". Raggy smirked nodding his head.

"First of all, you all did well in your assignment but Madison, Ivan, and the rest try harder".

"So moving on to today's discussion, we will treat Vectors again for the sake of those who aren't good with it and ensure you are all following. I'm sure you all know my rule, I can call out anyone at anytime so ensure you are following".

"We've done this before but just a quick equation before we proceed". He said and wrote the equation on the board while Bluey sighs.

"You have just one minute so do that quickly, I'll go round and check. Ensure you are solving the equation". He sat and moved round the class observing everyone's solutions.

"Pen's up. Raggy step out and attempt this equation. You have one minute to that". He said and threw the marker at him which he caught before standing up.

He walked to the board and attempted the equation. He solved it less than a minute and he also threw the marker at him while Flute chuckled.

"A round of applause for Raggy. He did his best. I'll take the correction of this and then we move in fully into what we have to do today". He said moving closer to the board.


They had two more subject and the bell rang for lunch, the teacher left the class and Blaire hurriedly made her way towards Flute.

"Hey flute, wanna have lunch with me?". She asked smiling.

"A chicken is better. I'll rather have lunch with a chicken". He said and Raggy burst into laughter holding his stomach.

"So a chicken is now better than you. Impressive". He said and she walked out of the class angrily while Raggy mimicks her.

He laughed again before exiting the class with Flute who spared him no glance as he gave his phone fill attention.



Callie saw a vacancy notice on the signboard and she rushed to it reading the content. She groaned placing her hands on her waist.

"A bar? That means I will only have to work at night. Mum is not gonna approve that. Anyways, I've got to try my luck". She note down the address and flagged down a taxi.


Callie walked into the bar and met few people inside. She walked straight to the counter and the guy smiled when he saw her.

"Hi, need a shot of tequila?". He asked and she shook her head.

"I'm here to see the owner of the bar". She requested and he stared at her for a while before going into a inn.

She looked around the classic bar and observed that eyes were on her. She rolled her eyes at all of them and threw them all a scary face. They all looked away at once while she smirked.

"Take this route, you will see a door. Knock before you go in". He said and she brought out her phone putting on the flashlight while he chuckled.

She walked into the inn and saw the door. She knocked and was ushered in. She switched off the flashlight light, did a cross sigh before going in.

"Good afternoon sir". She greeted and he nod not raising his head.

"How may I help you?". He asked and she gulped down nothing she was lost staring at the small office.

He looked up and snapped his fingers on her face while she jerked diverting her gaze back to him.

"I'm here to fill up the vacant space here". She replied and he removed his glasses throwing her weird glares.

"You were fired right?". He asked and she nod.

"I can see the reason why got fired. Well, since you are here to work ensure you don't repeat whatever you did in your previous job here. I don't give my workers second chances". He said and she nod.

"Reason why you are left with just one attendant". She muttered and he threw her an angry glare .

"I heard all you said Mr...".

"You got the job and your pay is 5,000 won at the end of every month". He said and she nod.

"Thank you very much Mr you got the job and your pay is 5,000 won at the end of every month". She said and he turned to her sharply.

"That's not my name you.....".

"I'll resume tonight. Good day sir". She said and hurriedly left his small office.

"You are to resume 6pm this evening!!!". He yelled but she left already.

She met the guy and he waved at her while she hissed before walking out of the bar.

"So easy and smooth. Time to go home". She said flexing her fingers. She hasn't walked up to a mile away from the bar when she saw a flyer lying peacefully on the floor.

At first she ignored it but on a second thought, she took two steps backwards and observed it well. She gasped and picked it up immediately as she begins to read the content.

"This is a dream come true. I'm gonna check this out first thing tomorrow morning". She said and tucked it into her bag before running and jumping home happily.



"Guess what mum!!". She yelled immediately she got in while her mum looked up.

"What's that?". Her mum asked staring at her.

"Just guess". She said and her mum thought for a while before speaking up.

"You got a new job?". She asked and Callie nod smiling brightly.

"Wow.... I'm so happy for you right now". She said pulling her into a tight hug.

"I've found my way back into high school!!!!". Callie yelled bringing out the flyer.

"How?". She asked while Callie gave her the flyer.

"Tell me you are joking". She said still staring at the flyer.

"I'm not mum. This is so great". Callie said collecting the flyer from her.

"I'm so happy right now. So what kind of job is it?". She asked while Callie held her stomach and ran to her room.

"I'm pressed mum. I'll be back". She said as she ran to her room in full speed.

She got to her room and locked the door. She wiped the little sweat on her forehead before sitting on her bed.

"Much better". She said and heaved a sigh of relief.

She pulled of her clothes and ran to the bathroom for a cold long shower.

She came out few minutes later and got dressed in something light and covering. She checked the time and smiled.

"I have just thirty minutes left". She said and ran out of her room. She went to the sitting room and met her mum working on a bracelet.

"I'm off mum". She said walking to the kitchen.

"Where to?". She asked and Callie gasped opening the little fridge.

"Work". She replied bringing out a chill bottled water. She popped the cover and took a gulp.

"What kind of work is that?". She asked walking into the kitchen.

"Mum, please don't say no. I know you are not going to support this but please don't say no". Callie pleaded with her mum.

"What kind of job is that?". She asked again while Callie sighs.

"A bar attendant". Callie replied waiting for her mum's reply.

"Fine but ensure you don't come home late. Remember you are still a child". She said while Callie smiled pulling her into a tight hug.

"Thank you mum. Get enough rest and go to bed early". Callie said and pecked her before rushing out of the house.


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I 🤍 Y'all