
Capital A

Nero, a high school student with distinctive white hair, finds his mundane life shattered when he's unexpectedly pursued by by a Man wearing a black coat, claiming he possesses a rare magical ability as a sorcerer. Confused and skeptical, Nero is thrust into a world of magic and danger.

X_Nen · Action
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26 Chs

Nero X Mika

The man with the guitar strides forward, his dreadlocks swaying as he plucks the strings of his instrument. Aeon, vigilant, raises his arm, shielding Nero. The stranger's eyes lock onto Aeon's, and he continues to play playful notes on his guitar.

"Don't move," Aeon commands, his voice a low murmur. The man says "I'm not here to harm you. Just to collect this." He bends down, retrieving a dried, black branch-like structure from the ground. It crumbles slightly in his gloved hand. Aeon remains still, unyielding, while Nero watches from behind.

The man places the fragment into a small sample bag, securing it with care. His gaze flickers between Aeon and Nero. "You're formidable," he admits a hint of awe in his voice. "But I'd never dare challenge you."

Aeon's lips curve into a faint smile. "Now go," he says, granting permission. The stranger nods, slipping away into the shadows, guitar still humming softly. The air around them holds a lingering tension, a mystery unsolved. 


Aeon turns to Nero, the weight of their encounter with the mysterious guitar man still lingering. "It's time we go home," he murmurs, his gaze fixed on the bag clutched in Nero's hand. 

"What do you plan to do with that?" Aeon's voice is low, almost conspiratorial. He knows the significance of the object it was a gift for his son.

Nero summons a spectral dog. Its form shimmers into existence from Nero's shadow, eyes gleaming with scarlet eyes. "Is that a soul retriever?" Aeon asks, awe-colorizing his words.

Nero's reply. "I don't know his name," he admits. "But during my meditation, I visualized him—a guardian of lost souls." The soul retriever approaches, jaws cradling the bag gently. Without hesitation, it turns and trots away, vanishing into the shadows.

Nero watches, wondering will that dog will reach the destination.




Aeon and Nero trudge back home, weariness etched into their every step. Aeon collapses onto the couch, muscles protesting from the day's events. The room envelops him, cocooning him in a comforting silence.

Meanwhile, Nero, equally drained, slips into the kitchen. There, Albert—stirs pots and pans, orchestrating a symphony of flavors. The aroma of simmering spices fills the air, a balm for their tired souls.

Nero approaches Albert, gratitude shining in his eyes. "Thank you," he murmurs, voice soft as a secret. Albert nods, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. 

As they gathered around the table, the clink of cutlery punctuated the room as Nero, Albert, and Aeon discussed the day's events. Later, beneath the same roof, Aeon Albert and Nero find solace in sleep. Tomorrow awaits, but for now, they surrender to the quiet embrace of night.


Nero awakens on the couch, his surroundings bathed in the soft morning light. Albert and Aeon lie sprawled nearby, both sound asleep. Aeon's exhaustion is understandable, given their recent escapades. But Albert's weariness puzzles Nero. Why would Albert be so drained?

Shrugging off the mystery, Nero heads to the bathroom for a refreshing shower. The water cascades over him, washing away the remnants of yesterday's chaos. Dressed and ready, he prepares a simple breakfast—toast and scrambled eggs—before setting off for school.

The streets are quiet as Nero walks, the city still half-asleep. His mind buzzes with questions: What awaits him today? Should I talk about my situation? 


Nero is walking down the road, reminiscing about the three days of school he had to miss. As he scratches his head, he takes the same route where he first met Aeon. A smile spreads across his face as he walks, stretching his arm and continuing his journey. Suddenly, a voice rings out, "NEROooo!!!" It's Mika, screaming and running towards Nero from behind. As Nero turns around, he sees Mika charging towards him. She jumps and hugs him, causing both of them to tumble to the ground. 

"Hey, are you okay?" Nero asks. Mika gets up, tidying her skirt. "I'm sorry, I got a bit excited," she says, thinking to herself, 'I cannot tell Nero about Sera, it will just make him worried.' Nero stands up, tidying his shirt, and says, "Nice to see you. I really did miss you." Hearing this, Mika's face turns red. "You did?" she asks, and they look into each other's eyes.


Mika is holding Nero's arm as they start walking towards the school. Nero is thinking to himself, 'I know she likes me, we both do, but today she seems quite different.' Mika is lost in her own thoughts, 'It's been two days since I saw Sera. I went to her house that day just to meet her. She was acting all weird, her hair was blond and shorter. I know her father is an alcoholic but he is a good man. But there was no one at her house, even the locks were open. There was no sign of a struggle or a robbery. She just vanished.' 

As these thoughts race through her mind, she grips Nero's arm tightly. Nero turns to her and asks, "Hey, are you worried about something?" Mika hesitates before responding, "No, just thinking about some things, nothing special," and laughs it off. Nero is suspicious but understanding. "Ok, as you say," he replies, bringing her closer as they continue their walk towards the school. 

Finally, they reach the school entrance where they part ways to their respective classes. 


Nero turns to Mika, starting to say, "Hey, just call me if you..." He doesn't finish his sentence, but he doesn't need to. He knows Mika understands his concern for her. With a final glance at Mika, Nero starts walking towards his classroom. 

He steps into the room, a familiar space filled with the hum of anticipation for the day's lessons. He makes his way to his regular bench, situated near the window in the middle of the room. The bench offers a view of the school grounds, a sight that often provides a moment of calm amidst the day's chaos. 

Settling into his seat, Nero pulls out the books he will need for the lecture. The pages are worn from use, each one holding knowledge waiting to be absorbed. As he flips open the first book, the classroom buzzes with the energy of a new day of learning.

"Unfortunately, there won't be a new chapter this Sunday due to poor health."

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