
Can We Kiss Forever

"Master, I am just a comforting flower that has no fragrance!" "I don't care! I'll be a bee that lands there," "Sir, won't the bee also leave in the end? Jack was just sad, hearing Eveline's rejection. But Jack, he can't just let his love go.

Daoistc54zTk · Fantasy
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7 Chs


"So what?"

"I have one special request," Tania explained.

"Whatever you ask for, I hope God will grant it. You deserve to be happy,"

"Thank you, Gio"

"Tomorrow you will go to America, are you sure? Stay here for a few more days,"

"I can't,"

"Why can not?"

"I do not want to bother you!"

"You always say that, as if you are just a burden to me. But do you know? I'm happy when you're next to me. I don't feel lonely!"

"Gio, do you like me?" asked Tania.

Currently Gio just silently staring into the eyes of the woman in front of him, Gio loves this woman. But Gio didn't want this woman to know, right now Gio didn't want this woman to know about his heart. Gio is just afraid that there will be a distance between them.

"Yes, I like you as a best friend!"

Hearing that, somehow Tania's little heart felt sad. At this time, I don't know what Tania is expecting, but Tania hopes that Gio will like her.

"Oh, I see!"

"Stay here for a few more days" said Gio.


"Just a few days, I will also go to America. I get a promotion, we will go together. I can't let you go alone," said Gio.

"I'm not alone there either!" said Tania.

"Still you have to go with me!" said Gio.

"Gio, what if your parents know? They don't like me. Because I'm just not a good girl,"

"It's not your fault, besides everyone has a bad side. Nobody's perfect, as long as you're satisfied with yourself. It means you live a good life, even if it's not perfect, then what's there to be concerned about? Only you have the right to your life The most important thing is that you always have to be happy,"

Hearing Gio's words, at this time Tania started to smile. Her lips began to widen, the curve of her lips indicating if the words were from Gio put his heart at ease. Able to calm his heart, even though now it feels a little sad. But Tania is grateful for being alive, after all, Tania did that for one reason.

Not everyone has an easy life, even though you have tried, this world does not allow you to live happily.

"I'll be staying here in a few days, I'll be going to America with you!"

Gio also looks happy to hear Tania's decision.


"Jack, you are very cold to Elizabeth, you should be even nicer to her. After all, Elizabeth is your future wife!"

Hearing the words of his mother, Jack looked sad. Even though he had tried to hold himself back, even though Jack felt uncomfortable, Jack kept trying not to disappoint his parents. But unfortunately, his parents could not understand what Jack was feeling.

"I'm sorry mom, I'll be nicer. I'll be nicer to Elizabeth!"

"Isn't that girl very beautiful? She even has a good career. Jack, you should feel happy because you got the perfect wife, all men chase their love. But Elizabeth prefers you!"

"I'm a sorry father!"

"It's okay, mom and dad are only watching you from a distance. You look uncomfortable, don't you two communicate properly?"

Jack is currently just silent, not wanting to talk much. Seeing Jack who didn't make a sound, at this time a mother understood that what she had chosen for her child was not able to make her child happy.

"Jack, don't you like this match? If you don't like it, then I will cancel it, what I want is your happiness. I chose Elizabeth as your future wife because I know Elizabeth likes you. Someone who loves you can't hurt you! "

"If Elizabeth's mother thinks she is a good woman, then I will gladly accept. But my mother also needs time!"

"Jack do you currently like another woman?"

Jack, he could only return to silence. Jack, can't answer the question from the mother. Actually, at this time Jack was feeling a little doubtful about his heart, after all even though this feeling indeed loved. Jack still can't have the comfort woman, Jack's father and mother will certainly never give their blessing when they know who the woman is.

"Nothing! I don't like other women!" Jack.

"Yet you look so heavy taking this!"

"That's probably just mother's feelings!" Then at this time, Jack began to leave his mother and father.

Jack immediately went to his car, who knows where Jack is going tonight? The point is that tonight Jack doesn't want his mother and father to know, the feelings Jack is feeling. The black Ferrari that Jack was driving at high speed. Jack didn't care about anything, Jack just wanted to satisfy his heart. And came Jack outside the discotheque, where Jack met the woman. Even though at this moment Jack looked doubtful, Jack wanted to see that woman again. As long as Jack was in Indonesia, Jack always waited for the woman to appear. Jack always spent his nights at the discotheque, but the woman was never seen.

"Today can you get me drunk?" Jack asked the bartender.

The man in front of Jack, at this time only stared at Jack but didn't say anything at all.

"Give me your best alcohol, I need a drink that will make me drunk. Get me as drunk as I can, until I hallucinate and see that woman. Can you do that?"

"Sir, are you sure?" asked the barman.

"Do I look like I'm joking?"

Then without thinking long the bartender began to give his best alcohol jack. One glass of the first alcohol was given by the bartender, Jack drinks one time. But Jack still doesn't feel anything.

"Give me one more glass of alcohol!" Jack said.

Then the second alcohol glass began to be given back to Jack, but Jack was still not drunk.

"Give me alcohol like this again to me!"

Jack, continued to ask for alcoholic drinks from Bartender. Jack, didn't think about his health which Jack thought now was against his feelings. Then the thirty-three alcohol glass was finally Jack to spend, now Jack began to get drunk. Jack's eyes began to faint, but Jack. He still doesn't want to stop here, Jack keeps asking for the alcoholic drink again.