
Hard work

"I can't wait to taste you." the messages are coming in fast and Jenna can't believe what she's actually reading.

It all started after a cheeky social media post of her late night G and T at her home, just a random post but thought she'd share with what few followers she has, how exactly she has decided to welcome the beginning of the weekend - it is Friday after all!

The carefully postioned bottle of craft gin placed next to the balloon glass filled with ice, gin, tonic and a wedge of lime has just reached 23 likes from existing followers and some random people who just stumble across the picture.

*ping* signalling a new notification on Jenna's stupid new phone which she hasn't managed to fully grasp yet. taking a quick glance to the screen she sees its in fact a direct message, deciding to open the message - "let's drink to the weekend" captioned the picture of a tumbler half filled with a amber liquid. Dan in all the years Jenna has known him has never private messaged her, they don't even know each others phone numbers, yes Dan every so often would slip a comment on a photo that Jenna would have posted, normally something sarcastic and really not very constructive. But never, never private messaged.

Jenna smiled quickly typing back ...

~Well earnt drink after a busy week at work.

Quickly that floating pen icon began to move signalling Dan is typing.

~I saw you earlier today , you looked busy think you was dealing with a complaint.

Boy he wasn't half wrong, Jenna had been dealing with Mrs O'Neil who claimed the trousers she had purchased last week was in fact faulty, because she can't zip them up with out assistance. Long story short Jenna had refused the refund. Mrs O'Neil thought it appropriate to hurl abuse at Jenna, "The customer is all ways right!!! i want to speak to your ****ing manager get them down, I'll report your sorry ****ing ass!"

"I am the man-a-ger, now take those trousers and leave my store" Jenna calmly responded whilst putting particular emphasis on the word Manager.

It was the only complaint that she had to deal with all day. But working in the retail business is hard work and tiring. Jenna has always had a hands on approach and likes to think she leads by example, never asks someone to do a job that she won't do herself, having started working at Arlington's straight from leaving school at 16 as a simple sales associate 12 years on to the store manager that she is now at 28, Jenna is the youngest store manager in the 32 strong branch company, aside from being the youngest store manager shes also known for her choice of footwear. Jenna's choice of footwear being high heels normally a good 4 inches high and envious to most women as Jenna seems to be able to wear them all day long. Jenna has a thing for shoes and bags and jewellery and well pretty much everything and working at Arlington's selling high end high street fashion, doesn't help either it could well be she spends her salary before she's even earned it. Shoes makes her feel tall and pretty, Jenna isn't oblivious to the side way glances she's get as she walks by men the odd wolf whistle confirms it, but although she knows she didn't exactly fall off the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down to the ground she also feels there are so many beautiful girls out there who's much prettier than she is. Jenna isnt particular tall just the average height of 5ft4 and like most women a inbetween size of 8 and 10, she has hips and little tits, dark brown hair cut in to a stylish bob just above the shoulders but it is her girl friends Eve - tall 5ft 9, slim, blonde, gorgeous. Kimmie - 5ft 5, big tits, pixie hair and cute... They're the ones who attracts the attension of the men on nights out. Jenna is well accustomed to playing the wing woman to Eve and Kimmie, when they set their eyes on their potential target. But it was not long after Jenna had said good bye to her teens, welcoming the Two zero on her night out with Kimmie and Eve that she met Dan.

my first ever attempt to writing a story

f_Wilsoncreators' thoughts