

"Hurry up Mona!"

"Am doing as fast as I can!"she squealed from the bedroom.

"Done!"she said,emerging from the room.Mona had pestered me for a week about going to this new club that had been opened downtown.As the good friend that I was,I decided to accompany her since I was also curious:hehe.😇😇

We got to the club alright.Gee,the girl was all jumpy as if she had taken pins for lunch!We entered the club and I ordered a glass of wild ginger sherry.Mona disappeared in the crowd of dancing folk.I called the barman and whispered in his ear

"Could you fill my glass with sweetened water instead of alcohol? I know it's a weird request but I don't drink,I tagged along to keep my friend company"he smiled at me then nodded.Pheux!I silently breathed in relief,wiping imaginary sweat from my brow.I sat there like a loner watching people dancing,coming and going.We had been in there for three hours and I stood up to look for Mona so that we could go back home.I started feeling drowsy and everything around me became blurry.I held onto the walls and anything for support.At one point I fell then felt strong arms holding me."Mona?I..is that.. you?"Then my world went black*****

I woke up in this crazy big room.Gee it was twice my room!!I felt a cold breeze tingling the small of my back.Wait-I looked in the blanket.HOLY MOTHER OF LIBERATION!!I was naked and there was blood.NO!NO!NO!-I thought- IT CAN'T BE!I was raped and what was worse,I didn't know the culprit.I broke down and cried as I did when I was young.