

Xavier walked away coldly as he heard that. The same man he had trusted for years the one who had raised him, his own brother turned his back on him and stabbed a knife through him by betraying him and going against him along with the other villagers.

"I hope they all rot when I make them suffer worst than I have" Xavier whispered. "And why cant I smell anything" He continued

"Alora, please don't go over there its rumoured that vampires live there" Adeline said trying to spook the poor girl.

"Oh shush Adeline, I'm going and there's nothing you can do about it" Alora replied

"I'm not going but if you don't return in 2 hours Im calling the police" Adeline Said followed by an ok from Alora.

After climbing the fence Alora excitedly walked to the grand doors of the now ancient looking castle.

After Opening the doors she immediately noticed the lovely painting sitting on the wall she got closer to it noticing a Handsome man with stunning blue eyes. "wow" she whispered

The sound of splashing reached her ears and out of instinct she looked behind her and clung to a wall.

After seeing a small passageway she went through it, quickly noticing that it led to a backyard. She noticed there was a covering over the pool. With her curiosity getting to her and her mind buzzing she decided to pull it off.

Then a gasp fell off her lips along with the silent thought 'Curiosity killed the cat'.

Xavier Heard the rusty front doors open but thinking that it was Theodore he brushed it off.

He got into the tub with a splash. "Ahh, all those years of sleep might pay off" He said

"I need to exercise and gain back my muscles and precious abs, its not every day a vampire goes to sleep for that long" He cried out dramatically.

He heard the draw of a cover followed by a gasp. And a scent...

Thank you for reading:)

euphoricacreators' thoughts