
Can Marriage really be Perfect

Wiap_Limas · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 2 Imperfect already

Today was officially his first day in the marriage. Yesterday Yo-han had gotten married. It had been a long and horrible day of listening to kids, who wanted to be stars but had no talent; some had high pitched voices while others athlete's foot acting.

Yo-han was coming home to relax, bearing in mind that his wife is 20, he'll not expect much. Maybe she's still at work or she's cleaning the house. He severely miscalculated.

He lived in a luxury apartment on the 20th floor of a penthouse, in the middle of Seoul. Already on ground level, blinking lights came from his place. When Yo-han opened the door, some kid was popping champagne which splashed entirely on his face. Deafening music blasted, he could see some geeks playing a weird game on his TV. His wife, the woman with numerous accolades, was the DJ, dancing on the kitchen counter.

What had he been expecting? This is no surprise.

"Yo, peeps that's my honey." She got down, ran and hugged Yo-han tightly.

Her party members all cheered.

"I'm too tired for this. I'm going to bed. I'll shout tomorrow. HAVE FUN!" he shouted angrily once released.

Next morning, when coming out of his bedroom, he tripped on some trash from last night's wildness and landed on his back. After getting up, he went to look for Krystal, who was sleeping on the ground, somehow with the TV on her.


Krystal got startled and hit her head, "Ouch, watch the yelling"

"Please put your old lifestyle you used to have away, in the US where it belongs. Here it's considered immature"


"We are getting a divorce."

"After only one day? Over a party? Yet I'm immature?"

"It is how it is," replied Yo-han.


"Watch the yelling," mocking her now.


Somebody ponded on the door, he or she determined to break it down.

"It's your parents, here to check on you."

While Yo-han seemed pleased, Krystal fidgeted.

"Don't tell them. Mother will kill me."

"Please, this place already tells the story. Let's end it," marching towards the door.

"No!" with that, Krystal tackled Yo-han, then pinned him to the ground. Yo-han laid on his front, all four limbs held in place. He tried to free himself but man, she had the grip of a bear.

"Let... me... go!"

"Not until you promise not to tell."

"Seriously, are we kids now?"

Finally, he got her off and made for the door, but she held his leg. The two started rolling and wrestling on the ground 'till the were behind the couch. Breathless, on his back, Yo-han was pinned by Krystal again.

"Give up yet. You can't beat me, you're so old."

Yo-han admitted, not to being old; to the fact that she had a pretty face, when she's angry.

"What happened here?" someone shouted from the other side.

He forgot that he gave the house pin to his father because Mr. Cha regularly checked on him. The two jumped up from behind the couch.

"Forget the house, what happened to you two?" Miss Wong asked.

All the fighting turned them filthy.

Already selling his wife out, "Krystal decided to throw a party last night and..."

"I was sleeping, you had dinner with friends," Krystal interjected.

"Dinner? Friends? Me! I don't have friends in the first place."

"You make yourself sound perfect but you're completely wild"

Mrs. Lee and Mr. Cha looked in each others faces, they heard a lot of descriptions about their son; 'wild' is ... a new word.

"Oh... okay, then let's check the CCTV."

"CCTV? What CCTV?" Krystal's clearly scared.

"You didn't know? There's cameras in the kitchen and hall, not in the bedrooms though. Let's check."


"Why not?" folding his arms in confidence.

"I'm more worried about you than me. Do you want to embarrass yourself in front of our three parents."

"Quiet!" said Mr. Cha, who is very fond of shouting, "Let's check the cameras."

Both agreed.

Yo-han brought out the backup system and Krystal fixed the TV. After connecting it, Yo-han rewound last nights files. To everyone's surprise, Yo-han was the one dancing on the the kitchen table and not Krystal. In fact, he was the life of the party. All eyes went to him.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, Noooo," it's not me, raising his hands in defense, "you... you did something to the tapes."

"It was your idea!" commented Krystal. Brandishing a finger in front of him, "you see, you're the troublemaker."

Mr. Cha hit the back of Yo-han's head, "it's only been one day, ONE DAY, yet there's so much havoc." After calming down, he spoke again. "Miss Wong, a word please."

The newlyweds were left in the hall while the parents spoke in the kitchen. Yo-han, stunned at this point wanted to know what happened.

Krystal leaned towards him and whispered, "if you had been a bit nicer to me things would've been different."


"Yesterday my friends found the CCTV and I changed it. It's nothing when you minor in computer science, go read the effects of green on pictures and videos. Next time you mention divorce...." she showed her fist.

'She's imperfect, already, how do I get rid of her.' is all Yo-han thought about.