
Capital A

Nero, a high school student with distinctive white hair, finds his mundane life shattered when he's unexpectedly pursued by by a Man wearing a black coat, claiming he possesses a rare magical ability as a sorcerer. Confused and skeptical, Nero is thrust into a world of magic and danger.

X_Nen · Action
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Judgement Part 1

Nero is dreaming about yesterday's incident 'NO…..NO….No…..no….!!!!' he sweating and breathing heavily he wakes up with cold sweat. "You awake now summoner" Aeon sat on the chair beside Nero "You passed out when you got attacked, do you remember anything that happened yesterday?" "Please let him rest he just woke up," said a girl with long dark blue hair wearing a brown jacket and blue jeans the zipper of her jacket was barely holding it. "Hey Jean," Aeon said in an unenthusiastic tone " Don't hey me why didn't you call me when he woke up?" she said angrily 

Rather than talking any further Aeon stood up and went out of the room

Jean puts her hands on her waist as Aeon goes out "Don't worry about him he has always been like that, Ever since…"Jean realized she was talking too much "O Sorry please take some rest, you have to attend a meeting this afternoon please come to the central hall of the mansion" With this said Jean ran out of the room.

"wait want do you mean by mansion" Nero tried to ask but it was too late, he then looked out the window, His jaw just dropped 'what the fuck how huge is it!!!' He decides to roam around the mansion observing its grandeur 

Nestled amidst a dense, ancient forest, the colossal mansion stands as a silent sentinel of the past, its weathered stones and timeworn facade hinting at nearly two centuries of existence. Despite its age, the construction exudes an enduring strength, with a resilience that defies the passage of time.

As you approach through the whispering woods, the exterior of the mansion weaves a tale of both mystery and history. The facade, though still standing tall, bears the marks of countless seasons, with ivy tendrils clinging to its surface and a muted color palette that lends an eerie charm. The illusion of an abandoned haunted castle takes hold, capturing the imagination with ghostly silhouettes against the twilight sky.

Once inside, however, the atmosphere shifts dramatically. The halls, bathed in the warm glow of modern lighting fixtures, stand in stark contrast to the foreboding exterior. The interior boasts a subtle marriage of tradition and modernity, seamlessly blending the charm of yesteryears with the convenience of contemporary living.

In these well-lit corridors, the walls may echo with the whispers of history, but the rooms themselves embrace the comforts of modern amenities. A fusion of antique furnishings and sleek, updated fixtures creates a unique ambiance—a space where the echoes of the past harmonize with the conveniences of the present.

As the mansion stands at the edge of the forest, it invites intrigue and curiosity, a setting ripe for exploration in the pages of a light novel—a place where the secrets of the past intertwine with the possibilities of the present.

As Nero is taking it all in he bumps into A tall man he too has white hair but it is a bit on the grey side while Nero's is Silver he is wearing a white shirt top buttons off showing his toned body and a perfect cut body paired with black pants and a katana on his back his one eye is covered under bandages "I'm sorr.." Before Nero could apologize the man walked away "SORRY TO BUMP INTO YOU" Nero screamed at the top of his voice, the man turned his eye dilated and then continued to walk away 

Nero scratched his head. "Maybe I offended him; it is almost afternoon. Perhaps I should head towards the central hall." The moment Nero took his first step, he found himself surrounded by five people: Jean and the katana guy on the left. 'I just met that guy,' he thought. Aeon was there, along with a man wearing a pink seersucker shirt and shorts, chewing gum and Aeon. "I don't know who that other guy is, and why is he chewing gum?"

In front of him stood a guy sitting on an armchair in the dark. The man stood up and said, "Welcome, Mr. Nero. My name is Sir William the 3rd. I hope you liked my house?" Sir William approached Nero with a smile. As he came closer, Nero could finally see how he looked in the light. A tall young European man with long blond hair and a brown three-piece suit. Nero took a few steps back as Willam approached him a line of sweat went down his cheek his eyes dilated and his throat became dry 'There is something off about this guy he looks like an angle but his aura feels like that of a monster'

Sir William observed Nero's fear and decided not to move any further. He returned to his seat. "Everyone, please take a seat." Chairs materialized behind each person, including Nero. 'He is a sorcerer, just like me, which means everyone here could be a sorcerer.'

"You must be confused about everything. Yesterday, you were approached by us, got attacked, passed out, and woke up in this mansion. Nothing must be making any sense to you." Willam said while sipping his tea, Nero nodded his head in agreement.

"So, Aeon and Albert have told you that you have a special ability to summon magic beasts and there are people who want to use your ability to summon the great general Karna."

Nero nodded in agreement but was confused hearing the name Karna "Wait from Karna you mean the character fro…"

Willam said "Yes that Karna they want to summon him the reasons we don't know about"

"Another reason we decided to bring you here is because of yesterday's incident after you were attacked by the rouge sorcerer you passed out."

"yes, I know that much," Nero said while sipping his cup of tea.

Willam put down his cup of tea "What you don't know is that after you passed out two of your beasts ran rampant, they almost killed your friends Mika and Sera not only that you severely injured Albert"

Nero dropped the cup in his hand breaking the cup into small pieces and spilling the tea, his eyes dilated as he could not make eye contact with his reflection caused by the tea he just spilled, unable to lift his head he was holding his head pulling his hair as he was unable to cry everything around him felt silent 'I ... did....'

Aeon tried to calm down Nero "Please control yourself it wasn't your fault, both of your friends are safe and Albert is doing quite well"

"What do you mean it's not his fault it's his ability that he can't control, he almost killed Albert !!" Jean shouted angrily 

"Silent both parties will get their chance, But first Nero should speak and put forth his case" Willam commanded

Nero stilled shocked and full of guilt tears dripping from his eyes "I am just an ordinary boy I didn't ask for this power all I wanted was to live my life with peace I just wanted to be with my friends I have no one else my parents are dead my relatives won't talk to me so if you want to kill me just do it I won't regrate it I have already tried to hurt the person I love and I can't guarantee it won't happen again." Nero wiped the tear " So if you want to kill me KILL me" his eyes were filled with determination.