
Chapter 008

The secen were keep running and running again and again.. even she try to ignore her heart already accept him not as best friend but more than that. As she were talking with her secret keeper. The dark grey clouds where shinning makes them look like vampire or its connected to another world and some dark vampires gonna come through. Like it's there birthday and gonna celebrate thier birthday drinking human's blood, eating them as they were there favourite meal. And the night birds instead of sining lullybuy, thier eyes were shinning eviliy telling you to hide somewhere befre the dark person wearing a black coat hiding his face with some black mask flying a little bit above the ground type of peson gonna come. BUt Ananya don't give a fuck to that ..today nature wear looking diffrently talking with her small voice inside her head, while looking outside the window as everything looking like something dangerous gonna happen. As she spot someone with black coat, as she realise her thoughts are coming to reality. "what the-- is my thoughts are ture..M'I an astrologer...woahhh". As she hide herself little bit trying to see. As that person remove his black hat , Ananya recognize people whome she know as she narrow her eyes to look properly as there was an vampire vibe were outside. She recognize whose that person is, it's none another than her neighbourhood. "Kunal..ooo he's sneaking out his house let's get some proof...".As she remove take her phone from night table taking a solid proof..to show him. she litreally loose contact with her soul. As she turn back to praise the dark beauty of nature her secret keeper the dark clouds were move out from there ..and the blue sky were shinning looking like there were a small land above the clouds with small fairies stay having party under the dim light of moon a light which makes you look like a beautiful queen, a confident one. As Ananya's expression change when she remember the presence the touch of his body makes her heart go crazy, Not beliving on her own heart were gone crazy just because of someone touch, as her mouth left chuckle, a happyiest one but also a crazy one.

"woah..how could someone's touch, presence makes you like that,,the way i was feeling towards him was amazing...i can't describe it in words I don't have any control, and holds over my heart she's going crazy this day..only when he's around ...his brown eyes, shinie silk hair its so soft and smooth that even my hand got slip when i try to grab him by hair. his presence always makes me to get more close to him and praise the every beauty on his body, his manner, his behaviour, sometimes he do dumb things, but still i love his presence..it's like i just want to feel his presence all day..I know it's impossible but still ..." . she can't help her own heart to stop loving someone she never want to lose. As she make her way towards her soft small land with hr thoughts that makes her to think about him and her ...still she try to ignore the fact she were started to love him without her realising.